Dao Shaohua

Chapter 119 Riding a whale straight up, a born hero

Chapter 119 Riding a whale straight up, a born hero

After seven days of bloody battle, the world shrank and changed its shape immediately.

In the past seven days, there were few people. In the current seven days, the world has become smaller, and the same sect has become everywhere.

There is no such thing as rest, day and night, fighting forever.

This will temper the tenacity of the disciples of the Supreme Dao, and those who don't know how to sneak in and make effective use of time to recover will be eliminated.

Meeting here can only be a bloody battle.

Meet and fight, blood splatters.

At this time, those so-called alliances played a role.

A large group of people gathered together, like a mainstay, against other enemies.

Everyone huddled together to keep warm, playing more and fighting less, relying on quantity to fight quality.

But the civilization of cultivating immortals pays attention to the great power attributed to the individual, but some people are different!

Man will conquer the sky!

No matter how many sheep there are, they can't beat the tiger.

Facing this kind of enemy, Fu Xialiang likes it the most. He rushed to the mighty Qiankun Lei for a long time, cleared the field from all sides, and then rose with his sword to kill them all.

This time, there was another group of fellow disciples, and Fu Xialiang killed them.

In the void, a dazzling sound sounded:
"The universe borrows the law, and the Ziwu is mighty!"

Meridian mighty heaven and earth thunder!
Immediately, the four directions were bright, and within the meridian time, within the Qiankun space, thunder linked together and erupted with mighty force!

There was a loud bang, and there was a sea of ​​thunder in all directions.

Hundreds of fellow disciples, in the blink of an eye, only seven or eight fellow disciples remained, and all of them were seriously injured.

Fu Xialiang immediately swung his sword, and under the light of the sword, he killed them one by one.

Suddenly, a person roared, "Fu Xialiang!"

But Fu Xialiang didn't even look at him, his head was chopped off with a single strike.

With one last glance, Fu Xialiang was sure that it was Feng Yi who claimed to torture him for three days and three nights?

Seems like it?not important!
It's just a young man, he can't be killed with one sword, and he will be killed with another sword.

Without even looking at him, Fu Xialiang continued to look for the next enemy.

Suddenly Zhang Yue asked: "By the way, your new pink confidant, what about Qingshuang?"

Fu Xialiang shook her head and said: "It's a pity, Junior Sister Qingshuang has already refined Qi at the seventh level, so she is not in my round."

"What? Do you want to protect her with compassion?"

"No, second brother, you are a big lotus, you don't understand women.

If she is in this competition, I must find her and kill her!

And it's the coldest shot, because the more so, the more she will like me! "

After saying this, both Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue were stunned.

"What's the point of this?"

"I haven't heard of it!"

"Killing people can also cut out feelings?"

Fu Xialiang laughed and said:
"So, big brother and second brother, you two country bumpkins, you know nothing!"

This kid is here again!
In the distant void, a drop of blood essence slowly condensed and turned into a figure.

Feng Yi regenerated, he landed slowly and gasped for breath, cursing angrily:

"Fu Xialiang, Fu Xialiang!"

"I'm going to tear you into pieces..."

He cursed angrily, but he judged the direction, estimated where Fu Xialiang might appear, and then walked in the opposite direction involuntarily, avoiding that guy far away.

He was completely desperate, and he already knew in his heart that he would never be Fu Xialiang's opponent!
Every day, countless stars are flying into the sky, which represents a monk leaving the battlefield.

Hundreds of people, thousands of people, ten thousand people...

A batch of departures, and then the world became smaller and smaller, allowing the remaining people to continue the bloody battle.

After such a bloody battle, suddenly, Fu Xialiang remained motionless, quietly looking at a person in the distance.

The man was dressed in a green robe and breathed heavily.

This fellow, Fu Xialiang has fought against him four times in the three days he has been here.

They fought in an instant, and there was no decision of life or death. This was the first strong enemy Fu Xialiang had encountered so far.

This is the fifth time they have met.

