Dao Shaohua

Chapter 130: When things come to an end, you need to be bold!

Chapter 130: When things come to an end, you need to be bold!

Everything is ready, and twelve days have passed since the confrontation with the big weirdness.

I don't know what it looks like outside, and I don't know how many people died!

But Yang Xiuming didn't dare to open the door, so he could only prepare in the cabin.

Refining the magic weapon is successful!

On the contrary, Yang Xiuming is not in a hurry, he needs to be bold when things come to an end!

He finished his practice, lay on the bed, and had a good night's sleep.

Replenish your energy and recharge your batteries, and cultivate your body to its best state.

At night, the flying boat was still flying, but it was already dark, so Yang Xiuming started to do it.

Using Zhang Yue's previously accumulated spiritual flesh, he took out 33 catties of money, and arranged a strange ceremony here.

Using the soul and flesh as the material for the ceremony, the arrangement was completed quickly.

Then Yang Xiuming sat in the center of the ceremony, silently recalling the contact process with that big weird.

"Brothers, come on!"

"Okay, let's unite our minds!"

"To live and die together, fuck it!"

All of a sudden, the three of them became one force!
Start casting:
"The Great Sage of Longevity, holds my handle, the God of Immortality, assists me on the left, the King of Longevity, stands on my right, directs orders and records, prolongs life and counts, has no measure, Qing Emperor protects the soul, and the Supreme Lord supports the body , hurry like a law!"

Following his incantations, true energy was poured in, and the flesh and blood suddenly burned.

This is the power of Taishang Dao, no matter what state that big strange is in, where it is, when it is casting a spell, it will be bound here immediately, and it will suddenly appear in that spirit and flesh!
A small spell with a small cost, but it has such a powerful mana effect.

After looking at it, the big weird has changed its body, it is a beautiful girl, Yang Xiuming has never seen it before.

It was also very surprised, why did it come here suddenly, and when it saw Yang Xiuming, she yelled: "Extraterritorial demon!"

In her body, infinite power erupted, and the whole world seemed to be falling apart, changing strangely.

Yang Xiuming pointed lightly, and shouted: "Lord, get up!"

The fourth-order magic weapon, the Eight Desolation Dao Pan suppresses the chess piece, and it moves with a bang, turning into a black and white chess piece, instantly suppressing the strangeness.

Normally speaking, no matter how hard the three of Yang Xiuming tried, they still couldn't use the fourth-order magic weapon.

However, in the method provided by Faling, they condense the chess pieces, and through the condensing process, they can use it once.

The chess piece flies into the air, and above the chess piece, it seems that a great world appears.

Mountains, rivers, lakes, earth, hills, grasslands...

It is almost exactly the same as the world of Dabi Trials!
Countless changes in scenery turned into invisible forces and suddenly suppressed them.

Under this force, the body of that beautiful girl was shattered into pieces.

Among them, the real truth of the big weirdness is revealed.

A frightening and strange tentacles condensed from thousands of tentacles. In fact, Yang Xiuming had encountered before when he attacked Gao Yunpan and stood guard for Gao Yunpan.

It's just that this has evolved into a fourth-order big weirdness.

No matter how weird he is now, he is still firmly locked by the chess pieces, unable to move, and suppressed motionless.

The big weird struggled crazily, making all kinds of creaking noises and endless rage.

This kind of suppression cannot be sustained for a long time, that is, more than ten breaths, the magic weapon will exhaust its power and lose its power.

At the critical moment of life and death, Yang Xiuming reached out and grabbed the big weirdness.

"The night is dark, the sky is dark, the darkness is infinite, my night is ignorant..."

"Great Darkness" spell "Darkness Devours".

The talent Grass Dragon Snake is activated, the talent Night Demon God is activated, the destiny flashes, the star of the heavenly disaster falls, and finally the ghost devouring demon god begins to devour.

At this moment, Yang Xiuming fully activated all his abilities, and suddenly, he seemed to be connected to that great existence beyond the distant starry sky.

Yang Xiuming's body seemed to have undergone a drastic change, and he was no longer under his control. Endless greed appeared, and the night god in the distant depths projected a large amount of power and went down in one gulp.

What kind of weirdness of the fourth order was eaten by him immediately!
The question of whether I could eat it that I was most worried about was not a problem at all!

Ye Shen, who was far away, seemed to be very satisfied with this, and he used Yang Xiuming's body to eat the big strange.

Yang Xiuming let out a sigh of relief and won!
In a blink of an eye, Ye Shen left.

Big Weird died and was completely eaten, but Ye Shen still left some leftovers.

All of a sudden, infinite primordial energy erupted, and the real crisis came!
Such primordial energy is too powerful, Yang Xiuming can't absorb it at all, and it might kill him in one fell swoop.

At this time of crisis, Yang Xiuming shouted: "Brothers, come!"

One person can't hold it, but three people, come together.

Blessed to share!

Each of the three bears one-third of the responsibility and face the crisis together.

In a blink of an eye, Fu Xialiang lost contact, and he returned to Taishangdao.

Then Zhang Yue also lost contact and returned to Tieling.

Yang Xiuming was left, stubbornly insisting.

Gradually all the true energy was absorbed, and suddenly Yang Xiuming's body trembled, and he was promoted to the fifth level of Qi refining!

Yuanneng Zhenqi soared by [-]%, the whole body was incomparably strong, every inch of skin seemed not to belong to the mortal world, glittering and translucent, with outstanding demeanor, vaguely had a majestic posture like a heavenly man.

The body is strong, the five senses are expanded, and the body is infinitely flexible...

It's just that it's only been a few days since he was promoted to the fourth level of Qi refining, and he was promoted to the fifth level of Qi refining all at once, which is too fast.

However, this true essence comes from the fourth-order big weirdness, and it crushes Yang Xiuming's own cultivation in both quantity and quality, so there is no hidden danger of unstable foundation.

The realm has improved, so far there is no possibility of dying.

Yang Xiuming gasped for breath and collapsed on the ground, not moving for a long time.

After a while, the sound of sirens sounded on the flying boat, and there was a lot of noise.

The fourth-order great strange death, those people it swallowed, with its death, all disappeared and died together.

This includes captain Wu Yingying...

So the whole spaceship was in chaos.

The flying boat stopped and stopped flying away. Some of them contacted the high-level officials of the Wu family in the imperial capital, and the sanctuary immediately set off to come to the rescue.

A day later, a flying boat connected, and its own sanctuary came here to control the situation.

However, Yang Xiuming didn't care about these, he still lay down and rested to recover his vitality.

Finally, someone knocked on the door and checked the cabins one by one.

But the matter was over, Yang Xiuming didn't say anything, and passed all his things to the base camp, not looking for trouble, not causing trouble.

The inspection is over, and there is no conclusion.

Yang Xiuming is fine, and so is the princess.

Zhao Wanjun led four subordinates, no matter how big and weird tossed about, they would protect her well.

Shi Hama was also fine, the blind fortune-teller still had a hand in protecting him.

But out of luck for everyone else!
Liu Jianing, Xu Heyuan, Liu Gang, Lan Yu, and Xue Wei who were traveling with him, besides Xu Heyuan's fate, and Lan Yu's situation is not good, so they hid in Shi Hama's place to save their lives.

Liu Jianing, Liu Gang, and Xue Wei are all dead!

They will never be able to reach the imperial capital! ——
The ferry is covered with frost like snow, the first mark of my blue shoes!
VIPChapter 1, here we come!

(End of this chapter)

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