Dao Shaohua

Chapter 126 Brotherly love, like siblings

Chapter 126 Brotherly love, like siblings

Hearing the elder brother's words, Yang Xiuming frowned.

"The Eight Great Families of the Imperial Capital!

They eat weird food, is it logical?"

Yang Xiuqing nodded and continued:
"In our world, the so-called weirdness is actually artificially cultivated.

Divided into two modes, one in captivity and one in free-range.

Captive breeding is the weirdness of cannibalism inside and outside Yinzhou City.

The first-order weirdness coexists with the people in the city, the second-level weirdness is raised and controlled outside the city, and when it evolves to the third-level weirdness, it is immediately sent to the imperial capital to sacrifice to the town's Taoist officials. "

Yang Xiuming couldn't help nodding, and listened attentively!

The elder brother continued:

"The weirdness is all researched by the Qu family. The Qu family is responsible for the breeding industry. In addition to providing all kinds of meat, eggs and milk for the human race, it is also using the human race to create, transform and develop all kinds of new weirdness."

Having said that, he paused and continued:

"Created by the Qu family, manufactured by the Jing family.

In addition to being responsible for the manufacturing of the human race, the Jing family's main job is to mass-produce and reproduce the new weirdness created by the Qu family.

In addition, all the combat certificates and promotion certificates are made by them.

A tree becomes a forest, a drop of water turns into a sea!

Then these weirdnesses are spread by the Wu family.

The Wu family controls the transportation industry. In addition to transporting human beings, the most important thing is to spread all kinds of weirdness, so that weirdness can spread all over the world.

The weirdness of the free-range part is that they put it in, avoiding major cities and sending it into the depths of the wilderness.

The Gao family, on the other hand, teaches and educates people, and at the same time leads the strange.

They are the main force in captivity, equivalent to the breeders of a large pigsty.

The Gao family asked Wei Wei to eat people well, don't overeat, and don't accidentally eat up the human race.

At the same time, arrange for people to bump into tricks, raise them and turn them into tricks, everything is under the control of the Gao family.

And the Xiang family, who controls the army, is responsible for catching the strange ones in the free-range part.

They went deep into the wilderness to catch all the weird things.

These five are responsible for the weirdness!
In addition to producing food, the Bear family is also responsible for the entire world's ecosystem and maintains the ecological balance of the entire world.

The Jiang family is responsible for the business system of the entire world, the circulation of military personnel, economic development and so on.

The Zhao family is in charge of the overall situation, and all activities in the world are planned by them. If the Gao family is a breeder, their family is actually a big pigsty! "

In the words of the eldest brother, a complete world has appeared in front of Yang Xiuming.

The lowest level of the human race, the human race was changed to Weird, and then Weird ate people and grew stronger. Finally, the eight families of the human race collected the third-level Weird and dedicated it to the Taoist official!
Sure enough, the worst thing is not the weirdness, but the human heart!

Yang Xiuming let out a long breath and said, "So that's how it is!"

Yang Xiuqing nodded and said, "Actually, I didn't know before.

After I was promoted to Legendary, this is what Master Xiong told me!
You are going to the imperial capital, so I will tell you the details of this world now. "

Yang Xiuming said: "Thank you, brother, I understand!"

Yang Xiuqing thought for a while and said, "Do you still remember the token that I didn't burn in the Tiankeng last time?"

Yang Xiuming was taken aback for a moment, and said: "Remember, Jiang Si found out that token later and sent it to the Imperial Capital, where he died there!"

Yang Xiuqing sighed, and said: "Yes, because of this token, the Jiang family of the Eight Great Aristocratic Families was wiped out!

However, it is also interesting to say, this is what I found out later...

That token, called the Xianqin Token, belongs to the Xianqin magic weapon and is very valuable.

There are many such magical artifacts in our world.

As long as you get it, you will be rewarded with sacrifices to the Taoist officials of the town.

Jiang Si was sent to the imperial capital, and the head of the Jiang family immediately sacrificed to the Taoist officials of the town, and then something happened! "

Yang Xiuming couldn't help asking, "What's the matter?"

Yang Xiuqing gritted her teeth and said, "The world is impermanent.

When the Jiang family offered sacrifices, the Taoist officials of the town would respond immediately and reward them.

However, after the Jiang family sacrificed, for a whole day and night, the Taoist officials in the town did not respond.

These sacrifices are strangely different from the third-order sacrifices, and the Taoist officials of the town must respond.

But they just didn't respond, which means something happened to the Taoist officer in the town! "

Yang Xiuming asked curiously, "What could happen?"

"I don't know, or retreated to practice, or disappeared, or died, or..., no or!"

"So, the other seven big families were moved.

They wanted to try to see if the Taoist officials in the town were there, so they joined forces and charged the Jiang family with a crime, wanting to move the Jiang family. "

Yang Xiuqing took a sip of tea, then continued:

"The Jiang family also had a problem with their response. If they contact other families immediately, even if they are willing to take advantage of the benefits to bring them over, it will be fine.

But they put all their hopes on the Taoist officer of the town boundary, they just prayed there, made reports, and called for help, without any other actions.

The Jiang family controls the business operations of the entire world, they are too rich!
In the end, the seven families did not do anything, and continued to mobilize their own strange Taoist soldiers to completely wipe out the Jiang family. "

Yang Xiuming remained silent for a long time, it turned out that the Jiang family was destroyed like this.

"After the Qi family destroyed the Jiang family, they thought they would be severely punished by the Taoist officials of the town.

However, until now, the Taoist officer of the town boundary still has not appeared.

Even if one of the eight great families that maintain the world disappears, it still doesn't appear.

The seven families divided the business of the Jiang family. When I came back, I was very moved. In fact, it is not a good time for you to go to the emperor at this time.

But crisis, crisis, danger is also opportunity! "

Yang Xiuming nodded vigorously and said, "Brother, I'll go!

I want to take a look at these eight masters, these weird dogs! "

Yang Xiuqing said: "Stop, don't get excited, remember, no matter how much you hate in your heart, you have to laugh, you can't show it.

Among the eight great masters, there are as many sanctuaries as dogs, legends are everywhere, and masters are like clouds.

When you get there, the Xiong family will contact you. The young master I serve, Xiong Kuohai, has already begun to control the Xiong family. You should not be able to get close to him.

But for my sake, he will arrange work for you.

If you like to contact them, then contact them, if you don't like them, then stay away, the young master is very talented, so he won't care.

But remember, because of my relationship, you are a member of the Xiong family and belong to the forces of the Xiong family. You must not betray the Xiong family!

Remember, remember! "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "Brother, I remember!"

"One more thing to remember, because of the strange relationship between stocking, the wilderness is very dangerous now.

It's been too long, and it is said that there is a fourth-order strange existence in the wilderness.

Last time, the new commanders sent by the Gao family all died inexplicably in the wilderness.

No one is safe walking in the wilderness, including Wu's flying boat, so third brother, you must pay attention to safety, remember, remember! "

"Brother, I remember!"

"Also, I still have a few friends in the imperial capital, please remember, you can find them if you need anything..."

In the words, he taught earnestly, wishing to teach his younger brother everything about himself, hoping that he would be safe and sound.

The two brothers, talking to each other at night, drinking fragrant tea, you say a word, I say a word...

Brotherhood is like siblings!
(End of this chapter)

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