Dao Shaohua

Chapter 140 Idiot, idiot, senior sister, I understand

Chapter 140 Idiot, idiot, senior sister, I understand

Xin Chunfeng raised her head vigorously, she didn't want her tears to fall and be seen by others.

A beautiful first love, so beaten to pieces.

The senior brother I like turned out to be someone else's dog...

She walked slowly towards the monk of the Xin family who had come to pick her up, and boarded the car slowly.

Already in the car, suddenly, she stepped back firmly.

She looked at Taishang Linglong and said:

"Senior Sister Linglong, please don't treat Senior Brother Fu like this."

The Taishang smiled exquisitely, and reached out to touch Fu Xialiang's head, like the owner touching a dog.

Fu Xialiang was extremely happy.

Xin Chunfeng didn't seem to see it, and continued to say
"Senior Brother Fu likes you from the bottom of his heart, please don't do that!

In addition, I will not give up, the more you are like this, the more I understand what he is to me!
So, Senior Sister Linglong, your efforts are wasted, I, Xin Chunfeng, will never admit defeat! "

After finishing speaking, Xin Chunfeng turned around and boarded the flying boat, without stopping, clean and tidy!

At this moment, she is like a grass, although she is weak, but extremely strong, she can resist all gusts of wind, not weak green pine!

Watching Xin Chunfeng leave, Taishang Linglong let out a long sigh, and suddenly, she seemed to change quietly.

Taishang Linglong seemed to be old, and as she got older, she became extremely kind.

The Taishang Linglong at this moment is no longer the unruly girl just now.

Fu Xialiang looked at her, and suddenly said, "Senior Sister Linglong!"

After saying this, Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue looked at each other.

It sounded like she was calling her senior sister, but it sounded like she was calling her mother.

Fu Xialiang is actually calling his mother!

Both of his parents died very early, subconsciously, he didn't love Taishang Linglong at all, but regarded Taishang Linglong as his mother.

At this moment, Fu Xialiang seemed to have regained his sanity.

In an instant, Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue knew why Taishang Linglong was like this.

It's too good, and it turns into three cleans in one breath!

Taishang Linglong practiced this method, turning one into a domineering girl and second turning into Mother Earth.

A domineering girl who controls the ancient wilderness and raises thousands of ancient and fierce beasts, so when Fu Xialiang meets her, she immediately loses her wits like licking a dog.

The mother of the earth controls the birth of the earth and cultivates the infinite ancient spiritual plants, so when Fu Xialiang met her, it was like seeing her own mother.

The real Taishang Linglong, what it represents, what it holds, and how Fu Xialiang feels about her, was immediately cut off and not conveyed.

"Senior Sister Linglong! Senior Sister Linglong! Senior Sister Linglong!"

Fu Xialiang shouted loudly.

Taishang Linglong looked at Fu Xialiang, and also touched her head lightly, but it was completely different from that of a domineering girl.

Just like a mother loves her son!
"I originally wanted to use this to stimulate Xin Chunfeng and separate you two.

But it failed, this Xin Chunfeng Yuqiang is stronger, you can only rely on yourself! "

Fu Xialiang said: "Senior Sister Linglong, I understand, I will stay away from her in the future, and will not be in contact with her again!"

"You don't like her, I will never see her again!"

What Fu Xialiang said was decisive without any hesitation.

Taishang Linglong shook her head and said, "You don't think I'm jealous of her? Are you jealous of her?"

Fu Xialiang shook her head and said, "Impossible, my senior sister is not that kind of person!"

Even more firm!

Taishang Linglong nodded and said: "Let me tell you, Xin Chunfeng is not easy.

Your master doesn't understand anything, he wants to get close to others, and get some benefits, but he doesn't know that Xin's family is a maelstrom, and if you get close to it, you will die.

How should I put it, Xin Chunfeng is one of the future core focuses of the sect, and she is the experimenter of the sect's cultivation of the secret method of Xianqin "The Jue of Moral Spring Breeze Transforming Rain".

