Dao Shaohua

Chapter 131 Coming to the Imperial Capital, University Life

Chapter 131 Coming to the Imperial Capital, University Life

The Wu family sanctuary arrived here, and this person began to check the flying boat.

His field covered the flying boat, and he went up and down carefully to check everything clearly.

But that big weirdness had been swallowed up by Yang Xiuming, and nothing was found out.

The so-called crisis was only exposed after the death of the big strange, and the disappearance of the human race swallowed by him.

Yang Xiuming sent his sword, magic weapon, and various items to the base camp, but under the inspection of the other party, they found nothing.

In the end, the whole thing had to be left alone.

On the contrary, this is the norm. The wilderness of the world is very dangerous. This is the result of many years of free-range breeding. There is no way.

Yang Xiuming went to the restaurant again and heard a lot of news there.

More than 30 people were inexplicably missing on board, including the captain Wu Yingying, and her classmates Liu Jianing, Liu Gang, and Xue Wei were also missing.

Originally, Lan Yu was bound to die, but at the last moment, she found Shi Hato, hooked up together, and survived strong.

The princess was all right, but there were only two of her servants left.

The princess and Shi Hama still stayed in their own rooms and would never show up until the imperial capital.

Yang Xiuming couldn't help shaking his head, sure enough, this flying boat is very dangerous.

However, with the Wu family Sanctuary waiting, it is safe now, so I flew straight to the imperial capital.

On the second day, Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang returned one after another, returning to the base camp.

Like Yang Xiuming, they almost died.

Zhang Yue has completed Qi refining and can hit the foundation building stage.

But the step of hitting the foundation building stage is very dangerous. It is best to have the foundation building pill as a guarantee to increase the chance of success.

Fu Xialiang is at the first level of advanced stage, the eighth level of Qi refining.

The competition is over, and in a blink of an eye, he has been promoted to the double realm.

This can be presumed to be the blessing of Dabi World's mana, but it also explains the past.

But yesterday, master intentionally or unintentionally, told him not to be in a hurry to get promoted, but to consolidate his foundation more.

In fact, this was promoted by them absorbing the big weirdness.

It's weird, that's a fourth-order existence, and absorbing his true essence, it can be said that both the quality and the quantity are accumulated during the small Qi refining period, so there is no problem of weak foundation at all.

The three of them were booing in the base camp and almost died on the road.

The flying boat continued and flew for another three days. Finally, on this day, the flying boat sounded the siren and had arrived at the imperial capital.

This time, both the princess and Shi Hama went out, and they could no longer avoid it.

Everyone gathered on the deck and looked at the imperial capital in the distance.

A majestic building, the imperial capital can see from a distance, with endless pavilions surrounded by city walls.

The city walls are divided into three layers, lined up in sequence, and surrounded by each other. They are all ten feet high and three feet wide, protecting the imperial capital.

Within the city walls, the residences of the people of the imperial capital are divided into several neighborhoods, and there are a million people living here.

The flying boat didn't fly over the city wall, and when it got outside the city wall, it stopped immediately, landed, and called everyone to get off the flying boat.

At the stop, there are already various vehicles waiting here silently.

Enter the city by car, not by boat!
Yang Xiuming and the others got out of the car, and just as they got out of the car, someone called their names:

"Yang Xiuming, a college student from Yinzhou City, please follow me!"

Yang Xiuming followed him and led into a car, and the others were also in a car...

Shi Hama's so-called servant was just a bodyguard, and he dispersed here by himself.

The princess had other people to pick her up, she was not with them, she returned to the Zhao family's ancestral house, and disappeared.

When the car started, Yang Xiuming could see the scenery outside the car through the window.

The vehicles entered the city gates, each with an urn city, and then entered the imperial capital.

In the imperial capital, there are also various stone buildings, but they are one floor higher than Yinzhou City, and they are also much more prosperous.

On the side of the street, there are a variety of shops, which look very lively.

On the street, there are girls selling flowers, drivers pulling rickshaws, barbers carrying burdens, and various vendors selling snacks.

If Yang Xiuming was just a native of Yinzhou City, he would be dumbfounded.

But regardless of whether he was too good in his previous life, Yang Xiuming just nodded his head, that's all.

On the roads of the imperial capital, there are rows of street lamps, which burn a special spiritual oil. It is not dark now, and they are all unlit.

Yang Xiuming frowned, he didn't like this!
At night, they will extremely restrain Yang Xiuming's night watchmen.

Soon the vehicle entered a large building complex, which was Imperial University.

When they arrived at the school, all the students were sent to an auditorium.

Among them was an old scholar who came out to meet them.

"Everyone, welcome to Imperial Capital University for further studies.

Here you will spend your university life.

The classes have been divided, and you each receive your own study textbooks.

This is the dormitory room number of each of you, I hope you like it.

During this week, everyone got used to life in the imperial capital.

Next Monday, a freshmen ceremony will be held, and everyone will officially start their university life.

Here, there are a few points, please pay attention to..."

The old pedant speaks slowly, and it can be said that everyone's study and life arrangements are proper.

Then one person gave out a school bag, which was full of various books and materials.

Of course, it’s not free. Everyone paid 15 for tuition and accommodation.

According to the numbers on the materials, many students looked for their own dormitories.

It is said to be a dormitory, but it is actually a stone house like the one in Yinzhou City, one room per person, very free.

There is a cafeteria for meals, or you can cook your own fire, or order takeaways delivered from outside the school.

The university curriculum is loose, almost one or two classes a day, and the rest of the time is free.

Several students from Yinzhou City were all assigned to the same class, and everyone had a care together.

Stay here and get familiar with the environment.

Yang Xiuming tidied up his stone house carefully, inspected it carefully, and looked for loopholes. This is the foundation, the place of safety at night.

In addition to the dormitory, there are also classrooms, various university facilities, canteens, self-study rooms, textbook rooms, libraries, training rooms...

But soon Yang Xiuming was stunned.

There is a textbook room in the university, which sells a large number of combat job certificates, not to mention [-] combat job certificates, and there are eighty to ninety percent of them.

Yang Xiuming was stunned by the many military certificates. The better price is 10,000+, and the average price is only 8 to [-] yuan, which is completely different from his own price in Yinzhou City. Yinzhou City is at least [-]% more expensive.

In addition to the certificate of combat rank, there are also various magic weapons of various combat ranks...

The night demon suit only sells for 3000 yuan here, and Xiao Yueer is too dark!
Last time the Night Demon suit was taken away by Zhang San, but he couldn't find it later, Yang Xiuming bought another set here, only 3000 yuan, the money was spent happily.

However, promotion certificates are not sold here. It is said that each college student can purchase a promotion certificate with his or her student ID card.

Yang Xiuming didn't rush out to get rid of the tricks at night. He just arrived here and observed for a few days first.

There are no weird calls here at night, as if the weirdness does not exist at night...

The next day, when I woke up in the morning, Yang Xiuming received an invitation.

In the afternoon, the Xiong family held a banquet and invited students related to the Xiong family from the university this semester.

Yang Xiuming nodded, the person who signed the invitation, Xiong Kuohai.

This is the young master that the eldest brother said, and I just met him in the afternoon.

I hope it's not the Hongmen Banquet in Longtan and Tiger's Den!
(End of this chapter)

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