Dao Shaohua

Chapter 132 Hitting the pole is not a business!

Chapter 132 Hitting the pole is not a business!
In fact, such invitations abound.

Students who can go to university must be related to several big families.

For example, Shi Hama, whose family runs the black market, belongs to the castellan lineage.

Xu Heyuan, who was born in a workshop, must visit the Jing family.

Yang Xiuming set off early, stopped a rickshaw, and went to buy four-color gifts first.

You can't come empty-handed to a banquet, the four-color gifts are very cheap, cigarettes, wine, tea, snacks, only a few hundred yuan.

Then go there early according to the location of the hotel in the invitation.

When he got there, there was still an hour before the banquet time. He had just got off the car when someone came to welcome him:
"But Mr. Yang Xiuming?"

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "Young master is not worthy of the title, but Yang Xiuming is!"

"Come inside, the Xiong family's banquet is in the Honglai Hall of the Furama Hotel!"

The servant of the Xiong family was very polite and introduced Yang Xiuming to the hotel.

When we arrived at the Honglai hall, Yang Xiuming came too early, and there was no guest of honor from the Xiong family here.

Here he sent four-color gifts, and then waited silently to show his attitude, and his attendants brought tea and cakes.

After waiting here for a while, students came here one after another. Although they didn't know each other, everyone knew that the other party was a vassal of the Xiong family just like themselves.

A quarter of an hour before the banquet, the Xiong family came.

Yang Xiuming saw the young master that the elder brother was talking about!
Xiong Kuohai's body is burly, like a big bear, his resolute face is as sharp as a knife and an axe, showing a man's dignity and sternness.

When Yang Xiuming saw him, he immediately saluted and said, "Yang Xiuming has seen the young master!"

"My elder brother Yang Xiuqing, let me say hello to the young master on his behalf!"

Xiong Kuohai nodded and said, "How about your brother go back?"

"Brother is doing well, he is building the Yang family."

"Luo Yan is still with him?"

Luo Yan is the female classmate who fell in love with her eldest brother, Yang Xiuming immediately said:
"Yes, they've been doing fine."

"Hahaha, that's good, your brother is too honest, in fact, he should have taken down Luo Yan in school.

How can a man have no wives or concubines, no matter what, he has to have three wives and four concubines..."

Xiong Kuohai's attitude towards Yang Xiuming was completely different from his attitude towards other people.

For the other vassals, Xiong Kuohai just took care of them politely.

One of them is related to elder brother Yang Xiuming, and the other Yang Xiuming came here early to prepare four-color gifts, with a respectful attitude, which shows his respect for the Xiong family.

During this chat, the staff gradually gathered together.

Everyone was seated, a total of 15 people, all of whom were vassals of the Xiong family of this year's students, and only three or five of them prepared gifts like Yang Xiuming.

In addition to them, there is another young man, Xiong Kuohai, to introduce to everyone.

"This is my little 35, Xiong Kuosen.

He is a freshman in the same world as you, but he is already in his twenties, a few years older, so he can be counted as everyone's senior. "

Immediately, all the people present saluted one after another.

"Hello, senior!"

"Meet the senior!"

Yang Xiuming immediately understood that it seemed that the relationship between the eldest brother and Xiong Kuohai was the young master of the Xiong family arranged for everyone present.

As long as the money is sufficient, Yang Xiuming doesn't mind playing with him.

The eldest brother burned the corpse for Xiong Kuohai, there is nothing to do outside.

Everyone is here, the banquet begins.

Xiong Kuohai waved his hand, each with a gift bag.

In the gift package, there is no money, only a gold card.

"A small gift, a million gold card, you can use this to buy everything you want in the imperial capital."

This is really heroic, meeting one person gives a million!
Everyone was surprised, unbelievable, millions of dollars!
Yang Xiuming looked at the gold card and suddenly asked:
"Master, may I use this huge sum of millions to buy a promotion certificate?"

