Dao Shaohua

Chapter 124 Big Competition Rewards, Each Harvested

Chapter 124 Big Competition Rewards, Each Harvested

Yang Xiuming grabbed the chess piece and teleported back to Yinzhou City in a trance.

So far, he has been away for three days.

But the family has adapted to his state.

The fourth brother and fifth sister have been taking care of him carefully, and they are very happy to see him back to normal.

"Third brother, how are you?"

"alright, alright!"

After returning home, Yang Xiuming gasped for breath.

The chess pieces came to this world together with time and space.

Yang Xiuming looked at the chess piece.

This chess piece is crystal clear and seems to be able to change endlessly.

Sometimes it turns into an item, sometimes it turns into a cheat book, sometimes it turns into a mystery...

It doesn't seem to be fully finalized, and it can't be used yet.

Yang Xiuming is a little silly.

Is this one of the many pieces that make up the chaotic chess game?

Or is it Chaos Dao Chess that passed the trial competition and absorbed the blood of all the disciples, and finally turned into a Chaos treasure?

How was it charged by yourself?

When Yang Xiuming didn't know what it was, his whole body shook suddenly.

It was as if endless true energy had been injected into Yang Xiuming's body.

This is the real blessing of Dabi World. When Yang Xiuming returned to Yinzhou City, he also came with his soul and injected it into his body.

With this blessing falling, these days of eating and drinking the dew, the energy hidden in the soul exploded in an all-round way.

Many primordial energies erupted, and suddenly Yang Xiuming's whole body was shaken, and he was promoted to the fourth level of Qi training!

Yuanneng Zhenqi soared by [-]%, the whole body was incomparably strong, every inch of skin seemed not to belong to the mortal world, glittering and translucent, with outstanding demeanor, vaguely had a majestic posture like a heavenly man.

The body is strong, the five senses are expanded, and the body is infinitely flexible.

Name: Yang Xiuming

Lifespan: Seventeen/82

Body: no
Bloodline: Spiritual Fortress
Fate: God of Devouring Demons, God of Heaven's Absolute Misfortune

Boundary: Four Stages of Qi Training Period
Talents: Night Demon God, Grass Dragon Snake, Sword Maniac, Dead Ghost
Supernatural powers: covering the sky with one hand, uniting the divine sword, piercing the heart of the sword, and thundering


"Jiutai Laojun Opens the Heavenly Scripture" (First Edition)
"Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart" (Third Level)
"The Rhythm of Everything" (Second Edition)
"Five Elements, Heaven and Heart Lantern Method"

"The Absolute Immortal Sword of Nine Heavens and Nine Abysses" (Level [-])
Sword intent: suppression, assassination, shock

33 days of being too high, Lei Jue's "Zixiao Thunder"

33 days of Taishang Dao, the best sword in "One Sword Shocks the Heaven"

33 days in Taishang Dao, "The Great Dark Sky"

Verdict: Let our minds be one
Not only Yang Xiuming, but after Zhang Yue's return, even though there were no chess pieces to accompany him, his vitality exploded.

So far, Zhang Yue has been promoted to the tenth level of Qi refining!

Name: Zhang Yue

Lifespan: Ten/150

Dao body: lotus golden body

Bloodline: Artificial Human
Fate: resurrected from the dead, born to kill gods


Boundary: ten levels of Qi training period
Talents: Night Demon God, Grass Dragon Snake, Sword Maniac, Dead Ghost
Supernatural powers: covering the sky with one hand, uniting the divine sword, piercing the heart of the sword, and thundering


"Jiutai Laojun Opens the Heavenly Scripture" (First Edition)
"Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart" (Third Level)
"The Rhythm of Everything" (Second Edition)
"Five Elements, Heaven and Heart Lantern Method"

"The Absolute Immortal Sword of Nine Heavens and Nine Abysses" (Level [-])
Sword intent: suppression, assassination, shock

33 days of being too high, Lei Jue's "Zixiao Thunder"

33 days of Taishang Dao, the best sword in "One Sword Shocks the Heaven"

33 days in Taishang Dao, "The Great Dark Sky"

Verdict: kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill
After being promoted to the realm, Zhang Yue simply familiarized himself with it, and fell asleep when he fell down.

Fighting these days is actually very debilitating. Although it is also a rest in the Dabi world, it is not as good as rest and recovery in reality.

Yang Xiuming fell asleep too.

By the time I woke up, a day and a night had passed.

He chatted with his family for a while, to prove that he is still alive.

I'm fine!

Then the soul left again and went to the base camp to meet up.

Not only him, Zhang Yue is also here soon.

They came here, and so did Fu Xialiang.

Seeing them, Fu Xialiang smiled and said:

"Big Brother, Second Brother, this time, I am number one!"

Both are happy for him.

Looking at the past, Fu Xialiang was also promoted to the first level.

He has already refined seven layers of Qi.

You know, he was promoted to the sixth level of Qi refining not long ago, and now at the seventh level, isn't it a bit too fast?
The seventh level of qi refining is in the late stage of qi refining. Will there be any hidden dangers from the middle stage to the late stage all at once?
As if seeing the worry of the two, Fu Xialiang said:
"This is the blessing of the world, there is no hidden danger, it is just a small realm of refining Qi, there is no problem!"

