Dao Shaohua

Chapter 135 Breaking the body, quenching the soul, shedding the body, and wearing Xiayi with all the

Chapter 135 Breaking the Body, Quenching the Soul, Shedding the Body, and Approving Xia Yi with Thousands of Body and Body! (Sixth update, asking for a monthly ticket)
Zhang Yue returned with a method, "Harmony with Light and Dust".

"And the Light and the Dust" operates with mana, and uses the endless darkness of the night to suppress the light of the light.

In the dark night, no matter what lights and fires there are, but the world is the night, and the power of this night will make all the light be ignored as darkness.

Even with the light shining on, Yang Xiuming's night assimilation would not be affected.

This method has a very high intention, and this is the perspective of heaven and earth that can only be possessed by the True Monarch Yuanying.

After getting this method, Yang Xiuming couldn't help but be ecstatic, so far he solved his weakness of night assimilation that is easily destroyed by light.

He felt it carefully, and finally decided that he would use the three methods of "Dark Sky" to graft darkness, and turn this "Light and Dust" into a part of "Dark Sky".

So far, the spell is more than simply allowing him to deal with the lights of the night.

You can use this world to hide your strength, use the environment to hide your figure, and develop various magical effects.

Yang Xiuming studied silently and started the grafting of darkness. Everything went well, and the cultivation of "Harmony with Light and Dust" was completed.

At night, Yang Xiuming let out a sigh of relief and walked out of the dormitory again.

He slowly ran "Harmony with the Light and the Dust", and Yang Xiuming's dark night assimilation range seemed to have an extra layer of shady.

This layer of shady, invisible, fake, but it exists.

This is "Light and Dust", use it to assimilate light.

Under "And the Light and the Dust", even if Yang Xiuming stood under the street lamp, the black curtain blocked the light, and Yang Xiuming seemed to be hidden in the darkness.

Because the whole world is night, no matter how bright the lights of street lamps are, under the magic power of "Light and Dust", it will be assimilated by the night.

So far, Night Demon's biggest flaw has been filled.

But there must be a premise, the time now must be the night, with the boundless night to contain all the light!
Darkness, protect me!

Yang Xiuming started to wander. The school supervisor did not show up last time, and Yang Xiuming's wandering was not found.

However, Yang Xiuming found that even though he had "Light and Dust", it is best to stay in the dark as much as possible.

He wandered wantonly in the imperial capital.

Sure enough, as Zhang Yue said, there is really nothing weird in the imperial capital at night...

Among the various squares and cities in the city, it was very calm. The night watchmen and watchmen came and went, but there was nothing strange.

Yang Xiuming's dream of Yinzhou City has come true in the imperial capital, but it is so ironic.

Many places in the city, like the mansions of the seven major families, like the Jingkong Tower, are covered by the sanctuary.

Yang Xiuming couldn't get close to these places, as long as he got close, he would be discovered by the sanctuary.

The fourth-order sanctuary comprehensively crushed Yang Xiuming's dark night area.

Yang Xiuming carefully walked among the buildings, turning around, he came to the edge of the city wall of the imperial capital, but he didn't dare to climb the city wall.

The so-called city wall has the sanctuary domain on it, and the night assimilation close to him will be completely discovered.

Looking at the imperial capital, it seems that there is no defense, but in fact, it is loose on the outside and tight on the inside, with strict defenses.

Yang Xiuming shook his head, returned to the university, and returned to his dormitory.

The next day, Shi Hama came to the door and invited Yang Xiuming to dinner.

Lan Yu followed behind Shi Hamo, like a concubine, obedient and obedient.

Shi Haha laughed out loud, very heroic, but it wasn't actually his treat.

It was the college students who came out of Yinzhou City in the previous two sessions, inviting freshmen to dinner, similar to the hometown student union.

Yang Xiuming followed Shi Hama to the dinner party, not only them, the princess, Xu Heyuan was also present.

Everyone came from Yinzhou City, and everyone gathered together, talking and laughing.

