Dao Shaohua

Chapter 125 Above the Weird, the Human Heart Is the Worst

Chapter 125 Above the Weird, the Human Heart Is the Worst

Fu Xialiang said slowly:
"This time, Master accepted me into the room, and then immediately took me to a real Xin Xin to apologize."

Zhang Yue frowned and asked, "Why do you apologize?"

"Remember the decisive battle later, in the first night, there was a female cultivator who was cut in two by your sword?"

Zhang Yue laughed and said, "Female cultivator? I killed a lot, all with one sword, remember there!"

"That girl is the daughter of Zhenren Xin.

Master took me to apologize, but I could see that it was Master who went up to the pole to curry favor with the other party.

Zhenren Xin was also very angry and didn't say anything, but that girl seemed to be very curious about me, but she was too ordinary, too thin and peaceful.

Although her father seems very powerful, he is not worthy of my fawning. "

Fu Xialiang was still very arrogant.

Yang Xiuming shook his head and didn't care.

"By the way, this time the big competition is over, and they have drawn me into a league."

Zhang Yue asked, "Who is it?"

"Luo Xuanbing, Ximen Qingyan, Chaotianjiao, Gao Feichen, Feng Bailing...

This group of people is not like me, they have no foundation, they are all acquaintances before, this time they were all convinced by me, they pulled me in, and joined forces. "

Yang Xiuming asked: "At the end of the competition, there was a guy who uttered nonsense to you, what is his name Luo Bingkun?"

"That guy, I was the first student in the competition to be accepted by the master, and he immediately came over to apologize."

"This kid, didn't you have a tough mouth at that time?"

"Well, the attitude of apologizing is very sincere, and it's almost like throwing yourself to the ground. Does this count as being able to bend and stretch..."

"Hahaha, what a guy who can bend and stretch, this kid has a long way to go!"

As for that Feng Yi, the three of them had already forgotten him.

Yang Xiuming said: "I should go to the imperial capital soon, and see what's going on in this world!"

Zhang Yue nodded and said: "I'm going back to practice the extraordinary sword technique "Void Illusory Sparrow Flying into the Sky".

In addition, I have already refined the tenth level of Qi, and I need to consolidate my realm and prepare to be promoted to the Foundation Establishment Stage.

If I can advance to the foundation stage, they should transfer me out of the forest farm and entrust me with important tasks.

We have too few people there!

In the end, I also have to speed up my practice of Three Thunders, Xiu Ming, don't forget the other two Lei Dao combat jobs. "

Fu Xialiang also nodded and said: "Traveling is of great significance. I also want to complete the practice of swordsmanship."

Yang Xiuming also said: "Me too, let's work hard together."

"By the way, after this big competition, I don't know why the Chaos chess game didn't produce Chaos specialties..."

"And it seems that the chess game is unstable and almost collapsed. It is said that it will not be usable after three years, and it will need to be repaired for at least ten years."

"Hahaha, Xiu Ming is indeed the scourge of heaven, and at the last moment, he did something wrong."

"Brother, is it related to the chess piece you took away?"

"Hahaha, I don't know about this, but the chessboard didn't object, did it?
Don't ask me, I'm not a disciple of the Supreme Dao, I don't know anything! "

The three chatted for a long time, and then dispersed.

They respectively consolidate their realms and speed up their practice of deception.

After returning, Yang Xiuming went to find his elder brother Yang Xiuqing.

During this period of time, Yang Xiuqing has been building a new Yang Mansion and gathering forces from all walks of life. He is here to fill the power vacuum in Yinzhou City after the four major families perished.

Seeing the third brother looking for him, I don't know what Yang Xiuming wants to do?
Hearing that, he just wanted a certificate of combat rank, and without further ado, he immediately got the Lei Dao combat rank that Yang Xiuming lacked.

The current combat certificate is nothing to Yang Xiuqing at all, as much as the third brother wants.

However, there was nothing Yang Xiuqing could do with the certificate of promotion, and his current strength had not yet reached this point.

Zhang Yue was overjoyed when Yang Xiuming sent Lei Dao to Zhang Yue.

After the battle, Yang Xiuming discovered that he had countless new understandings of kendo.

Kendo and sword stabbing are easy to grasp, and they are perfectly refined in less than a day or two.

This big competition killed tens of thousands of people, and if there is no progress, it will be dead wood and waste.