Name: Fu Xialiang
Lifespan: 130/[-]

Dao Body: Thunderbolt

Bloodline: two skillful hands, icy heart and bones
Fate: Son of Thor


Realm: the seventh level of Qi training period

Talents: Night Demon God, Grass Dragon Snake, Sword Maniac, Dead Ghost
Supernatural powers: Covering the sky with one hand, uniting body and sword, piercing the heart of the sword, and thundering


"Jiutai Laojun Opens the Heavenly Scripture" (First Edition)
"Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart" (Third Level)
"The Rhythm of Everything" (Second Edition)
"Five Elements, Heaven and Heart Lantern Method"

"The Absolute Immortal Sword of Nine Heavens and Nine Abysses" (Level [-])
Sword intent: suppression, assassination, shock

33 days of being too high, Lei Jue's "Zixiao Thunder"

33 days of Taishang Dao, the best sword in "One Sword Shocks the Heaven"

33 days in Taishang Dao, "The Great Dark Sky"

Judgment: You demons, don't try to deceive me, it smells so good!
Yang Xiuming was speechless, and the verdict remained unchanged...

Fu Xialiang said excitedly:

"This time the big competition is the first, the sect will give you a big prize!
I have been promoted from a six-branch disciple to a first-class disciple! "

One is the core disciple, the meaning is completely different!
Both Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue nodded, they could be considered to have climbed to a certain position, belonging to the sect's seed genius.

Fu Xialiang continued:
"In addition to this, I will be rewarded with three thousand spirit stones, one trial of mystical power selection, one spirit summoning thunder beast cub, and one spirit building!"

Spiritual stones are money, supernatural powers are methods, spiritual beasts are companions, and spiritual buildings are land.

This is the standard reward for the land of the couple of wealth and law.

"This is a reward from the sect, and just now Daoist Broken Tie called me away, and he has already promoted me to be a disciple.

When I was talking about the Grand Competition, why there was a night battlefield for no reason, that was specially won by Master for me.

In order to thank Master, I dedicated the spiritual building that the sect rewarded me to Master, which is regarded as a thank-you gift. "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "It's worth it. Your master is actually very powerful. To be his disciple, it's worth donating the spiritual building."

Zhang Yue also nodded and said: "He supported us in the big competition, and we saved a lot of energy because of the extra night battles.

Dedicating a spiritual building is totally worth it! "

Fu Xialiang nodded and continued:

"Summoning the spirit thunder beast cub requires a lot of spiritual stones to cultivate, I think it is meaningless, I have already given this spirit summoning thunder beast cub to Senior Sister Linglong.

In addition, I also gave gifts to several other senior sisters.


This is his expense, the Zongmen Dabi reward was obtained by three people, he spent his own part, hereby explain clearly.

But this is also his income, how to spend it is his freedom.

Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue didn't say anything, Fu Xialiang felt relieved and continued:

"From my master, I got three sets of extraordinary Taoism.

"Ziqi Wuding Dayan Feng" Qi Xiu is extraordinary, "Guizang Thick Soil Eighteen Strikes" earth repair is extraordinary, we can't practice now.

The Jade Talisman made by Master with the Styx oath can only be used once, but we can exchange it with others.

"Void Illusionary Sparrow Flying into the Sky" sword repair is extraordinary, so, second brother, accept the method! "

After finishing speaking, pass a Dharma transmission jade talisman.

The Jade Talisman of Teaching Dharma has its own Styx oath. In fact, Fu Xialiang has practiced, and Zhang Yue has also practiced.

However, Fu Xialiang still passed it on to Zhang Yue, and Zhang Yue held the sword. He refined the jade talisman without middlemen, and the effect was better.

Then Fu Xialiang took out an Excalibur.

The long sword in the shape of a dragon, three feet and three inches long, is fiery red, like countless flames burning, like purple jade, but it is also like ice, crystal clear and transparent.

The third-order Purple Jade Mysterious Ice Fire Flood Sword!
"The Maple Leaf Sword is sold, the master rewarded this sword, far surpassing the Maple Leaf Sword, second brother, here it is!"

Zhang Yue laughed loudly, and obtained the extraordinary sword technique "Void Illusionary Sparrow Flying into the Sky", the third-order Ziyu Xuanbing Fire Flood Sword!
This is his harvest!

Fu Xialiang looked at Yang Xiuming, and also took out a sword.

"Brother, you have it too!"

Yang Xiuming also got a divine sword, this sword is three feet and one inch, very light, like a bird's wings, indistinctly, like a sky eagle looming.

Tier [-] Heavenly Eagle Yufeng Escape Sword!
This sword is also several times stronger than the Maple Leaf Sword.

In addition to this, Fu Xialiang also passed on three heaven and earth spirits.

A familiar basalt stone, and the other two are Dianxinghuo and Taihaojin, both of which are the cheapest first-order heaven and earth spiritual objects, each worth more than 300 spirit stones.

So far, it is beneficial for everyone to share the spoils.

(End of this chapter)

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