In fact, she is not the daughter of Zhenren Xin, and she may not even be a human being, but was specially cultivated by the sect. Her names are all named after "The Way of Moral Spring Wind and Rain".

If it succeeds, the Eight Absolutes of Taishang Dao will become Nine Absolutes. You should know what this means for Taishang Dao.

So they decided that you interfered with the experiment, and I couldn't save you! "

Fu Xialiang gasped.

Taishang Dao has eight unique skills, including "The Extinct Light of the Great Five Elements", "Three Clears and Four True Ones and One Pneumatic Hammer", "Seven Essences and Five Talismans Mantra".

They are of great significance to the Taishang Dao, and can be said to be the core support of the Taishang Dao.

Taishangdao is now studying the secret method of Xianqin "The Jue of Moral Spring Breeze Transforming Rain", and is going to turn it into the ninth master. It can be seen that this Xin Chunfeng is important to Taishangdao.

For a sect like Taishangdao, it is not that simple to turn the secret law of Xianqin into its own true mastery, and it is not so simple to pick it up and practice it casually.

They should demonstrate individually, from body training to Mahayana, analyze each realm, and find out the most common, simplest, most powerful, and safest cultivation method.

So this process of cultivation and analysis is particularly important.

Fu Xialiang nodded vigorously and said, "Thank you, sister, I understand!"

Taishang Linglong continued: "Don't be deliberate, just follow fate.

Actually you know what is scary?
The Ninth Perfection of Taishang is not just an option in "The Jue of Spring Wind and Rain of Morality".

Between them, competition, cultivation, confrontation, destruction...

This is the battle of Taishangdao's future avenue!

The human heart is the scariest thing! "

After saying this, the three of Yang Xiuming gasped.

Taishang Linglong said again:

"Actually, I came to you this time because I still have something to do!
Tomorrow, you go to the Sutra Pavilion to receive the trial of selection of supernatural powers.
Don't wait for the one three days later, that is a smoke bomb, tomorrow's is the key.

Tomorrow is the trial of Taiyizong's nine suns supernatural powers.

Three days later is the Five Elements Sect Five Elements Supernatural Trial, the two are incomparable. "

When she said this, Taishang Linglong suddenly changed again.

The domineering girl, Mother Earth, all disappeared. The Taishang Linglong at this moment is the real Taishang Linglong.

Both Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue couldn't see her clearly and couldn't look directly at her.

But Fu Xialiang at this moment also changed accordingly.

At this moment, Fu Xialiang changed back to the normal Fu Xialiang who was like a spring breeze and a gentleman like jade.

Facing such a terrifying Taishang Linglong, he didn't have any fear or abnormality.

"Thank you, Senior Sister Linglong, I understand.

I will receive the supernatural power trial tomorrow, Taiyi Jiuyang supernatural power, that's great, I will never waste this opportunity. "

Taishang Linglong nodded and said: "When I met you back then, I knew that you were not a treasure.

Sure enough, this year, your cultivation base has greatly increased, and your various talents have increased.

However, you still have to keep working hard, there is still a long way to go. "

Fu Xialiang nodded and said: "Sister, I understand.

I will continue to do my best! "

"Remember, Taiyi Nine Suns supernatural power, you try to choose Chunyang, Ziyang, or Chaoyang!
These three yangs correspond to our "Three Purities and Four True Qi Hammers", "Taishang Diamond Cutting" and "Taishang Lianbao Jue", and in the future, you will not have the opportunity to practice "Taishang Purity"..."

The two walked and chatted like a couple, Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue looked at each other again.

The dog licking just now, Ci Zi, what's going on?

The domineering girl wants to control the beast, so Fu Xialiang just licks the dog.

Mother Earth wants a son, so Fu Xialiang is a loving son.

Facing the real Taishang Linglong, Fu Xialiang is neither humble nor overbearing.
Yang Xiuming shook his head and said: "This girl is too tired, I can't talk!"

Zhang Yue also said: "Yes, this is not as comfortable as practicing swords. Women will only affect the speed of my sword! Kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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