Dao Shaohua

Chapter 129 8 Desolate Dao Pan Overwhelms Heavenly Chess!

Chapter 129 Eight Desolation Dao Pan Overwhelms Tian Chess!
Fu Xialiang rushed into the Yanwu Hall.

There are a lot of people queuing here, and some people don't.

There is a high platform on the side, where the deacons work here.

Fu Xialiang went over immediately, and among a row of deacons, she chose the one with the best eyesight.

Before coming to the deacon, he bowed and said:

"I've met senior brother, but I don't know how to perform martial arts in the Yanwu Palace?"

A red-robed deacon on the other side replied slowly:
"There are two types of martial arts exercises in the Martial Arts Hall.

One is martial arts performed by the seniors of the sect, the price is cheap, and the martial arts performance is reasonable, but you need to queue up.

One is the Zongmen Faling performing martial arts, which is expensive and sometimes has problems, so there is no need to queue up for this.

I don't know which one you choose? "

Fu Xialiang didn't have to choose at all, the master had already arranged it.

"I choose Zongmen Faling!"

"Okay, let me see the token!"

Fu Xialiang took out the token given to him by his master, the other party checked it, and then said:

"Fa Ling performs martial arts, no need to line up, go, No. [-] Martial Arts Hall.

The time is three hours, and it will automatically exit when the time comes. "

Fu Xialiang saluted and said, "Thank you very much!"

He went over immediately without queuing, and quickly found No. [-] Yanwu Hall.

When he came to the big iron gate, he pressed his palm lightly, and the gate opened automatically, and Fu Xialiang entered it.

Martial arts hall No. [-] is very spacious, about [-] miles long, and there are various training instruments in it.

Fu Xialiang didn't have time to watch these, and came to the core, where there was a floating light bead.

Fu Xialiang bowed to Guangzhu and said, "Please give advice from the Faling of the sect!"

As soon as the light bead moved, it flew to the top of Fu Xialiang's head in an instant, and then the light bead turned into a beam of light, penetrating Fu Xialiang's head at an angle of 45 degrees.

In an instant, Fu Xialiang seemed to have come out of his body and came to a large hall.

In this hall, countless brilliance flows, and each brilliance seems to be a scene of a sect's powerful Dharma transmission.

"Fu Xialiang, what do you want?"

Faring asked!

The voice is cold, without any emotion!
Fu Xialiang let out a sigh of relief. The sect's Faling is very safe and will not reveal the situation of any martial artist, so he is very relieved.

"I have a friend who travels in the void universe.

Riding on the third-tier cloud-walking ship, encountering demon attacks on the road...

My friend, 17 years old, 33th level of qi training, [-] days of training "Zixiao Thunder", "Sword Shocking the Sky", "Dark Sky", has a bloodline spiritual fortress, fate: Devouring Demon God, Heaven Absolute Disaster... "

Fu Xialiang expressed the incident a little bit.

The Taishang Faling suddenly started to operate, and deduced...

Fu Xialiang waited silently for an unknown amount of time, when suddenly consciousness appeared in his mind.

"The first way to deal with it is to explode with "Dark Sky"..."

"The second way to deal with it is to run away from a distance, and use "One Sword Shocks the Heaven"..."

"The third way to deal with it is to devour demons with the God of Devouring Demons..."

Twelve ways to deal with it are fully given.

Fu Xialiang frowned as she recorded them one by one.

"When the deduction is over, do you keep all the deduction process? If you don't keep it, it will be automatically destroyed immediately to prevent leakage?"

Fu Xialiang nodded and said, "Destroy all deduction process and deduction results!"

"Okay, the name of the Taoist Lord on the ether has been completely destroyed, and will not be leaked!"

Fu Xialiang let out a long breath, then flashed, exited the state, and raised her voice:
"It's time for the martial arts performance, please pay [-] spirit stones, and start the second round of martial arts performance, the time is three hours!"

Fu Xialiang sighed, ten thousand spirit stones, how can I have so many spirit stones.

