Dao Shaohua

Chapter 116 Xishan Lianxi Rain, Up This Foot Muddy

Chapter 116 Xishan Lianxi Rain, Up to a Hundred Feet

After a lot of three breaths, a figure came here quickly.

He moved at will, approaching the trees and turning into trees, approaching the flowers and plants and turning into flowers and plants, walking in the open space, turning into phantoms, looking for the one who released the thunder just now.

Such ability, this is the spiritual shield brought by Xin Jue's "The Great Mind".

The other party checked carefully, looking for traces of Fu Xialiang, but suddenly he felt a chill in his back.

He turned back in horror, and a figure appeared in the originally dark place.

It was Fu Xialiang, he smiled, and disappeared into the darkness again.

The figure fell to the ground, the body dissolved, and poured into the three-foot world, while the other party lost a life.

After killing this person, Fu Xialiang hid in the darkness, silently waiting for the second attack from the same sect.

Suddenly, a little streamer in the distance flew into the sky and went straight into the sky.

Fu Xialiang shook his head and said, "So unlucky? I have only been in this world for less than a day, and I have used up my three lives."

This is a fellow sect who has lost three drops of blood essence and has completely withdrawn from the competition.

As this person started, there were streamers flying into the sky one after another above the ground. They were all monks who had been killed three times and had withdrawn from the competition stage.

In this grand competition, the three thousand and 330 fellows who ranked last were expelled from the inner sect, and the opportunity to practice the Supreme Dao was abolished.

At this time, the second colleague has arrived here.

He controlled the wind and thunder, whistling to this point, he was already able to fly in the air, and his strength was strong.

Generally, monks in the mid-stage of Qi refining cannot fly to escape the void, and only in the late stage of Qi refining can they travel through the void with the help of flying magic tools.

This fellow in the mid-stage of qi refining can fly away without the aid of a magic weapon, so it can be said that his strength is outstanding.

Walking here in the void, I quickly searched for the person who released Yunlei just now, but with a flash of sword light, he split into two at low altitude and died immediately.

Zhang Yue fell to the ground and fled into the night in an instant.

Assimilation of the night now has a range of three miles, and this three miles is his home field, and everything cannot be hidden.

In this three years, he came quietly, stretched out his sword, and would definitely kill the powerful enemy.

This is really one to kill one, two to kill one pair, eight to kill eight, ten to kill five pairs...

In a blink of an eye, Zhang Yue killed more than 40 fellow disciples here, no matter what your cultivation level is, you will die here.

But at this point, the number of fellow students began to decrease.

Because everyone thought that they came late, and the guy who showed off Lei Jue was already dead, so he didn't come.

Fu Xialiang smiled, looked into the distance, and looked for the direction silently!
"180 miles to the northwest, there is a plain, it seems that people have gathered!"

"Zixiao thunder, clouds rise and thunder falls!"


Boom, another cloud and thunder shot out, a huge whistling sound, roaring in all directions, after more than ten breaths, the ground trembled, and there was another thunder explosion!

That place, with a radius of six or seven miles, was within the explosion range of Yunlei.

When the cloud and thunder fell, with one point as the core, all the vitality for several miles around was transformed by it in an instant, turning it into the terrifying element of fire and thunder.

Then all the fire and thunder elements began to detonate, causing all the vitality within ten miles to explode violently together, forming a cloud and mist detonation.

The cloud and thunder fell, forming ultra-high pressure, ultra-high temperature, and ultra-impact force, destroying all life.

The most terrifying thing is that sometimes a secondary explosion will be formed, resulting in a detonation effect.

The concept of Yunlei theory is ten miles away, but Fu Xialiang is only at the sixth level of Qi refining, so he can't reach this theory.

This blow, basically the same door in that place, is death.

Seeing the traces of cloud and thunder appearing here again, many fellow disciples around immediately killed them.

The rest is Zhang Yue's killing time again, let's kill one by one here.

With the assimilation of the night and his swordsmanship, he is simply invincible.

It doesn't matter what your strength is, what your cultivation is, here you go, one sword at a time.

After killing more than fifty people, a fellow disciple came.

This guy is impressively wearing more than 20 magic tools, all kinds of rubbing magic tools, maybe he didn't have the willingness to rub the storage bag, so he wears them like this.

If you are too rich, you will get [-] spirit stones for these rubbings.

