Dao Shaohua

Chapter 134 1 Spring breeze and 1 leaf boat, freedom in the waves

Chapter 134 A Spring Breeze and a Leaf Boat, Freedom in Thousands of Hectares of Waves
Gradually in the evening, night fell.

Yang Xiuming moved quietly, left the dormitory, sneaked into the night, and entered the imperial capital.

At night, the street lamps are lit.

Someone is responsible for this, and they light up the street lamps one by one.

I don't know what kind of kerosene is used in the street lamps. After they are lit, they emit a strange light.

Yang Xiuming didn't care at first, avoiding the light of the street lamps, but found that these street lamps were arranged very cleverly.

Their light is just right to cover the entire night sky.

Yang Xiuming's dark assimilation was constantly destroyed by them, making it difficult to hide in the dark night.

If it was like this in one or two places at the beginning, it was just a coincidence, but now it is like this everywhere, it is a deliberate arrangement.

Zhang Yue said suddenly: "Sly Hunting can't track down any weirdness, there is no weirdness in the city at night.

This light, there is a problem! "

Yang Xiuming checked repeatedly, and gradually discovered that the light of the street lamp was not aimed at the Night Demon, but at all Yuan Energy.

Under this light, not only Yang Xiuming's night demon lost the ability to assimilate the night, but other primordial energies were also restrained one by one.

Therefore, in this imperial capital, under the streetlights, the strangeness is always leaving and cannot appear.

In the imperial capital, there is no weird cannibalism at night!
Such a high level of avoidance technology can be promoted completely. If Yinzhou City has this technology, there will be no strange rampage at night.

Yang Xiuming's dream of Yinzhou is unambiguous and can be easily realized.

But this is impossible, this is the imperial capital, and the eight major families are here, so this technology is used.

How can Yinzhou City, a land that raises strange things, use it?

Good things can only be used by superior people, ordinary people just wait for the tricks!
Under this street light, Yang Xiuming could no longer wander around at night at will, and could no longer hide deeply in the dark.

He continued to experiment here, trying to find another way to avoid the streetlights.

Suddenly, in his ear, a voice sounded:

"For this freshman classmate, Imperial University stipulates that there is a curfew at night.

Even if you are a night watchman, you are not allowed to wander around at night, please return to the dormitory immediately, or you will be severely punished! "

This is the night watch teacher of the university, but the venerable of the sanctuary. Under his domain, he found Yang Xiuming who couldn't stop experimenting.

In Yinzhou City, there are only two sanctuary venerables, but in the imperial capital, there are as many as Chinese cabbages.

Yang Xiuming responded immediately: "Yes, I will go back to the dormitory right away."

He had to go back to the dormitory, and Yang Xiuming was speechless.

Fu Xialiang said: "This problem, if you ask Taishang Faling to clarify, it should be easy to solve."

Yang Xiuming shook his head and said: "It's too difficult, the Taishang Faling has [-] spirit stones in order to get a chance.

too expensive! "

Fu Xialiang also nodded and said: "Yes! Forty thousand spirit stones, you may not be able to buy tokens yet."

Zhang Yue remained silent for a long time, and suddenly said:
"I'll go back and ask!"

"Who are you asking?"

"Jiahe Old Ape, he is Yuanying Zhenjun, he should have a solution!"

"Ah, can he give you some pointers?"

"It shouldn't be a problem, right? But it's better to have a heaven and earth spirit. I think he likes it very much."

Fu Xialiang gritted his teeth and said, "I got three or four hundred spirit stones, but it's still cheaper than the thirty to forty thousand spirit stones in Yanwu Hall."

Yang Xiuming said: "Well, after all, we are still poor, without money, it is too difficult."

The three sighed together.

Fu Xialiang said: "What's the use of sighing, you have to find a way, you have to make money!"

"I'll go back and see if there's any money."

He returned to Taishang Dao, thought for a while, and contacted senior brother Li Xumi.

