Dao Shaohua

Chapter 141 People die for wealth, birds die for food!

Chapter 141 People die for wealth, birds die for food!
After walking for a while, Fu Xialiang began to block perception, and Zhang Yue and Yang Xiuming had to go back to their respective homes.

What happened next, they have no idea.

I don't know what to say, but after returning, both of them made preparations.

Tomorrow, the supernatural power to be chosen is the Jiuyang supernatural power of one of the nine Taiyi sects.

As long as it is linked to supernatural powers, it is definitely a good thing!
must get!

Yang Xiuming asked his teacher for leave, saying that he needed to practice retreat.

It's easy to take a two-week long vacation. The so-called university teachers don't care whether these students come or go.

University is just a place for further study, you can study as you like.

However, don't think that this university is useless. Yang Xiuming vaguely heard something.

After a certain period of time, the university will teach several particularly valuable abilities, which can be said to be the core abilities of the university, and this is the most fundamental meaning of further study in the university.

But Yang Xiuming couldn't control that much anymore, so he actively prepared and participated in the supernatural power trial the next day.

On the second day, everything was ready, the house was locked, restrictions were placed, and precautions were taken.

Yang Xiuming was in the bedroom, as if in a deep sleep, his soul left, and went to the Supreme Dao Da Luotian.

There was no light in the whole room, it was like a dark night, so Yang Xiuming's body was in the best condition, and the departure of the soul would not cause problems.

In fact, it is better to be at home, with family members watching, even if the soul is away for a long time, the family members will feed porridge and water and take care of them carefully.

It's a pity that he doesn't have a close friend at night, otherwise, he can hand over many things to them to defend himself.

Before leaving, Yang Xiuming ate the military ration pills made by the deputy spiritual chef, and he was fine without eating for more than ten days.

Just coming back, I have to be constipated for a few days, there is no way, the side effect of Junliang pills.

The spirit left, turned to the third page of the book, and came to Taishangdao.

When Yang Xiuming arrived here, Zhang Yue had already arrived. The three of them waited silently.

Seeing Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang, Yang Xiuming said hello:
"Lao Zhang, Lao Fu, here I come!"

"Xiu Ming is here!"

"Brother, let's go! Let's go to the Sutra Pavilion!"

The three of them went to the Sutra Pavilion together, and they had to go to the Sutra Pavilion to get the qualification for the supernatural test.

"Old Zhang, how is your swordsmanship?"

"I have already comprehended [-]% of "Void Illusionary Sparrow Flying into the Sky", and it will take a little time before I can comprehend the sword intent.

The sword intent of "The Illusion of the Void" should be void, or illusory, or it may be illusory, and it will take a while.

"Zi Qiu Nao Chao Hai Chao Shen Jian" has just started, this is really a bit difficult, practice slowly. "

"Second brother, you have to work hard, I have comprehended [-]% of my "Mystery of Lightless Jade Shulei".

This is different from "Zi Wu's mighty universe thunder" which uses space and time changes to form a mighty sea of ​​thunder.

This is silent, without light or shadow, killing invisible.

Moreover, this thunder is Yushu Lei, which belongs to the series of thunder methods left by Jiutian Yingyuan Puhua Tianzun. This Jinxian left the world with 49 Yushu thunder methods, which are controlled by the great masters.

In the future, I can look for this series of lightning methods to practice and complement each other..."

Yang Xiuming asked: "Nine Heavens Yingyuan Puhua Tianzun?"

"Yes, 130 years ago, Immortal Feisheng, Immortal Leifa, received enshrined offerings from many superiors, and our Taishang Dao, Lei Jue, also enshrined him."

"Are there many Ascension Immortals now?"

"It's not that easy. It's been 13 years, and no immortal has ascended!"

In Fu Xialiang's words, they came to the road station.

Yang Xiuming couldn't help asking: "Why don't you fly over there?"

Fu Xialiang said: "The Sutra Pavilion has a special location, similar to the Yanwu Hall, which belongs to my own world.

So when going to the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, you can't fly away, you can only use the walkway station.

