Dao Shaohua

Chapter 118 Chaos Dao Chess, 123 moves!

Chapter 118 Chaos Dao Chess, One, Two, Three Moves!
During the day, be careful first, conduct security investigations, and determine the location of the same sect, and go out at night to kill the Quartet, thundering the world.

In this world competition, the world remains unchanged for the first seven days, which is called the fierce battle period.
This allows the monks to adapt to the world in this world, catch each other, form an alliance...

In fact, some people whispered that the reaction in this chaotic Daoqi world was slow, and it wasn't that they didn't want to move in the first seven days, but they couldn't move.

After everyone has entered and adapted within seven days, the world will shrink and the battle will be accelerated.

In short, the world remains unchanged for these seven days.

During this seven days, Fu Xialiang killed all directions, and the blood flowed like a river.

A cloud of thunder goes down, and it turns into dust for several miles. No matter what his strength is, he is dead.

This is simply lore!

If there are too many enemies, pool them together.

That's even better, Zi Wu's mighty heaven and earth thunder, everything is clean.

At night on the seventh day, within a radius of three thousand miles, there was no trace of a fellow disciple. All the monks in this area were killed or driven away by him.

At midnight, Fu Xialiang shook his head and stopped traveling far to kill someone deliberately.

Return to the stone chamber and rest here.

Don't kill, have a good night's rest.

Tomorrow, the seven-day fierce battle period will pass, and the seven-day bloody battle period will begin.

During this period, the world will start to shrink a little bit, bringing monks together.

Let the monks start an endless bloody battle.

Crazy bloody battle!
So, tomorrow the sun rises, the world changes, and this stone chamber will disappear.

This is the last night here.

In the past seven days, Fu Xialiang has quietly changed, becoming more mature and steady. Although he has always won the seven-day battle, he has also gone through countless lives and deaths.

Not only him, Yang Xiuming, Zhang Yue, are all changes.

This kind of death battle of blood and fire brings about rapid growth.

This kind of battle has benefited them a lot.

Tieling is sparsely populated. There are less than 30 people in a Jiahe forest farm, and the corpses have to be reused. How can there be such a battle.

The same is true for Yinzhou City. The siege is only a few hundred people, and a thousand people is the limit. There, like here, almost a thousand people will be killed in one night.

Fu Xialiang is tepid, a gentleman like jade, and always sticks to his heart.

You must sleep and rest every day, eat and drink well, absolutely not greedy to kill one more person, and stick to yourself.

Up to now, he is still like a sharp sword, showing its sharp edge without any wear and tear.

Resting at night, the power of the night demon allows them to sleep when they want, and they can also separate one person to watch the night, which is extremely safe and restful.

But tonight, none of the three of them slept.

The stone chamber will be gone tomorrow, so they directly opened the roof of the stone chamber to reveal the starry sky and look into the distance.

Although the world is a simulated dimensional world, Chaos Daoqi, but the starry sky is as real as it is.

Looking at the starry sky, Yang Xiuming suddenly said:
"When will Yinzhou City be able to enjoy the starry sky like this?"

Zhang Yue shook his head and said, "The problem with Yinzhou City is not the weirdness, but the people!
The great power of Nanchu who controls the whole world! "

Fu Xialiang said slowly: "Maybe, it's not an individual, but the entire sect!"

In such a big world, relying on people to support cunning is not like personal ability, it may be a sect strategy.

After saying this, Yang Xiuming's heart was completely chilled when he thought of the strength of Taishang Dao and compared it.

Fu Xialiang continued:
"According to the rules of the world of cultivating immortals, using human beings to refine and transform, which violates the rules of heaven, many sects in the world will attack it.

However, rules are rules, and they are reserved for being violated.

Southern Chu uses people to practice deception, and no other sect can say anything, dare to say anything. "

Zhang Yue was speechless, and asked: "Who made this rule? What's the use of it!"

Fu Xialiang let out a long sigh, and said, "The Xianqin Empire has already collapsed for 300 million years!"

Everyone was speechless and continued to look at the starry sky.

The night is dark all around, the endless night covers all directions, the night protects me!

Yang Xiuming looked at it, and suddenly his heart moved.

In the trance starry sky, it seems to change quietly.

It seems that the starry sky is gradually not a starry sky, but gradually flattened and virtualized...

Gradually, the starry sky is no longer a starry sky, but a chessboard!
Yes, a board similar to Go.

In the dark, Yang Xiuming seemed to hear someone saying from afar:

"First hand, light, let there be light!"

Like a chess piece that fell on the chessboard, countless lights were transformed into the endless chaos, and there was light on the chessboard!

Yang Xiuming looked at it stupidly, unable to believe it.

At this time, someone was outside the chessboard and shouted:

"Second hand, fire, fire produces light!"

Immediately above the chessboard, flames rose, and then countless brilliance appeared, illuminating the world on this side.

When two people play chess, they both want light. This is the birth of one person out of thin air and the other with fire!
These two people, first-hand and second-hand, all had light.

With light, there is darkness naturally, and when light and darkness are separated, there is day and night, day and night.

"The third hand, earth, earth generates earth, earth generates mountains and rivers!"

The world has changed!With soil, there are mountains and rivers, and naturally there is heaven and earth.

In that void, the earth emerged, and mountains and rivers began to rise above that land. With the rising of mountains and rivers, a prototype of a world quietly appeared.

"Fourth hand, emptiness, emptiness generates wind, and wind blows the world!"

Empty, the wind blows, and the atmosphere is born. In the air, the clear air goes up, and the turbid air goes down. Naturally, the heaven and the earth are divided.

The two of them held each other, and immediately the world gave birth to their own worlds!

"Fifth hand, soil, mountains and rivers, the embryonic form of all things!"

In the chaotic world, changes gradually began to take shape, and everything took shape...

But in the sixth move, Yang Xiuming couldn't stand it anymore.

Because the night has passed and the sun has risen, he has lost his sense of the night and comprehended the process of the birth of this chaotic chess game.

Yang Xiuming didn't move for a long time, it was hard to forget.

He said for a long time: "Could it be Chaos Dao Chess!"

"What Chaos Dao Chess?" Zhang Yue asked!
This time only Yang Xiuming felt it.

Both Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang couldn't feel it.

Yang Xiuming tried to convey this feeling to them.

But they can't understand.

No matter how Yang Xiuming expressed it, they couldn't understand it.

There is no way around this.

In the end, Yang Xiuming also gave up.

Fu Xialiang said: "Big Brother, Second Brother, pay attention, today is a bloody battle."

Zhang Yue said with a smile: "Then come on, I like bloody battles the most!"

"We're three of us, let's kill them!"

With their words, the sun rises and the morning dew falls.

The three of them ate the morning dew and felt the ground tremble, the world changed quietly, the spiritual eye that lived for seven days disappeared, and the stone chamber collapsed.

The bloody battle was really sharp, and the three breathed a sigh of relief, ready to fight.

Yang Xiuming was taken aback suddenly, looked towards the void, feeling silently.

"What's the matter, Xiu Ming, do you still have comprehension? Chaos Dao Chess?"

Zhang Yue asked.

Yang Xiuming hesitated for a long time, looked at his hands, and then said: "What a Chaos Dao chess."

Just comprehending the five hands, Yang Xiuming suddenly found that his supernatural powers covered the sky with one hand, and his supernatural power improved dramatically.

So far, it can be used five times a day, each time it can last up to fifteen breaths, and the night corrosion is at least doubled each time!
Chaos Dao Chess, senses the world, and comprehends the universe, so it works on him, and his supernatural powers are improved!
(End of this chapter)

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