The two looked at each other from a distance, Fu Xialiang asked:
"Fellow Daoist, continue?"

The man shook his head and said:

"Let's save the last seven days for the duel. I am Luo Xuanbing, the cosmic wind. What should I call you?"

The cosmic wind means that he is proficient in the three masters of the universe, the universe, the wind, and the wind!
Fu Xialiang replied: "Lei Jue, Fu Xialiang!"

"Your swordsmanship is so sharp, it turns out to be Lei Jue. It's so deep, it's really abominable."

"Wait a minute, aren't you the Exorcist Thunder God?"

Fu Xialiang was speechless, not knowing that idiot gave himself such a nickname.

Luo Xuanbing immediately smiled and said, "Okay, Juehu Leishen, see you in the last seven days!"

After speaking, he left immediately.

Fu Xialiang watched him go far away, this guy was the last close enemy.

Except for him, Shui Jue Gao Feichen and the sword demon Feng Bailing are all like this!

Soon it was evening and sunset, Fu Xialiang picked up a piece and was about to eat it.

Yang Xiuming said suddenly: "Don't eat, there is a problem!"

"how is this possible?"

But Fu Xialiang still threw Xixia away.

When the sunset fell to the ground, it suddenly turned into a cloud of green air and dissipated.

Through the grass planter, Yang Xiuming sensed that the sunset glow had a touch of vegetation, and sure enough, it was poisonous.

Fu Xialiang looked at Siye, extremely vigilant.

At this moment, in all directions, countless monks were poisoned to death by Xixia.

The enemy does not know where it is, and gradually night falls.

Fu Xialiang immediately assimilated through the night, and felt that the other party had a female cultivator in front of her, staring at her firmly.

Fu Xialiang went straight to her, but the female cultivator stretched out her hand and blocked the way with endless poisonous smoke rising.

"Well, you are the god of thunder, Fu Xialiang, the only one who didn't die from poison, amazing!
Remember me, Poison Yama Ximen Qingyan! "

At this moment, Yang Xiuming assimilated the poisonous smoke in the night, and suddenly rushed forward again, but the shadow of poisonous Yan Luo Ximen Qingyan could no longer be seen, and he was out of the range of assimilation in the night.

Poison Yan Luo Ximen Qingyan, this is the poison of cultivation "No one lives forever"

Another day later, Fu Xialiang saw a battle in the wilderness.

One person killed a group of people, only to see that person, the five elements of brilliance shone all over his body, and many five elements spells exploded wildly.

Fire dragon, earth cover, water gun, wooden thorn, golden blade!

This is metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, fellow practitioners of the Five Absolutes!

Hundreds of people killed by one person fled.

Those people shouted as they fled.

"Run, it's Five Elements Crazy!"

"Five elements madman Chaotianjiao, you wait, you will die!"

But Chao Tianjiao, the Five Elements fanatic, just defeated a hundred of them, leaving no one behind.

In this way, Fu Xialiang met powerful fellow disciples one after another.

Too good, with countless elites.

Li Yangzi has super power of mind and can control people's mind.

Half-human, half-ghost, come and go like a ghost.

Just like the sun, at night, he could see through Yang Xiuming's shadow of the Sun and Moon Emperor assimilated into the night.

There is also an ancient Taoist mausoleum that is as mysterious as an ancient Taoist.

Shui Jue Gao Feichen was also encountered once. This guy has rubbed dozens of magical artifacts all over his body, he is simply a rich boy.

These people have either watched or fought, but they all know each other's existence.

Cosmic Wind Luo Xuanbing, Poison Yan Luo Ximen Qingyan, Five Elements Madman Chaotianjiao, Shuijue Gao Feichen, Sword Demon Fengbailing, Sun and Moon Emperor Qingying, Nianjue Liyangzi, Gods and Ghosts Seven Extinctions, Ancient Taoists and Ancient Dao Mausoleum...

In fact, Fu Xialiang didn't know that these people were also paying attention to him.

Be extremely wary of him, because he is...

Fu Xialiang, the God of Thunder!
(End of this chapter)

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