Dao Shaohua

Chapter 115 Zixiao Thunder, Clouds Rise and Thunder Fall

Chapter 115 Zixiao Thunder, Clouds Rise and Thunder Fall

Sure enough, at the place where the sky collapsed, there was a bang, the earth burst, and there were infinite earthquakes.

There are some earth-breakers who also take action. When the sky collapses and the earth cracks, it immediately has a terrible effect. The original range of only three miles suddenly expanded to ten miles.

After arriving in this world, many people began to let themselves go. After years of practice, they couldn't help becoming crazy.

Anyway, three lives, wasting one, is not a big deal, anyway, I can't kill the top [-], anyway, as long as it is not the last [-], so anything can be wasted.

Immediately, Fu Xialiang was within this range, and he could only run away desperately.

At the last moment, the divine sword merged into one, and with a click, it rushed out of the scope of the sky-shattering earth-shattering and landed on the ground.

He gasped for breath, looked back, trembling all over.

"It's so good, I almost lost my blood."

"Who is this? It doesn't matter if you seek your own death. Don't pull me."

Zhang Yue said: "I'm really disgusted, come on, Xia Liang will give them a cannonball, come a Yunlei."

"Let these bastards get a taste of it!"

When Zhang Yue arrived here, he also began to let himself go.

Fu Xialiang shook her head and said: "No, never, the senior sister said the first thing on the battlefield, save yourself."

After finishing speaking, he carefully probed, and then fled, safety first.

When they first arrived on the battlefield, many people became excited and resorted to their most powerful means to act recklessly.

The surrounding world roared endlessly, and the practitioners of the 33-day battle formation all possessed devastating spells, and all of them used them.

The collapse of the sky, the crack of the earth, the wrath of gods, ghosts, man-made disasters, sunbursts, moonfalls, clouds and thunder, heart disasters, sword forests, sword mountains...

In fact, even monks who specialize in battle formation spells can cast the last skill of 33 days, and there are very few people in the Qi refining period, but as long as they can cast it, it will be a catastrophe.

But anyone who casts such a great spell is almost certain to die.

Once it is used, the traces are clear and traceable, and it is immediately surrounded by fellow sects around.

This kind of big spell is almost all long-range destruction, with attack but no defense.

As long as you get close, you will die immediately. The battle formation specialists are big meat, and they can't resist the approaching lore of individual inheritance monks.

Otherwise, monks who specialize in battle formation spells will not receive extra points from the Zongmen's special attention.

During this process, Fu Xialiang never made a move, but just dodged and avoided everyone.

With his ability to travel and fight, he is relaxed and comfortable here, and he will never advance rashly.

In the whole world, almost a dozen breaths, thousands of people were sent into the world.

It seems that countless stars fell from the sky, fell into the world, and turned into human forms.

The entire world is also incomparably huge, and it can completely accommodate the injection of more than 200 million people.

No matter how he walked, a person suddenly appeared in front of Fu Xialiang.

The man was still in a teleportation trance, Fu Xialiang suddenly rushed forward and raised his sword.

The man shouted, facing Fu Xialiang, he didn't know what to shout.

On his body, shields appeared, rising one by one, this is the practitioner of Shield Absolute "Trillion Weight".

With a flash of sword light, the heavy shields were shattered one by one. Although another one rose up, they were shattered immediately, and at the last flash, they were suppressed and killed by Fu Xialiang.

Killing the opponent, the head flew up, and a stream of light shot up into the sky.

Then the opponent's body turned into thousands of blood stains, scattered in all directions, and soaked into the earth.

Immediately, the land, about three feet away, was nourished by the opponent's blood, and became extremely real.

This is the purpose of this big competition, to nourish the chaotic chess game dimensional world with the blood of 200 million disciples.

The whole world is built like this, bit by bit.

But Fu Xialiang didn't have the time to pay attention to this, he continued to wander, be careful, he didn't want to kill the enemy, he just wanted to live.

In this way, after a little bit of suffering, batches of monks entered the arena.

In the end, more than 200 million people were put into this world.

Then came the seven days of fierce fighting, and as the seven days passed, the world began to shrink with the number of people shrinking, until the last man was fighting.

Everyone's battle here, someone else's assessment.

