Dao Shaohua

Chapter 121 Under the light of the bullfight, the country is winning

Chapter 121 Under the light of the bullfight, the country is winning

Fu Xialiang prepared silently, the last round of battle was about to start.

There is no need to prepare anything, he didn't die once, and he has been recharging his energy all the time to face a strong enemy in his best condition.

The second round of battle finally started, and morning dew fell from the sky.

Fu Xialiang had a good drink, and then the fragmented terrain under her feet automatically flew, linking with a fragmented terrain of the opponent.

The area suddenly expanded and turned into a radius of ten miles, providing them with a battle arena.

It seems that there are countless people whispering in all directions. Although they can't see people, they can feel their presence.

There are indeed people watching the battle, this time the battle is open to watch, as long as you spend one spirit stone, you can watch a duel.

A spirit stone is a bit expensive, but for their own bet, many monks are watching the battle.

Fu Xialiang has at least thousands of monks here to watch him fight.

On the opposite side, there appeared a burly man from the same sect, with five magic weapons on his body.

Seeing Fu Xialiang, the other party bowed far away and said:

"Tu Fanghai!"

All of a sudden, the spectators whispered.

"Ah, it's Nine Gangs Immortal."

"Just a genius, he has already cultivated a body of nine strengths."

"The most popular contestant to win the championship, Fu Xialiang will be really cool this time!"

Fu Xialiang saluted slowly, and said, "Lei Jue, Fu Xialiang!"

Tu Fanghai was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Lei Jian Jue Hu?"

He didn't know how they passed the news, but he knew Fu Xialiang's nickname.

Fu Xialiang herself didn't know!
He said, "Please enlighten me!"

After speaking, he made a quick assault and went straight to Tu Fanghai.

Tu Fanghai let out a sigh of relief, his whole body turned into black iron, like refined steel, he has completed the cultivation of "Zhi Yang Zhi Gang" and joined the battle ahead of time.

Seeing Fu Xialiang approaching, he slowly prepared to punch.

But in an instant, a sword light rose!
This sword light is the most rigid and most yang, Fu Xialiang's sword merged into one, turned into mist brilliance, faint and faint, upstream against the current, erupting violently!
This sword is unstoppable, sharp and sharp to the extreme, like electricity, passing by in an instant, omnipresent and omnipresent, there is no way to hide, no way to avoid it.

In a flash, Tu Fanghai was directly atomized by him, turning into thousands of blood stains, splashing everywhere!

When the sword light fell, Fu Xialiang separated from the sword, saluted and said: "Admit!"

Fu Xialiang, win!
"Fu Xialiang won, how is it possible?"

"It really won, it's amazing!"

"What a Thunder Sword Absolute House."

On the rostrum, beside Daoist Broken Tie, many congratulations appeared one after another.

"Brother Broken Iron, you are a good apprentice."

"Good skill, the sword is clean and sharp."

Broken Tie Daoist said very disdainfully:
"This kid, I taught him "Void Illusionary Sparrow Flying into the Sky", but he just can't learn it, useless."

But between the brows, there is joy.

Suddenly the world changed, looking for Fu Xialiang's next opponent.

And those who watched the battle immediately swarmed away, and [-]% of them hurriedly increased their bets, and they were all optimistic about Fu Xialiang.

The second enemy, dressed in Taoist robes, was very cold.

Seeing that Fu Xialiang didn't talk nonsense, he shot immediately.

During the action, his figure changed and turned into nine Taoist priests, who came straight to Fu Xialiang.

Fantastic "Thousands of Fantasies"

Facing this group of illusions, it was really difficult to tell which was true and which was false, Fu Xialiang shook his head and chanted the mantra lightly.

"The universe is mighty, the meridian is brilliant, the soul-invigorating god thunder, the figure is ordered, the evil spirit beheads, and the birth is rapid. The urgency is like a law."

In an instant, seven thunderbolts appeared on Fu Xialiang's body at the same time, and then they instantly merged into one.

Turning into a thunderous force, it has infinite power.

In the void, a dazzling sound sounded:
"The universe borrows the law, and the Ziwu is mighty!"

Meridian mighty heaven and earth thunder!
36 thunderballs fell, and the entire area became a sea of ​​thunder and lightning.

What illusion, fly directly to ashes.

Fu Xialiang, win!
"what is this?"

"Extraordinary Taoism!"

"How is it possible, he is in the Qi training period."

"Don't talk about it, what's the point of this fight, it's definitely the first place in the big competition! I'll increase the bet immediately!"

"Oh, it's a step too late, the bet has stopped, and no more can be added!"

On the rostrum, Broken Tie Daoist was surrounded by people again.

"Brother Broken Iron, what kind of extraordinary Taoism is this? I haven't heard that you have practiced it before?"

Master Broken Tie just smiled, and said, "The extraordinary Taoism of the Ye family in "Zi Wu's Great Universe Thunder."

"Ye family, how did he learn it?"

"I heard that my apprentice is very popular with women, and Ye Qingshuang from the Ye family has a very good relationship with him!"

"My good fellow, even extraordinary Taoism can be passed on privately, what kind of friendship is this?"

Master Broken Tie said proudly: "My apprentice is not just a girl from the Ye family.

The rate crane from the Jiang family, the hazy one from the Kunwu lineage...

He paused, and finally said: "And... Taishang Linglong!"

Suddenly the four sides were speechless.

The battlefield continued to change, this time Fu Xialiang was surprised, it was night.

This is really a match made in heaven. I thought there would be no night, but unexpectedly this night is here.

Fu Xialiang immediately blended into the night and left quietly.

There should be a female cultivator over there. On this night, she should practice her eyesight and see in the dark, so she didn't light the lamp.

So, she didn't even report her name, and was beheaded by Zhang Yue with a sword!

Fu Xialiang, win!
On the rostrum, Broken Tie Daoist's face was icy cold.

"This kid, if you don't learn well, how can you do it secretly? The competition is over, I must teach him well!"

"Senior brother Xin, don't worry, I will definitely let him go and confess to his niece."

The other party, Senior Brother Xin, said with a fairy-like look on his face, "It's okay, this is a hero born a boy!"

When Master Xin left, Master Broken Tie quietly transmitted:
"Xumi, how much did Fu Xialiang buy for the bet?"

"Master, [-] spirit stones, fortunately, I took the first step, and I won't buy them now!"

"Okay, okay, this time I made a lot of money!"

Fighting like this is carried out quickly again and again.

3000 people quickly debated, some lost, some won.

The winner, after one victory, immediately fights for the second time, an infinite loop, an endless battle.

The loser, if the blood essence is exhausted three times, will be sent out of the competition immediately and completely withdraw from the stage.

Soon, monks were eliminated one by one.

Fu Xialiang, win!
Fu Xialiang, win!
Fu Xialiang won 27 games in one breath, and finally No. 20 in eight games without any enemies.

So far, there are only a hundred people left in the competition, and today's battle is completely over.

All the fragmented worlds were quietly separated, but this time, they were all lined up one by one, and the remaining hundred people could all see each other.

Looking at the past, among those victors, there are many familiar figures.

Cosmic Wind Luo Xuanbing, Poison Yan Luo Ximen Qingyan, Five Elements Madman Chaotianjiao, Shuijue Gao Feichen, Sword Demon Fengbailing, Sun and Moon Emperor Qingying, Nianjue Liyangzi, Gods and Ghosts Seven Extinctions, Ancient Taoists and Ancient Dao Mausoleum, Jiugang Immortal Tu Fanghai...

(End of this chapter)

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