Xiong Kuohai smiled and said, "Haven't you already advanced to the rank of night watchman?"

Immediately, everyone looked at Yang Xiuming, unbelievable.

The highest among them is only the seventh level of extraordinary, and no one has advanced to the elite level yet.

Yang Xiuming just smiled and silently admitted.

Xiong Kuohai said: "Yes, if you need a promotion certificate, go to Jingkong Building.

All promotion certificates in the imperial capital are sold there.

Go there and report my name, and they will naturally let you in to trade.

But promotion certificates are not cheap! "

Yang Xiuming thanked and said: "Thank you, young master, for your guidance!"

The banquet continues, with good wine and good food. After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the guests and hosts enjoy themselves.

During the banquet, the Xiong family didn't mention anything about following Xiong Kuosen at all, and it was completely voluntary to be a vassal here.

The Xiong family is not short of you guys, it all depends on your self-consciousness.

Go forward and get close to the Xiong's family, and the Xiong's family will accept you as a little brother.

You approach unconsciously, and the Xiong family doesn't want you to play a small role.

After the banquet, Yang Xiuming and others returned to school.

When leaving, Xiong Kuohai looked at Yang Xiuming and said suddenly:

"My 35-year-old has some complaints about me. If he doesn't want to see you, I'll arrange other things for you."

Yang Xiuming was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Master, you are out of touch.

My eldest brother only knows you, and I only know you. I don't care about the others.

If you need me to do anything, just ask! "

This is called loyalty, what little 35, I don't know, I only know you!

Xiong Kuohai nodded and didn't say much.

After the return, many vassals of the Xiong family united with Xiong Kuosen.

Yang Xiuming also wanted to get close to Xiong Kuosen.

But Xiong Kuosen was lukewarm towards Yang Xiuming.

This is disgust, Yang Xiuming wants to get close to the other party, but the other party doesn't like him.

Xiong Kuosen vaguely said: "Your elder brother and my elder brother have a great relationship!"

After finishing speaking, they ran away, and the other Xiong family vassals also isolated Yang Xiuming when they saw this scene.

This made Yang Xiuming extremely speechless.

This is the first time he was rejected because of Yang Xiuqing, and the rejection was from the Xiong family...

But this is better, Yang Xiuming is also putting on airs, taking the pole is not a business.

On the second day of the Xiong's dinner, Yang Xiuming bought four-color gifts and went to Jing's house to visit Mr. Jing.

Back then, Jing Shaojing Runhua gave Yang Xiuming a gift before leaving, but now that he is in the imperial capital, how could he not go to see him.

Unfortunately, when we arrived at Jing's house, we didn't see Mr. Jing.

What is the identity of the other party, how can he meet a small vassal of the Xiong family, but only accept the gift and reply with a word.

Jing Shao, Jing Runhua was not at the Jing family, and he was out on errands, so he didn't see him either.

But Yang Xiuming didn't care, as long as the etiquette came.

Then he went to Jingkong Tower.

This is a large shop. I chatted with the coachman on the road. It used to be called Jiangjialou. Later, Jiangjia had an accident and changed it to Jingkonglou.

It turned out that the trading power of the Jiang family was separated by the current seven families, and the Jingkong Building should be the property of the Jing family.

The Jing family was in charge of creating the weirdness and producing vouchers, and now their family is also in charge of selling them.

It's a pity that Jing Shaojing Runhua is not at home, otherwise he can save a lot of money with a word.

When I came to the Jingkong Building, it really wasn't just for casual use. The advancement voucher was a special item, and it wasn't something that could be traded casually.

Yang Xiuming hastily took out his gold card and reported the name of Xiong Kuohai, the Xiong family, and Jingkonglou was the one who let him go upstairs!

When he went up to the second floor of Jingkong Building, Yang Xiuming's eyes suddenly brightened.

I saw rows of promotion certificates here, shining brightly!

(End of this chapter)

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