Dao Shaohua

Chapter 128 You still have to rely on your master at critical moments!

Chapter 128 You still have to rely on your master at critical moments!
Big weird...

The weirdness of the first level comes to the weirdness of the second level, and the weirdness of the third level is the weirdest!

The big weirdness is the fourth level!
The fourth level is equivalent to the golden core realm of a monk...

That is, the strength of Fu Xialiang's cheap master, Daoist Suitie, is terrifying!
Yang Xiuming was suddenly very worried.

Suddenly, he thought of something, and hurriedly checked the place that was just photographed.

No matter how many people are here, if you take off your clothes and look, it is normal there, and there is nothing abnormal about the skin.

People around looked at Yang Xiuming stupidly, what is this guy doing?
Eat and start undressing?

Yang Xiuming breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately returned to the cabin regardless of what others thought of him.

When I got to the cabin, I thought about it, but I was really worried. I closed the curtains, turned off the lights, and took another look at the darkness...

I saw the place where the photo was taken, under the assimilation of the night, it was pitch black, and there was a handprint like a child.

Yang Xiuming couldn't help asking, "What should I do?"

Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang have arrived here.

Zhang Yue immediately replied: "Then what else can we do?"

He has already started to run the sword energy.

Yang Xiuming let out a long sigh, and immediately the three of them merged into one, circulating the sword energy, and the sword light flickered on his shoulder.

Seeing the black handprint of a child's palm, Yang Xiuming reacted, and suddenly, there seemed to be a child laughing there.

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee……"

It seems to be mocking Yang Xiuming's overreaching.

But Yang Xiuming didn't care about him at all, and had already run "Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword".

With thoughts turned into swords, all thoughts are true, nine days and ten places, there is no disadvantage!

Of course, it was just a little bit of sword energy, stabbing towards the little hand.

The sound of the child's play suddenly turned into howling and crying!

It seems to be calling his parents, someone is bullying the child.

But Yang Xiuming didn't care at all, with a light touch, the sword light pierced his shoulder.

The sword energy was just right, no more, no less, but with a pop, the little hand turned into countless blood stains, splashing everywhere.

The voice of a child disappeared immediately.

No matter how weird you are, under the Sword of Absolute Immortal, it will all dissipate.

It's just that there was a big hole in Yang Xiuming's shoulder, and blood spurted out.

However, he shook his shoulders, and his body responded immediately, sealing the blood vessels, restoring flesh and blood, and no longer bleeding.

With such an injury, under the night demon, it can recover in one night.

Yang Xiuming let out a long breath and said:
"What a disaster!"

With the help of night magic power, slowly wait here for the wound to recover.

Zhang Yue said, "Don't go out to eat!"

"Well, don't eat it! You have soul meat there, so it's not bad for this meal."

Fu Xialiang said: "If we don't provoke him, we are afraid that it will come and attack us."

Yang Xiuming said: "If the Absolute Immortal Sword can pierce it, it must die!"

Zhang Yue shook his head and said, "This thing is so weird and ethereal, there is no real entity at all.

Can't find the entity, can't stab him, no! "

Yang Xiuming frowned and said, "Then what should we do?"

Fu Xialiang said: "I'll find Master immediately when I go back, Master should have a solution!"

Zhang Yue said, "Hurry up and go back, I'm here to help Xiuming suppress it."

Yang Xiuming thought for a while and said, "Should we notify the captain?"

Before they could reply, Yang Xiuming had already stood up, and he decided to inform Wu Yingying of the matter.

Get on the boat weirdly, if you don't take precautions, you don't know how many people will be killed.

But just as he was about to open the door, Su Xiaomei appeared beside him, shook her head at him, and pointed to the door lightly.

Yang Xiuming immediately knew that the big monster was right at his door, as long as he opened the door, he would be caught by the other party and be killed by the other party.

He sat down slowly, motionless.

Yang Xiuming sensed the existence outside the door, and the weirdness outside the door also knew that Yang Xiuming had discovered him.