It's just that the students in the previous two classes were ordinary people, there was no outstanding generation, and they were mediocre.

As soon as they heard that Yang Xiuming was Yang Xiuqing's younger brother, the seniors immediately toasted one by one.

Yang Xiuqing is the pride of Yinzhou City. Now that she has returned to Yinzhou City to establish her own family power, they are all admiring and full of praise.

At this point, Yang Xiuming started the banquet process, and there was a reception almost every night.

All kinds of invitations, all kinds of parties, Yang Xiuming followed Shi Hama, drinking in taverns, playing games in clubs, singing in brothels...

Drunken, dreaming and dying, countless banquets!
In this way, within a week, Yang Xiuming got used to life in the imperial capital.

A week later, the university held an opening ceremony and the school officially started.

The ceremony was very lively, there were four classes this year, Yang Xiuming was in class three, but Xiong Kuosen was not in Yang Xiuming's class.

In Yang Xiuming's class, if there is anyone who is amazing, it is the son of the Zhao family, Zhao Wuji!
Like the princess Zhao Wanjun, who is only the daughter of the city lord of Yinzhou City, who was hailed as a princess in Yinzhou City, but in this imperial capital, she is only a collateral child of the Zhao family.

And this Zhao Wuji is a direct descendant of the Zhao family, ranking 25th.

He is a disciple of the Seven Great Aristocratic Families at the same level as Xiong Kuosen.

But Zhao Wanjun is no longer in this ranking, when Zhao Wanjun saw him, he had to shout: "Brother 25!"

Zhao Wou-ki was dressed in white, elegant and handsome, with a thin body and no fat on his body.

His skin is extremely fair, so white that he has a terrifying feeling when he looks at it, like a dead person!

Beside him, surrounded by more than a dozen Zhao family vassals, Shi Hamo was one of them, but Zhao Wuji looked down on him a little bit, and liked to ignore him.

The princess did not surround him, even Yang Xiuming felt that the princess was avoiding him.

Zhao Wuji pestered the princess intentionally or unintentionally, besides the princess, he also pestered Lan Yu, almost all the beauties in the class, he always approached intentionally or unintentionally.

Big pervert!
However, Yang Xiuming didn't care. He actively participated in university courses and wanted to learn more about driving.

I just listened to the course for a few days, and the things taught were all false, which meant little to Yang Xiuming.

On this day, Yang Xiuming finished his class and was returning to the dormitory. Suddenly, Fu Xialiang appeared and said slowly:
"Brother, that Zao Wou-ki is wrong!"

Yang Xiuming was taken aback, and asked, "What do you mean, is this guy weird?"

Fu Xialiang shook his head and said, "I have been observing him for the past two days.

I also checked the records of the Zongmen Sutra Library.

I can be 100% sure that this Zao Wou-ki is not from your world! "

Yang Xiuming was extremely surprised and asked, "How is it possible?"

Fu Xialiang said firmly: "This guy is actually a monk of the Laiyi Sect!"

Yang Xiuming was extremely surprised and asked, "Lai Yizong?"

"Yes, Lai Yizong!

Lai Yizong broke his body, quenched his soul, and shed his body, and approved Xiayi with thousands of bodies!
It is one of the three thousand heresies, and there are three steaming, three brewing and three turning methods in the door, all of which are super sacred methods.

The biggest feature of this sect is that they can take away their homes and change their bodies. Their disciples can have tens of thousands of dharma bodies.

That Zao Wou-ki was originally a native of this place, but he has already been taken away by monks of the Laiyi Sect.

Look at his eyes, there is a faint purple light, look at his body, it is as white as a dead person, this is a sign that the monks of the Laiyi sect have seized their homes! "

Yang Xiuming couldn't help asking: "But, monk Laiyizong, how did you come to our world?"

Fu Xialiang said: "I don't know about this either.

Lai Yizong is in Xinghai, Shanzhou, which is infinitely far away from our Taishang Dao. I don’t know why they appear in your world? "

(End of this chapter)

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