Dao Shaohua

Chapter 127: How Can You Know What Happens When You Lose Your Horse!

Chapter 127: How Can You Know What Happens When You Lose Your Horse!
The next day, Yang Xiuming hit the road!
The family sees them off, and the four brothers and five sisters all open their mouths, reluctant to leave the third brother, and cry loudly.

The father is very happy, his son is promising again.

The eldest brother didn't say anything. Before leaving, he brought Yang Xiuming a bundle of money.

So far, Yang Xiuming has a total of [-] million in cash.

Yang Xiuming's luggage was very simple, he brought some change of clothes, and the third-order divine sword Tianying Yufeng Escape Sword, the chaotic chess piece has not deformed for a long time, and he hangs it around his neck.

In addition to these, there are two heaven and earth spirits, both of which are placed in the base camp.

Because of the Li family's affairs, Li Xingyun relied on this heaven and earth spirit to break through the fourth level of the sanctuary. Now Yang Xiuming dare not sell the heaven and earth spirit easily.

But in the end, he still gave the big brother a spark from the spirit of heaven and earth.

Eldest brother Yang Xiuqing is the venerable of fire and earth fire, maybe this heaven and earth spirit fire is valuable to him.

Saying goodbye to relatives, Yang Xiuming boarded the ship.

This flying boat is specially used by Imperial University to accept new students.

It wasn't just Yang Xiuming who boarded the ship alone.

Princess, Shi Hama, Liu Jianing, Xu Heyuan, Liu Gang, Lan Yu, Xue Wei

Li Er, Zhang San, Xiao Yueer, they are all dead.

Arranged in order, Lan Yu, the only remaining of the four beauties, unexpectedly got the qualification of Imperial University.

Another classmate is Xue Wei, who is also a pie in the sky, and joined the ranks of Imperial University for further study.

If you lose your horse, you will know misfortune and blessing!
Welcome to the flying boat, which is a full [-] meters long. It is carved with jade railings. There are countless exquisite runes carved on the flying boat.

Everyone was dumbfounded, only the princess was indifferent.

She said slowly: "The third-order flying boat is just a flying boat."

Only then did Yang Xiuming understand why Fu Xialiang said at the time that there are valuable things in the world, the first is the spiritual things of heaven and earth, then the flying car and flying boat, and then the magic robe and armor...

Flying car and flying boat are just different names. Under the seventh rank, the two can be used interchangeably. In fact, the meaning is the same.

Everyone boarded the car, but there were not eight of them, Princess Zhao Wanjun brought four servants with her.

There are maids, old men, and strong men...

It was unheard of that she could bring servants on board, but she was a princess, so no one dared to say anything.

In addition to her, Shi Hama also brought a servant, but he was a blind middle-aged man, like a fortune teller, dry and thin.

The remaining six people are all alone.

After boarding the boat, a steward appeared, a middle-aged woman, very kind.

She smiled and said, "Hello everyone, welcome to the students from Yinzhou City to board the ship.

I'm Wu Yingying, the captain of the Hangyun, and I'm here to pick you up on this voyage..."

The soft words make people feel very comfortable!

Wu Yingying smiled and continued:
"Everyone has boarded the ship, but according to the rules, I will call the name!"

"Zhao Wanjun!"

Zhao Wanjun stood up and replied, "Yes!"

Wu Yingying was holding a picture scroll in her hand, with Zhao Wanjun's appearance on it.

She compared it carefully, her body was full of vitality, and she used unknown abilities. It was impressive that this was a legendary venerable.

Then she nodded and said:

"Yang Xiuming!"

Yang Xiuming stood up and replied, "Yes!"

"Liu Jianing, Xu Heyuan, Liu Gang, Lan Yu, Xue Wei..."

Carefully compare one by one, don't let go of any problems!
In the end, all eight people were determined!
Wu Yingying said loudly: "It's sure, the eight students in Yinzhou City will accept all of them!"

