Dao Shaohua

Chapter 117 Meal and drink dew, but the sword is sharp

Chapter 117 Meal and drink dew, but the sword is sharp

The killing continued like this, looking for a place, releasing clouds and thunder, and bombarding a certain place.

With Fu Xialiang's wandering position, it is easy to find the place where the other party gathers.

When this thunder strikes, Fu Xialiang will definitely kill dozens or even hundreds of people.

Then wait silently, there are only a lot of people who come to pick up cheap ones, and they are all killed one by one, so you don't have to find them yourself, which is convenient and fast.

Rest for a while, come again, continue to wait.

Such a fight, simple and cruel, killed nearly a thousand of the same sect overnight.

Dawn was coming soon, Fu Xialiang breathed a sigh of relief, and retreated quietly.

In this world, everything is a simulated reality, monks must rest, eat and drink, otherwise they will not die of starvation and thirst, but it will affect their physical condition.

Every day when the sun rises, there will be drops of spiritual dew falling in the void, which is called morning dew.

Drink one drop and you will not be thirsty for a day.

Every day when the sun sets, there are pieces of clouds falling in the void, which are called sunset clouds.

Take one slice and you won't be hungry all day.

So there is a feeling of immortals eating and drinking dew.

And after the competition is over, the eaten morning dew and sunset will turn into true essence and appear in the real body.

Some people say that everyone's blood nourishes the world, but there is no good thing in the world that only takes and does not give back.

The way of heaven is to drink and peck.

Therefore, I send you this morning dew and sunset glow to increase your cultivation.

The sun went down yesterday, Fu Xialiang went outside to catch the sunset.

In fact, the process of morning dew and sunset will trigger countless battles, and even various tactics specially for this time, but it is just the beginning, and the world is very large, so it is fine.

It's just that Fu Xialiang ate a piece of Xixia, and he didn't feel full, which was different from the legend.

In the end, I ate three to feel full.

It seems that in this world, both Zhang Yue and Yang Xiuming count. Although they are three in one, the world is bigger and there are more trials. I have never seen any birds.

At the end of the night's battle, after Fu Xialiang took three drops of morning dew, he was full before returning to his spiritual eye stone room.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, I'm going to sleep!"

Yang Xiuming said: "Sleep, I will guard!"

Fu Xialiang nodded, and fell asleep as soon as she lay down.

This is the characteristic of night devils. They sleep when they want to sleep, and wake up when they want to wake up. Three or four hours of sleep are enough, and they never suffer from insomnia.

Zhang Yue said, "Xiu Ming, I'm asleep too."

He was also resting, leaving Yang Xiuming to guard his body.

In fact, Yang Xiuming can not sleep at all, and continue to control the body to fight.

But it's not worth it, it's time to rest and rest, for a long time.

In this stone room, Yang Xiuming guarded carefully and remained vigilant silently.

It was dawn, and there was another battle outside, but the frenzy and bloodiness of the first day was gone.

Four hours later, Fu Xialiang woke up, took a long breath, and said:
"I woke up!"

Zhang Yue also woke up.

Yang Xiuming said: "I'll take a nap, you guys go out and fight!"

Fu Xialiang nodded, and he and Zhang Yue went out to fight quietly as one.

Yang Xiuming was in a deep sleep.

Fu Xialiang was extremely careful in fighting during the day, but it was not as rampant as at night.

Move quietly, kill if you can, and let go if you can't.

Wandering in the depths of the forest, back and forth on the edge of the grassland, hovering above the swamp, carefully protect yourself, and never take it lightly.

So, four hours later, when Yang Xiuming woke up, Fu Xialiang didn't have more than a dozen records.

But it's normal. Everyone at this time is adapting to the environment.

Silently waiting for the opportunity.

Gradually the sun sets, the sun sets, and the sunset appears and falls in the sky.

They took three pieces of sunset, ate them silently, and then smiled at each other.

It's night, please close your eyes!

It was just getting dark, Fu Xialiang laughed loudly, and aimed at the distance to cast a spell.

"230 miles to the south, there is a woodland, it seems that someone has gathered!"

"Zixiao thunder, clouds rise and thunder falls!"


Boom, another cloud and thunder shot out, a huge whistling sound, roaring in all directions, after more than ten breaths, the ground trembled, and there was another thunder explosion!

The cloud and thunder fell, with a point as the core, and a radius of several miles, the cloud exploded suddenly.

This attack seems to be much stronger than yesterday?
The more the spell is used, the better it works!
During the day, Fu Xialiang found out early that there was a kind of alliance there, and hundreds of people had gathered there. Now, with one blow, it was directly turned into powder.

With this attack, his traces were exposed, and immediately a fellow disciple came to kill him.

But this is Zhang Yue's wish, he hides in the dark night, one sword at a time.

Ruthless and poisonous, killing silently!
How much to come, how much to kill.

Killed for a while, no one came, and then bombarded in Yunlei, and then killed as many as they wanted!

Going on like this, for the fifth cloud and thunder bombardment, no one came over.

No one is stupid, is that okay?
Suddenly, in front of that, someone walked slowly.

This time Zhang Yue did not escape into the darkness, but appeared directly in front of the man.

"Sword Demon Feng Bailing!"

It was the sword demon Feng Bailing that he met in the ghost cave last time.

At the critical moment, this guy ran away immediately, without fighting, Zhang Yue was very depressed.

This person can be said to be the first swordsman Zhang Yue has ever seen, and he immediately aroused the heart of victory.

Seeing Zhang Yue appear, the sword demon Feng Bailing hesitated for a moment and said, "Lei Jue Fu Xialiang!"

Zhang Yue drew out his sword slowly, saluted with the sword, and said, "Please!"

Zhang Yue didn't have a unity of mind, he just made the sword by himself!
The sword demon Feng Bailing also has a sword, he is dual-wielding, two swords as thin as cicada's wings.


In an instant, the two were fighting.

It's just a fight, both of them know that each other has a clear heart.

With the second sword, Zhang Yue felt the opponent's sword intent attack.

Sharp, chaotic, and shadowless!

And the other party also felt Zhang Yue's sword attack!
Repression, assassination, shock!
With the third sword, the two swords merged into one in an instant.

It turned into a sword light directly and slashed towards the opponent.

With a click, the sword light parted, and Zhang Yue fell to the ground, splashing blood.

But he shook his head and said: "The sword is the best, it's boring!"

And the sword demon Feng Bailing was directly decomposed and turned into thousands of fragments, and was beheaded by Zhang Yue.

The same supernatural powers, but the sword demon Feng Bailing's imperial envoy is a second-level divine sword, while Zhang Yue's is a third-level sword, so beheading the opponent will only hurt him.

However, the battle after that night could not start.

Now that he was injured, Fu Xialiang immediately decided to go back to recuperate.

In this world, injuries are all restored to a hundredfold state and heal quickly.

However, some people can't stand the self-healing process, commit suicide directly, and start all over again.

Fu Xialiang will never do this.

The big competition is long, so why rush to gain or lose for a while.

They returned to the stone room, and Yang Xiuming was recuperating silently in the darkness.

The next day, so passed.

Soon the third day came, still the old routine, sleeping separately, safety first during the day, killing people at night.

But they found that there is gradually no such alliance, that society...

All organizations are far away from this area.

And there is a legend about Lei Jue's family, a dog boy, that bastard came out at night to kill and set off mines, killing countless people.

(End of this chapter)

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