Hearing that Fu Xialiang wanted to ask for the way to earn spirit stones, Li Xumi frowned and said:

"Brother Fu, I remember that you won the reward of several thousand spirit stones in the Grand Competition, have you spent all of them?"

"Yes, brother, I owed a lot of debts before, and I have paid off all of them."

Fu Xialiang answered neither humble nor overbearing.

"Well, I'll find out for you, as long as you are willing to endure hardships and put your face down, Lingshi is still easy to earn."

"Then trouble brother!"

Soon, Li Xumi responded.

"I've taken over a job for you, as a sparring partner, one hundred spirit stones per hour.

If done well, once every five days! "

"Great, thank you brother!"

Fu Xialiang was very happy, and came to the training ground as agreed.

Taishang Dao Martial Arts Hall is a world of its own, but training grounds are almost everywhere, and every cave residence has a training ground.

Fu Xialiang went to the practice field according to the address, and when he got there, he waited silently.

Suddenly, someone said timidly: "But Senior Brother Fu, come to be a training partner?"

Fu Xialiang saw that it was Xin Zhenren's daughter who was killed by Zhang Yue last time.

The master took him over to apologize, saying that the apology was actually a friendship, but the other party didn't respond much.

By the way, it seems that I saw it from afar in Yanwutang last time.

Fu Xialiang smiled and said, "So it's Junior Sister Xin.

This time, I will practice with you, one hundred spirit stones per hour. "

Junior Sister Xin nodded timidly, and replied, "Yes!"

The sound is as small as a mosquito.

Fu Xialiang continued to smile, and said, "Junior Sister Xin, my name is Fu Xialiang, do you know the name of Junior Sister Xin?"

Junior Sister Xin whispered again: "Xin Chunfeng!"

Fu Xialiang said: "One spring breeze and one leaf boat, one cocoon thread and one light hook.

The flowers are full of Zhu, and the wine is full of pots, and you will be free in the endless waves.

What a Xin Chunfeng! "

When he said this, Xin Chunfeng was dumbfounded, he couldn't think of such an explanation for his name.

"Flowers are all over the Zhu, wine is all over the Ou, in the vast expanse of water you will be free... Freedom!"

Xin Chunfeng was a little excited.

Fu Xialiang just smiled, took advantage of his strengths, and started to fool around.

No way, for life...

Gradually, Xin Chunfeng let go of his restraint, and just smiled when facing Fu Xialiang.

In this way, after three hours, Fu Xialiang's sparring ended.

In fact, I didn't do anything, basically just chatting.

Three hundred spirit stones were obtained, and Xin Chunfeng also gave three middle-grade spirit stones. You can exchange more middle-grade spirit stones for lower-grade spirit stones, so far, you can exchange for 330 spirit stones.

After the sparring training was over and an appointment was made for five days later, Fu Xialiang sent Xin Chunfeng away with a sigh of relief.

Then he hurried to the chamber of commerce, and finally added another thirty spirit stones, and bought a heaven and earth spirit water.

Canglangshui, the first-order spiritual creature of heaven and earth!

After getting this item, Fu Xialiang took it to the base camp and handed it to Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue returned to the Tieling Realm, then went into the forest farm, and went straight to the abyss, which was the mouth of the Jiahe Giant Ape.

Coming to Dazui, Zhang Yue respectfully threw the jade box containing the heaven and earth spirit water into the abyss.

Sure enough, in the abyss, there was a sound of coffee bouncing, and the Jiahe giant ape appeared again!

"Delicious heaven and earth spirit water, I haven't had it for many years!
Not bad, not bad, you have filial piety, tell me, what do you want to do? "

Zhang Yue smiled and said, "Senior, I have a question..."

"I have a friend who lives in Outland and practices a spell that can blend into the night, but..."

He didn't hide much, and he revealed Yang Xiuming's problem of night assimilation.

Jiahe Giant Ape listened silently, and suddenly said:
"His fusion into the night should be a variant of "The Rhythm of Everything".

very creative!

It is actually easy to solve this problem. I will teach you a method "Harmony with Light" to naturally resolve the problem of light interference! "

(End of this chapter)

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