He came here by flying, and the imperial envoy's special flying instrument allows him to fly away at the sixth level of Qi refining.

Yang Xiuming couldn't get close to it because he had a magic weapon of light on his body.

There is also an automatic enemy-finding magic weapon, which came straight to Fu Xialiang.

Complete krypton gold fellowship!
Facing such a powerful enemy, Zhang Yue did not hide, and stepped out in an instant, heading straight for him.

The sword light danced, and "Zhenjiang Danghai Luoyunxia" oscillated endlessly, breaking the opponent's attack magic weapon thirteen times in a row, approached it, and instantly flew into the air, and the divine sword merged into one.

No matter how many magic tools he has, no matter how many rubbings he has, all of them will be crushed with one sword, kill!

Zhang Yue landed, laughing loudly.

After sending this person, there is no enemy again.

Fu Xialiang said: "Come on, continue!"

He started to run Yunlei again!
"Three miles away from 230 to the south, there is a mountain peak, the mana fluctuates violently, and some people are fighting fiercely!"

"Zixiao thunder, clouds rise and thunder falls!"


Boom, another cloud and thunder flew out.

But after the cloud and thunder flew out, Fu Xialiang stopped waiting here and ran away quickly.

"Once again and again, not again and again, let's go!"

He fled crazily, and the cloud and thunder exploded over there, and he didn't stop.

Sure enough, after escaping for ten miles, it turned out that his location was inexplicably burning with fire.

Huo Jue "Burning the Sky and Cooking the Sea"

Fortunately, he escaped far away, otherwise he would be burned to death.

But Fu Xialiang smiled, he looked at the sky, locked on the opponent's position, and went straight there.

The spells of the 33-day battle formation all have obvious traces of casting, which can be seen at a glance.

Following that direction, after chasing for more than 50 miles, there was a sound of fighting ahead.

No wonder the opponent has 33 days of absolute battle formation monks, and they are not afraid of being followed by people when they use fire to burn the sky. This is an alliance of more than a hundred people.

They gathered together to form a battle formation, and all the fellow disciples who came from the traces were killed by them.

So they have nothing to fear.

This is of the same nature as the Tianfu Alliance where Feng Yi, who threatened Fu Xialiang, belongs.

There are hundreds of people, scattered and orderly, and some people have set up a formation to defend properly.

Seeing them, Zhang Yue asked, "Give them a thunder?"

Fu Xialiang looked at it, shook his head and said: "No, they have three defenses "Zhen Jia Wen Zen", which can block my cloud and thunder."

Among the 33 Heavenly Absolutes, in addition to all kinds of terrifying attacks, there are also some powerful defenses.

Yujue, Zhoujue, Nianjue, Shengjue, Roujue are both offensive and defensive, but only shield Jue, defensive Jue, only defend but not attack, complete defense!
"What should I do?"

"Good job!"

Fu Xialiang looked at them and silently cast spells.

"The universe is mighty, the meridian is brilliant, the soul-invigorating god thunder, the figure is ordered, the evil spirit beheads, and the birth is rapid. The urgency is like a law."

In an instant, seven thunderbolts appeared on Fu Xialiang's body at the same time, and then they instantly merged into one.

Turning into a thunderous force, it has infinite power.

The power is extremely powerful, and it circulates non-stop, among which there are faintly countless thunder lights.

This thunder light, Zhongzheng is peaceful, but its momentum is continuous, resounding through the sky.

In the void, a dazzling sound sounded:
"The universe borrows the law, and the Ziwu is mighty!"

Meridian mighty heaven and earth thunder!
The sound of the thunderbolt, the light and shadow are gorgeous.

Immediately, the surrounding area was filled with light, and 36 thunderballs fell down. These thunderballs shone with a dazzling blue light, and electric white sparks continuously flowed around their surface.

In an instant, the thunder ball landed and surrounded the hundred people.

There was a loud bang, the thunderball exploded, and almost all the surroundings of the same door turned into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning.

Endless thunder rolled, and the surrounding space reverberated with surging and overflowing air currents.

All fellow disciples present, in the midst of the thunder, without any struggle, all fly to ashes.

This thunder is not like the fixed area of ​​Luo Leiyun Lei, which does not distinguish between enemy and friend, but has as many people as there are, and it can be as large as it wants.

Fu Xialiang smiled and said, "Look, it's all gone!"

"It's worth the effort!"

Then laugh out loud!

(End of this chapter)

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