But Dawei didn't dare to enter Yang Xiuming's room, because there was also Dawei in Yang Xiuming's room!
Moreover, there are some even more frightening strange things outside the sky, which arrive in an instant, and he even feels that Yang Xiuming is an unexplainable big strange thing!

If you eat him, you will become stronger!
They confront each other!

Zhang Yue was about to unleash his sword in an instant, but stopped immediately.

Just as the sword was about to be drawn here, the breath changed over there, making it impossible to lock onto the entity.

That's what's weirdly annoying.

If you can't lock it, you can't kill it!

Confrontation here, Fu Xialiang has returned to the Taishang Dao.

He immediately went to see the master!
In the last big competition, Fu Xialiang won glory for his master, and has been taken in as a disciple by Master Broken Tie to teach the three extraordinary Taoism.

Now I just ask to see him, and Master will see me right away.

"Xiao Shiwu, what happened to you looking for a teacher in such a hurry?"

Liu Qingshu is the No.14 disciple, and Fu Xialiang is the No.15 disciple, so they are called Xiaoshiwu.

"Master, I have a friend who encountered such a thing and asked me for help.

He was traveling far away and was attacked by a Tier [-] demon..."

After hearing Fu Xialiang's narration, Broken Iron shook his head and said:
"I am not familiar with the matter of demons, but there are solutions.

Take this token, go to the Yanwu Hall of the Zongmen, and ask the Supreme Faling to deduce it, and you will have the method to break the demon! "

Fu Xialiang was startled, and couldn't help but said: "Yanwu Palace, Taishang Faling..."

This is the top-level cultivation place of Taishang Dao, where you can invite Taishang Faling or Zongmen's great powers to solve all cultivation problems.

But this time the practice deduction requires at least [-] spirit stones, and this qualification is even more difficult, at least [-] spirit stones are required to get such an opportunity.

But Fu Xialiang never imagined that Master would arrange for himself nearly [-] spirit stones with just a token.

All along, he thought that the master was very stingy and didn't care about the disciples, but he didn't want to be so generous.

Fu Xialiang took the token carefully, looked at Master, and saluted respectfully!
"Disciple Fu Xialiang, thank you Master for teaching the Dharma and saving lives!"

Master Broken Tie laughed, and said: "This time, it seems that he is calling me Master sincerely!

Go, save people like fire! "

There are many flaws in Fu Xialiang's words, but Master Suitie doesn't care at all, I believe what you say.

Fu Xialiang's heart warmed. He, who had lost his parents since childhood, had red eyes and left here.

Walking out of Master's Dongfu residence, Fu Xialiang instantly returned to normal, with no trace of tears.

Play, must do enough!

The matter was urgent, so he hurried to Taishang Dao Yanwu Hall.

Yanwu Palace is a world of its own, hidden in the depths of Daluotian.

Holding the token of Yanwudian, you can be teleported to the separate world of Yanwudian in any corner of Daluotian.

Fu Xialiang left the master's cave residence, activated the token, and the teleportation disappeared in a flash.

Looking again, he has come to a world of green mountains and green waters.

The bluestone pavement here, the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, is such a paradise on earth.

In the center of the world, there are endless pavilions, each of which is towering, that is the Yanwu Hall.

In this world, there are quite a few fellow disciples who are either waiting for a vacant seat to appear in the Martial Arts Hall, or have already finished their martial arts performances, silently comprehending.

When Fu Xialiang came here, he hurriedly wanted to find a martial arts hall, and entered to find the way to victory.

Suddenly someone shouted: "Brother Fu!"

Fu Xialiang looked around, only to see Ximen Qingyan, Huang Qingying, and a junior sister, who looked a little familiar, seemed to be the daughter of Zhenren Xin?

I once made a point of going over to make an apology...

But he had something to do, so he waved his hand vigorously as a response, and then rushed into the Yanwu Hall!
Ximen Qingyan scolded: "This kid, he didn't even talk to us!"

"I really need to clean him up!"

Zhenren Xin's daughter said softly: "Brother Fu seems to be in a hurry, forget it, don't make things difficult for him!"

In the words, there was endless gentleness, her face was flushed, she kept bowing her head, she was really a gentle girl!
(End of this chapter)

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