He shook his head, left here, and directly chose to teleport back to Jin Fenglin.

Teleport returns, and that token automatically shatters.

Fu Xialiang quickly returned to the cave, and immediately left fascinated.

His spirit returned to the flying boat, and Yang Xiuming was still confronting the big weirdness outside the door.

Fu Xialiang had just arrived here when a sentence came from outside the door: "Extraterritorial Heavenly Demon!"

The strange person outside the door suddenly felt Fu Xialiang's arrival.

Then Big Weird disappeared and no longer confronted Yang Xiuming.

But Yang Xiuming didn't dare to go out, because maybe the big weirdness was hiding nearby.

"Brother, I got some method from Master, let's analyze it!"

Fu Xialiang mentioned the twelve methods one by one.

The three of them started to analyze, shaking their heads and giving up one by one...

In the end, after thousands of choices, choose a solution.

Devouring Demon God!

Devouring the opponent in this way is very strange.

After confirming this method, Yang Xiuming immediately began to prepare according to the method formulated by Taishang Faling.

This is not to say that swallowing is swallowing, how can it be so easy.

The first one is to bring this big weirdness to the front.

According to the method taught by Taishang Faling, it can be done by offering sacrifices of the soul and flesh accumulated by Zhang Yue.

Once the sacrifice is made, no matter what form the opponent is in, whether the opponent is willing or not, they will definitely be pulled here.

Second, this great weirdness must be suppressed, at least ten breaths of time.

This is simply impossible.

However, in Taishang Faling's method, it can be done.

The key is Dabi's Chaos Treasure, Chaos Piece.

The refining method of the etheric spirit can be forcibly finalized in advance and become a magic weapon. With the help of the finalized ability, it can suppress the opponent.

The third one is whether the Ghost Devouring Demon God can eat the other party, and whether it can be digested after eating, so don't be overwhelmed by the other party.

The first one is easy to handle, and the third one is to take your life.

Only the second one requires a certain amount of refining and transformation.

But now they can't control so much, they have been stared at by the big weirdness, they can only start.

Picking up the chess piece, Yang Xiuming cast a spell silently, using the method taught by Taishang Faling to transform the chaotic chess piece.

"The Supreme Ancestor, Laojun is in front, the three qi are dense, enlightening the three sceneries, standing on the top of the universe. The supernatural powers are infinite, the body is transformed into qi, the three realms are paraded, the disaster is saved, the fire is scooped and the crows, the flames are flying, and the fire is thrown. Gold, turned into dust...

Hurry like a law"

The three work together, one is alert, one is refining, and one is resting.

Three shifts, no rest, condensed chess pieces.

In this way, a full twelve days passed.

The flying boat has arrived at the last city, picked up the student, and then went straight to the imperial capital.

For the past twelve days, Yang Xiuming and the three of them worked hard and kept refining.

The chess piece is finally finalized!
It has completely become a pawn.

Like a chess piece, made of jade, it is white for a while and black for a while.

Auspicious light and auspicious energy flowed on it, and an inexplicable rhythm enveloped the four directions, thick but ethereal, and there was a subtle sound.

In fact, they are not refining, how could it be refined into a magic weapon during the Qi refining period, they are actually just attracting the power contained in the original chess pieces.

After the chess piece is finalized, it will automatically be used as a fourth-order magic weapon.

The fourth-order magic weapon, the Eight Desolation Dao Pan suppresses Tianqi!
The imperial envoy magic weapon for monks of the first to third ranks, and the imperial envoy magic weapon for the fourth-rank Jindan Daoist and above.

Yang Xiuming injects true energy, and the chess piece changes immediately, and the auspicious light and auspicious energy on it roll endlessly, countless scenes come and go, and a vast world evolves...

There are mountains, rivers, hills, grasslands, abysses, and seas...

In fact, if you look closely, it is the chaotic world of Dabi back then. This chess piece escaped from the chaotic world of Dabi, and turned into a magic weapon, it seems to be a corner of the world!
But this corner of the world should be enough to suppress the weirdness!
(End of this chapter)

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