There are special passages at the road stations, and almost no spirit stones are used. "

When he got here, Fu Xialiang took out his token and said to go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Immediately, a handyman from the outer door led him to the basement, where there was a stone platform.

There is a light door on the stone platform, shining brightly.

When Fu Xialiang entered the light gate, his body lightened immediately, as if following the light, he slid into the void.

Then in a flash, he walked out from another light gate on the stone platform.

Arrived at the pedestrian station of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, this is a big station, with a full 99-story stone building, and each stone building has a hundred such light doors, and people can't stop walking in and out.

"In the past, I was afraid that if we could not hide our whereabouts, we would be discovered by the magic spirits here.

But I found that even Senior Sister Linglong couldn't see through our state.

Therefore, the Sutra Pavilion should be fine! "

Although Fu Xialiang mentioned Senior Sister Linglong.

But Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue didn't seem to hear it.

The state of Fu Xialiang and Taishang Linglong is not right, but this is Fu Xialiang's personal matter, and they both choose to turn a blind eye.

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "This is amazing!"

At this time, someone behind them shouted: "People in front, hurry up, people will come from behind!"

There are countless exits here, but there are too many people coming to stop them.

Fu Xialiang left here in a hurry, walked out of the pedestrian station, next to the Buddhist scriptures pavilion!

At a glance, this scripture pavilion is so huge, with hundreds of pavilions, endless, magnificent palaces, one after another.

But you won't get lost, because there are road signs to guide you when you come out of the road station.

Fu Xialiang taps the guide:
"Receive the qualification for the supernatural power trial!"

The guidance changed immediately, and Fu Xialiang was soon brought to a palace.

There was no one queuing here, and the two followed the directions and came to a long table.

Behind this long table, there is an old man sitting on the grand master's chair.

Fu Xialiang saluted, and said: "This senior brother, I, Lei Jue Fu Xialiang, come here to receive the qualification for the supernatural power trial."

After finishing speaking, he took out the token issued by the sect and handed it to the other party.

The old man took it with a smile, glanced at it and said:
"Trial of supernatural powers, you came early, it will start the day after tomorrow."

Fu Xialiang smiled and said, "Brother, I'm here to receive today's supernatural power test."

The old man suddenly smiled and said:
"What is today's supernatural power test?
How can there be any supernatural power test today?
Come back the day after tomorrow! "

After finishing speaking, he threw the token to Fu Xialiang!

After Fu Xialiang took it, he said slowly:

"Brother, I'm here to receive today's supernatural power test."

The old man was furious, and infinite coercion appeared.

"Junior, can't you understand what I said?"

Under the coercion, Fu Xialiang was not afraid at all, and stood up to the opponent's coercion.

"Brother, I'm here to receive today's supernatural power test."

The two looked at each other, refusing to give in to each other.

The old man's face was ferocious, and he continued to increase his coercion.

He is a true cultivator of foundation building, and uses his own foundation building to coerce and suppress Fu Xialiang.

But Fu Xialiang didn't take a step back at all.

"My teacher is Master Broken Tie, my ancestor Master Nine Kong Zhenjun Huang Wushang, senior brother, are you going to fight against my Jingzhen lineage?"

"Believe it or not, I'm going to the Law Enforcement Pavilion of the Zongmen right now, and sound the drum of injustice to seek justice!"

As soon as he said this, the old man's face changed and his pressure weakened.

He suddenly smiled and said, "So you want to test your supernatural powers today?"

"Okay, okay, no problem!"

After speaking, he took out a golden jade talisman and said:

"Follow the instructions and go to the trial stage. I'm just testing you a little, and you've passed!"

Fu Xialiang sneered, picked up the golden jade talisman and said:

"Thank you, brother!"

After speaking, turn around and leave.

Zhang Yue couldn't help cursing: "You bastard, this is trying to blackmail us!"

Fu Xialiang shook his head and said: "There is no way, the sect is big, and there are all kinds of birds, if we have no news, we will be dismissed by him.

Giving the opportunity to others is the income of tens of thousands of Lingshi.

He has no chance of being promoted, and he is about to die. If he wins before he dies, even if we retaliate against him in the future, we will still admit it.

The wages of avarice is death! "

(End of this chapter)

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