Dao Shaohua

Chapter 139 Looks like a dog!

Chapter 139 Looks like a dog! (Tenth update, ask for a monthly pass!)
The three of them merged into one, on the way to the sparring training ground.

This time, Fu Xialiang didn't take the bird, but flew away by himself.

He has already refined the eighth level of Qi and has received the benefits of his master.

Fu Xialiang found Li Xumi, and with the help of the other party, Fu Xialiang got a flying magic weapon of the sect.

The name of this magic weapon is Ao Kongyu, a second-level magic weapon, but it is made of bird spirit feathers, and mana can be injected into it in the later stage of Qi refining, so that it can fly.

Fu Xialiang's thoughts moved the Jue, and his true energy circulated.

"Puguang Hongji Zun, Taishang Dao is of one mind. Dadong Danhong is impeached, and the sound is clear and auspicious."

With the operation of the Jue, the true essence immediately began to swim, producing magical effects.

Then Fu Xialiang patted Aokong Yu, and the real essence was injected into it. Under the urging, the Aokong Yu, which was originally only three inches in size, suddenly turned into a feather seven feet long and three feet wide.

On the feathers, rays of light radiate, and the rays of light surround Aokongyu and spread for a distance of three feet. People can stand or sit on the range of this light.

Fu Xialiang stood on top of Ao Kongyu, shook her body slightly and then stood firm.

Like a bird, flying freely in the air is probably one of the most primitive and longing wishes in everyone's heart, and Fu Xialiang is no exception.

Fu Xialiang pinched the talisman and recited the mantra. With one word, Ao Kongyu flew into the air.

In fact, this Flying Dun uses Aokongyu as a medium, with the vitality of the heaven and the earth, and uses it to float to and fro, going in and out of Qingming, the speed is not fast, but the flight is very stable.

Fu Xialiang could feel that the vitality of heaven and earth had a subtle interaction with the true essence in his body through Ao Kongyu.

Every time one's true energy circulates, it will be displayed through the Jue, acting on Aokongyu, and then through Aokongyu, and then acting on the vitality of heaven and earth.

Only in this way can I soar in the sky.

The flying feathers can fly up to [-] feet in the air, and the fastest speed can reach [-] miles per hour.

Under the protection of the light, Fu Xialiang could not feel any resistance, not even the wind blowing head-on.

Flying, flying, Zhang Yue suddenly said:
"Xia Liang, you can try Yujian flying."

"Ah, what Yujian flying?"

"Using the third-order golden autumn blood-stained maple leaf sword as the magic weapon for controlling the sky, the sword flies.

In fact, I don't know how to do it either, but when I feel you flying away, I suddenly comprehend the flight of Yujian in "One Sword Shocks the Sky". "

Fu Xialiang thought for a while, landed on the ground, put away the flying feathers, used the third-order golden autumn blood-stained maple leaf sword, and tried to fly.

But he flew several times but failed, so he handed over his body to Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue Yujian also failed three times at the beginning, but for the fourth time, he suddenly moved, and it seemed that the human and sword were united in an instant, but it was not the combination of human and sword, soaring into the air.

Flying with Yujian is at least twice as fast as flying with Yuyu.

It can fly up to eighty feet high, and its fastest speed can reach nine hundred miles per hour.

Especially in terms of flexibility, the two are simply incomparable.

What's even more speechless is the consumption of true qi, which is exactly the same, and no more true qi is consumed because of the imperial envoy's third-tier divine sword.

Fu Xialiang is also an elite swordsman, and his sword fighting ability allows him to fly away with the sword without wasting his true energy.

There are fast ones, who wants to be slow!

Fu Xialiang didn't change back to the imperial weapon Aokongyu, flying with the imperial sword, it was fast and refreshing!

Under his control, it is really comfortable to heave up and down, fly sideways, stop and start suddenly, pass through the woods, and fly over the mountains.

Soon after arriving at the agreed practice field, Fu Xialiang landed with his sword and put away the divine sword.

After entering the practice field, Xin Chunfeng had been waiting for a long time.

The little girl is very clean, and it makes people feel very comfortable.

Fu Xialiang came here to practice with her, saying that it was a partner training, mainly for chatting.

Xin Chunfeng doesn't seem to have any friends, but Fu Xialiang is very happy to accompany her.

His little face was flushed, and his eyes were full of light.

Zhang Yue and Yang Xiuming were here to accompany Fu Xialiang. When he landed, Zhang Yue left for a while and went back to practice Yujian flying.

He came back soon, laughing loudly, he practiced flying with the sword very easily.

Yang Xiuming also went back to practice secretly, but he was only at the fifth level of Qi refining, and he couldn't fly with a sword.

At least the seventh level of Qi refining is required. After the late stage of Qi refining, it is possible to fly away with the sword.

This made Yang Xiuming very speechless.

At this time, Fu Xialiang had already practiced with him for three hours, and got three middle-grade spirit stones.

The Xin family is really generous. You can exchange middle-grade spirit stones for low-grade spirit stones for 110 yuan.

This is a hidden benefit.

After training, Fu Xialiang sent Xin Chunfeng home. The Xin family had monks waiting at the gate of the practice field.

Just as Fu Xialiang sent Xin Chunfeng to the gate of the practice field, Fu Xialiang's heart beat wildly.

Those who jumped seemed to fly, Zhang Yue and Yang Xiuming were shocked, what happened.

Looking over, there was a young girl at the gate of the practice field, who seemed to be passing by just now.

She saw Fu Xialiang from a distance, and shouted:
"Ah Liang, come here!"

Fu Xialiang immediately shouted: "Senior Sister Linglong!"

Then he rushed over, at this moment Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue looked at each other, unbelievable.

At this moment, the Fu Xialiang was no longer the Fu Xialiang they knew, it seemed like a different person.

That kind of joy and joy sent out an inner explosion.

This feeling is not the love they always thought, it is similar to the ecstasy of a dog seeing its owner!

What's even more frightening is that Linglong, too much Linglong, they couldn't even see her figure in their eyes.

She seemed to be standing there, but not seen, not seen, not heard!
There are no people there at all, Yang Xiuming and the others only feel this way when they meet the Gods of Outer Lands.

And it seems that this is too exquisite, surpassing Ye Shen!
Horrible, horrifying, it's not enough to describe.

Fu Xialiang rushed over, and in a trance, a girl appeared beside Taishang Linglong.

This girl is also Taishang Linglong, but she is completely different from Taishang Linglong.

Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue seemed to be able to see this girl, but they couldn't see her face clearly.

However, there is more humanity in her!

She pointed at Fu Xialiang and said, "Sit down!"

Fu Xialiang immediately sat down obediently.

"Hand in hand!"

Fu Xialiang stretched out her hand...


Fu Xialiang opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue...

At this moment, where there are people, this is a dog!

The dog met its master and was very obedient.

In a daze, Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue looked at each other again.

It turned out that what they understood about the love between senior brothers and senior sisters was actually not the case!

Taishang Linglong has a problem, and Fu Xialiang has a problem too!
I don’t know if there are any problems with the other senior sisters!
Over there, Taishang Linglong was still playing with Fu Xialiang, she glanced at Xin Chunfeng intentionally or unintentionally.

Xin Chunfeng's face was snow-white, and his whole body was trembling.

The senior brother Fu in her heart is now like a dog, being played by the senior sister in front of her like this.

Suddenly, Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue understood that what happened by chance was an ambush.

That Taishang Linglong deliberately appeared here to ambush Xin Chunfeng, making her completely desperate, and never having a crush on Fu Xialiang again!

(End of this chapter)

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