By killing the enemy, confronting the enemy, and various reactions, select the elite among them, figure out their hearts, judge and analyze, divide them equally, and finally rank the list.

It is said that tens of thousands of years ago, there was still a list that ranked everyone directly, inspiring them to kill each other.

But now the list has been cancelled, everything is a natural battle.

Fu Xialiang wandered around, watching him seem to be walking around unconsciously, but in fact he had his own reasons.

He was recording the surrounding landforms and looking for favorable terrain.

Every big competition, all worlds are randomly formed, so that no monks have a geographical advantage.

However, all laws are natural, no matter how the world is formed, there are certain laws above geography.

Take advantage of these laws, which is one of the conditions of victory.

Fu Xialiang searched carefully, and suddenly, he smiled.

Among the hills, he found a spiritual eye.

The so-called spiritual eye is the place where the spiritual energy in a spiritual vein gathers.

Some of the spiritual eyes are very prominent, and it is the place where countless monks fight to the death, because they can absorb spiritual energy here and recover quickly.

The spiritual eye that Fu Xialiang found was a hidden spiritual eye, which was very difficult to find, only his wandering career was the only way to discover it.

A magic weapon for victory.

Fu Xialiang went over immediately, but he didn't rush to search, but quietly checked, and suddenly waved his hand to cover his face.

It's getting dark, with one hand covering the sky.

This spiritual eye has already been occupied by a monk, it is well hidden, and a killing array has been set up to ambush it.

It should be the practitioner of Tu Jue's "Reincarnation of the Dirt".

But Fu Xialiang covered the sky with one hand, and in the assimilation of the night, he completely saw the trap set by the opponent and where the opponent was, so he slashed.

The cultivator felt bad, so he was about to detonate the earth to collapse and destroy the spiritual eye.

But one step too late, Fu Xialiang went down with a sword, and in the light of the sword, the monk had already been beheaded by him.

Fu Xialiang gasped and checked carefully.

Under the ground, the monk has built a stone chamber, and there is a spiritual spring in it, emitting a little spiritual energy.

This will be Fu Xialiang's base from now on, at least the hiding place for these seven days.

The dead Tujue cultivator couldn't be said to be there in the resurrection place, the world is so big, he has no chance to come back here at all.

Fu Xialiang rested here, not in a hurry, as steady as an old tortoise.

Zhang Yue was in a hurry, wishing he could go out and kill the enemy immediately.

Waiting silently, soon the sky is getting dark and night is coming.

Fu Xialiang laughed loudly and said, "It's done!"

The three nodded, Fu Xialiang left the stone room and moved quietly.

This time, he was not hiding from people, and went directly to the same door when he met him, and Hei Ye assimilated quietly came to the other party's side, killing him with a single blow.

However, there are very few colleagues who are still wandering in the wilderness at night, and any fool knows to dig a hole to hide.

The wanderers in the wilderness all thought they had the ability, and they also came out to kill people, but they were killed by Fu Xialiang.

After escaping for three hundred miles, he came to a hillside.

This is the spot picked during the day, and when he came here, Fu Xialiang said:

"Second brother, don't you want to see Yunlei?"


After speaking, he stretched out his fingers, forming a cross, and began to calculate silently.

After calculating the distance, he suddenly turned to the distance and used "Zixiao Thunder".

After he cast the spell, a thunderbolt with a length of three feet appeared.

The thunder seemed to be composed of countless clouds, boiling and rolling.

"Target, 270 miles to the east, in the hidden valley, there must be at least dozens of people hiding there!"

"Zixiao thunder, clouds rise and thunder falls!"


Boom, this cloud thunder just flew out, turned into a white line in the void, and went straight there.

Then soon I felt the ground tremble, and there were thunder sounds in all directions.

Suddenly, it seemed that there was a fire-filled mushroom cloud slowly rising in the distance.

If there are monks in that valley, this blow is death.

The monks who couldn't help but use the 33-day battle formation spell during the day were all dead.

At night, there were still people like this, and immediately the shadows of the surrounding fields shook.

Fu Xialiang said: "Second brother, the bait has been sent out, and the fish are coming, let's see how many you can kill!"

Zhang Yue just replied: "Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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