Then she arranged to stay in the cabin again!
They are all ordinary cabins, one person and one single room, the area is not large, one room and one bathroom, if you eat, go to the restaurant.

Of course, the princess's was a first-class suite, and all four servants moved in, which was more than enough.

Shi Hama brought a servant with him, and it was also an ordinary single cabin, which seemed very crowded. I don't know why he had to bring a servant?

Liu Gang, who was walking together and was almost squeezed out by Yang Xiuming, immediately began to sarcasm:
"Haha, what a young master, you have to bring a servant with you when you go out.

In the end, they were not able to open more rooms, and the two of them squeezed into one room, which was a shame. "

When Shi Haba heard it, he just smiled, as if he didn't care at all.

Yang Xiuming couldn't help asking:

"Toad, aren't you two uncomfortable?
No, you come to my place, let's squeeze! "

Shi Haha laughed, and whispered:
"Big silly sheep, feel better if you feel uncomfortable.

Better than dead!
You, take care of yourself! "

This guy is a godsend!
There are already more than 60 people on board. They are students from four surrounding cities. They are all about the same age, and they all gathered here.

With a bang, the flying boat soared into the sky and flew towards Tianyu.

Yang Xiuming watched from the window, and saw that Yinzhou City gradually disappeared like a projectile, and finally disappeared.

Goodbye, hometown, I will be back!

My oath must be fulfilled, and there will be no more weirdness in the world!

Including those eight big families who cannibalize and harm others with the help of weirdness!

And the so-called high-ranking Taoist officials!
These people-eating things, let them all disappear!
Feizhou had to go to the next city to receive other students before returning to the imperial capital.

Other cities have other airships to receive them.

Yang Xiuming was resting in the room, he was really bored, so he went to Taishang Daoist Fu Xialiang for nothing.

Anyway, more than ten days, I survived.

Soon, at night, a voice sounded in the cabin:
"Yinzhou student Yang Xiuming, it's time for dinner, please go to the restaurant for dinner."

The space of the flying boat is not big, many students eat separately and arrange them reasonably, now it's Yang Xiuming's turn.

He stood up slowly, opened the door, and followed the instructions to the Feizhou cafeteria.

The restaurant is not big, it can accommodate more than a dozen people dining at the same time.

When he got here, Yang Xiuming saw Shi Hama's servant, the blind fortune teller.

Shi Hama didn't come to eat, but his servant came to cook for him.

Yang Xiuming couldn't help cursing, this kid is full of airs.

Entering the restaurant, there are all set lunches, one dish and one soup, very simple meals.

Yang Xiuming ate it with a big mouthful, and it tasted pretty good.

Suddenly, someone tapped him on the shoulder.

"Yang Xiuming, that's great. I'm so lucky to be able to go to the imperial capital for further studies with you!"

Yang Xiuming frowned, how is it possible!

Although Yang Xiuming looked very casual, he was vigilant physically and mentally.

This person patted him on the shoulder silently, his strength was unimaginable and inestimable.

Looking up, it was Xue Wei, the latest classmate who joined.

This classmate, there was no communication between the two of them, and they hadn't spoken more than a dozen words in three years of high school.

"Xue Wei, I'm also very happy, you can..."

Suddenly, Su Xiaomei appeared next to Yang Xiuming, she looked at Xue Wei, bared her teeth angrily and growled in a low voice!


Xue Wei's face was gloomy, he looked at Su Xiaomei, and the two confronted each other.

His face was completely ashen, without a trace of humanity!
Then he backed away slowly, avoiding Su Xiaomei.

Seeing him leave, Su Xiaomei let out a long breath and said:
"Scary guy, your classmate, you just died!
Now this guy should be very strange, I am not his opponent! "

Yang Xiuming was completely stupid, Xue Wei died within less than half a day in the flying boat?Replaced by weirdness?Or weird?

how can that be!

If you lose your horse, you will know misfortune and blessing!
(End of this chapter)

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