Dao Shaohua

Chapter 122

Chapter 122

Everyone looks at me, I look at you, and look at each other.

This is specially arranged, and they will stay like this overnight, and the final battle will start in the daytime tomorrow.

These people are basically in the top [-] of the Dabi, and this arrangement is to promote the friendship between them.

Everyone is sitting there, waiting for the sunset of the sun.

The friends I knew couldn't help but start chatting.

"Lao Luo, did you do well this year?"

Cosmic wind Luo Xuanbing replied: "It's okay, but brother Qimie, you're not bad either."

Shen Gui Ya Qi Mie said: "It's not too bad. Last time we competed, we were in the early stage of Qi training. This time we are in the middle stage. Next time we will be in the late stage of Qi training."

"The Qi training period is so-so, the key is the big competition after foundation establishment."


Everyone chatted nonsense, and I chatted nonsense, to clear up time.

In fact, there are many people here. Their ability to fight to this moment has a lot to do with their family background, so many people have known each other for a long time.

For example, Fu Xialiang is a late-stage talent who will rise within a few months. This kind of person is only a very small part of the crowd.

Suddenly, Poison Yan Luo Ximen Qingyan looked at Fu Xialiang and asked:

"Lei Jianjuehu, I heard that you are Taishang Linglong's child?"

Fu Xialiang smiled and said: "Linglong is my senior sister, she takes good care of me.

Why, Senior Sister Ximen, you and my Senior Sister Linglong are also good friends? "

Fu Xialiang's words were gentle, neither humble nor overbearing, and there was magnetism in his voice, which immediately attracted the favor of poisonous Yan Luo Ximen Qingyan.

"We are small neighbors, how can I not know her!"

"So, Senior Sister Misty has a good relationship with you?"

"Good guy, do you know Meng Mo too?"

"What about Senior Sister Suhe?"

"What the hell are you? Everyone knows me!"


Fu Xialiang joined them.

He is very good at chatting, and everyone has a good impression of him with a few words.

This is the basic ability of poor children!

What's more important is that Fu Xialiang's own strength has already made them admire.

At this time, the sunset is setting, and everyone is taking swallows.

Fu Xialiang also swallowed it, and he ate three slices in one breath.

For the three of them, they had to eat three slices to be full.

In the sea of ​​people, there are those who like you, and naturally there are those who hate you.

Someone sarcastically said: "Lei Jianjuehu, you are too greedy, you can eat too much!"

Fu Xialiang laughed, and laughed at herself, "I'm a big-bellied man, and he eats everything with one bite!"

"Take time to fix rakes and beat talkative dogs!"

He insinuated that the other party was a talkative dog, and the other party was furious.

"Lei Jian's scumbag, you wait, you dare to humiliate me, you know who I am! You don't want to live in the future!"

Fu Xialiang looked at him, and suddenly asked: "Remember, my name is not Lei Jianjuehu, but Fu Xialiang.

Plus, I don't know who you are!May I ask what is the name of this colleague?
Finally, don't worry about it, let's fight tomorrow!See who lives and who dies! "

As soon as he said this, the other party gritted his teeth, but did not reply.

The sword demon Feng Bailing at the side suddenly said:
"His name is Luo Bingkun. He is very proud because his father has some rights in the sect. He is actually a waste."

Seeing what the sword demon Feng Bailing said about him, Luo Bingkun just gritted his teeth and didn't dare to refute.

He dared not offend the sword demon Feng Bailing.

Fu Xialiang smiled and said, "Okay, Senior Brother Luo, see you in the arena tomorrow!"

Suddenly, the Five Elements lunatic who had been silent on the side looked at Tianjiao, looked at Fu Xialiang, and asked:

"Your thunder method, but extraordinary Taoism?"

Fu Xialiang nodded and replied: ""Ziwu Mighty Universe Thunder""

All of a sudden there was howling.

Nianjue Li Yangzi shouted: "Isn't this the extraordinary Taoism of the Ye family in Nanhu? How could you?"

Fu Xia smiled coldly but did not answer.

The cosmic wind Luo Xuanbing shouted: "You are the sixth level of Qi training, how can you perform extraordinary Taoism?"

Fu Xialiang still smiled but did not answer.

Shen Gui Ya Qi Mie shouted: "It's over, it's over, who can beat him?"

"No way, I must lose!"

""Ziwu Mighty Universe Thunder"!"

Chao Tianjiao, a fanatic of the Five Elements, said suddenly: "I can try it!"

As soon as he said this, there was silence all around again.

After reacting, Shen Gui Ya Qi Mie shouted: "You can also transcend ordinary Taoism! It's over, how can you live like this!"

The sword demon Feng Bailing said: "How else can I live? The big deal is not to fight for first and second, let's fight for third and fourth!"

The cosmic wind Luo Xuanbing said: "Don't be afraid, extraordinary Taoism is terrifying to grow infinitely in the future.

That is the future, even if they can display it now, the power is not strong, it is nothing special. "

The sword demon Feng Bailing said: "Hehe, you won't say that when you meet tomorrow!"

This group of teenagers, during this night, chatted with you and me.

Even if we live or die tomorrow, we are still friends tonight!

Everyone chatted until midnight, stopped talking to each other, and began to meditate and rest, waiting for tomorrow's battle.

Fu Xialiang is also resting, wholeheartedly, ready to fight to the death tomorrow.

On the second day, the sun rose, everyone woke up, the morning dew fell, and everyone drank water.

After drinking the water, the battle begins!
The debris space rotates automatically, and each encounters its own enemies!

At this point, the first enemy appeared, and the other party saw that the opponent was Fu Xialiang, and immediately wailed:

"How could I be so unlucky to meet you!"

But Fu Xialiang was not affected in the slightest, and calmly struck out to kill the opponent.

Go on, second enemy!

Still calmly shot and killed the opponent.

As soon as World War I started, hundreds of people began to decrease gradually.

Many people disappeared one by one when their last life was exhausted.

That Luo Bingkun, Fu Xialiang has never met, so I don't know who killed him.

After fighting like this, when the fighting suddenly stopped, Fu Xialiang saw that there were only ten people left in the void!
Cosmic Wind Luo Xuanbing, Poison Yan Luo Ximen Qingyan, Five Elements Madman Chao Tianjiao, Sword Demon Feng Bailing, Gods and Ghosts Seven Destroyers, Ancient Taoist Ancient Daoling
He knew these six people, and there were three fellow disciples whose names he did not know.

So far, the top ten of this contest.

Then, continue to fight.

Fu Xialiang's next opponent, Shen Gui Ya Qi Mie!
The battle began, but this time it was night.

This is Fu Xialiang's battlefield, but Shengui Yaqimi is not weak, he ignites the void without a sound, turning the entire battlefield into daylight.

However, under Fu Xialiang's hand covering the sky, all light disappeared.

In this battlefield, Zhang Yue's divine sword is united, almost sure to kill a strong enemy.

Fu Xialiang's "Ziwu Mighty Universe Thunder" smashed heroes from all walks of life.

But the real killing move was Yang Xiuming's covering the sky with one hand.

This is the real supernatural power that will surely win, and so far, the gods and ghosts have been defeated.

In addition to these, the three of them have a final and most terrifying lore!

"Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword"

But in this grand competition, the last trump card will never be used.

Because, it may really cut through the chaotic chessboard world, and kill fellow disciples in reality!

(End of this chapter)

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