Then there is the sword madness, which is also easy to complete, and then continue to advance to the rank of sword bearer.

It didn't take any effort, and it was done!

So far, Yang Xiuming has completed the third trick, the sword bearer, after the night watchman and the grass planter.

Then Yang Xiuming began to practice Lei Dao's combat job.

He chose Lei Dao Lei Talisman, Lei Dao Lei Jing, one focuses on the transformation of Thunder, and the other pursues the micro control of Thunder.

Both of them were completed soon, but the promotion certificate was not available to Zhang Leiren, so it was stuck here.

Following Yang Xiuming's successful training, Fu Xialiang also completed the training of a sword bearer.

After being promoted successfully, he completed the third trick, the sword-bearer, after the thunder-handler and the looter.

Then Fu Xialiang began to practice Ye Dao Ye Mo, Ye Dao Ye Shen.

This is also refined very quickly, and they are all completed separately.

Now for Yang Xiuming, he can get his combat certificate from his eldest brother, and it doesn't cost any money, and he can get it easily.

However, there is no way to advance to the rank of night watchman and thunder master.

Even if there are heaven and earth spirits, there is no place to change them...

Fu Xialiang got stuck here and couldn't complete the fourth trick, Night Watchman.

Over there, Zhang Yue was practicing the extraordinary swordsmanship "Void Illusionary Sparrow Soaring into the Sky", while refining the Lei Dao Battle Class. He had already completed all three Lei Dao Battle Classes.

Because I don't have a certificate of advancement, I can only get stuck here...

Unable to complete the third trick, Zhang Leiren.

When the three of them practiced hard, the imperial capital finally brought the flying boat of the freshmen here.

Tomorrow Yang Xiuming will go to Imperial University for further studies.

Many friends came to see him off, and the Yang family even specially held a banquet to thank everyone.

In the evening, although Yinzhou City has become less and less strange because of Yang Xiuming's silent removal of the strange, everyone still went home early.

In the evening, the elder brother Yang Xiuqing quietly called out the third brother, came to the first floor, set up a table of wine and food, and saw the third brother off.

"Third brother, this time you go to the imperial capital, there are many things that I didn't tell you before.

But this time, I have to tell you the truth, you have to be mentally prepared! "

Yang Xiuming sat up straight and said, "Brother, tell me!"

Yang Xiuqing let out a long breath and said:
"Our world, the Liaochang world, you should understand something.

Let me talk to you about the deep-level things in this world.

I didn't know these things before, but after I was promoted to Legendary, I understood. "

Yang Xiuming suddenly felt that the core secret of this world was about to unfold to him, so he listened attentively.

As if feeling the importance, Fu Xialiang and Zhang Yue came here to listen together.

"The real controller of the Liaochang Realm is called the Daoist of the Town!

It is said that in our world, there are three township Taoist officials who guard the world and resist all invasions from evil spirits and heretics outside the world.

Under the three Dao officials of the town, there are eight families who guard the world on behalf of the three Dao officials.

These eight families are Zhao, Xiang, Jiang, Xiong, Qu, Jing, Gao, and Wu! "

Yang Xiuming frowned, Zhao, Jiang, Xiong, Jing, Gao...

He is familiar with it!

Yang Xiuqing continued to speak:
"The Zhao family controls each city, and as the lord of each city, governs each city.

The Xiang family controls the military and protects the entire world.

The Jiang family is in charge of business and social business operations.

The Xiong family is responsible for agriculture, and the food we eat is all produced by the Xiong family.

The Qu family is in charge of the breeding industry. The meat we eat and the leather we use all come from the Qu family.

The Jing family is in charge of the manufacturing industry, and all workshops are under their control.

The Gao family is responsible for the education industry and is responsible for teaching and educating people.

The Wu family is in charge of the transportation industry, and all the flying boats in each city belong to their family. "

The eight great families were displayed in front of Yang Xiuming one after another.

Yang Xiuqing suddenly changed the subject and said:

"But these are all fake!

It's all deceptive!
In our rotten world, the human race is at the bottom, and above the human race is weirdness.

Weird cannibalism is justified.

And above the weirdness, it is not that there is no existence!
That existence is them!
The Eight Great Masters of the Imperial Capital!
They eat weird, logical! "

(End of this chapter)

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