Dao Shaohua

Chapter 142 9 Yang Xi made dust and tassels cleansed in 7 days

Chapter 142

Following the guidance of the golden jade talisman, Fu Xialiang soon came to a large hall.

Strictly restricted, infinite defense.

At the gate of the main hall, there are four golden cores sitting here, quietly guarding.

Their visions of golden cores did not shrink at all, but turned into illusions, making people know that they were real people of golden cores.

Fu Xialiang even saw an old man drifting past.

The old man was ordinary, but the four Jindan Daoists all bowed to him.

This is Yuanying Zhenjun!

Fu Xialiang looked hard, trying to see something, but when the old man passed by, he couldn't even remember how fat, thin, tall, or short.

This is the power of Nascent Soul, I don't want you to see it, you can't even see the other person's appearance clearly.

Zhang Yue said: "Isn't it Yuanying Zhenjun?
I also have Jiahe Zhenjun there, and he taught me the sword technique! "

Fu Xialiang laughed dryly twice.

Zhang Yue complained a few words, Fu Xialiang came to the door, showed his token, and the Jindan Daoist who was on duty waved to him.

Fu Xialiang entered the hall.

Just entered, and saw in the void, there seemed to be more than a dozen small universes, models of star seas, all over the hall.

But in a flash, Fu Xialiang teleported to a palace.

In front of him, there is only a sea of ​​stars, like the Milky Way, shining endlessly.

In the main hall, there are more than a dozen chances to try supernatural powers, but Yang Xiuming directly teleported to Taiyi Jiuyang.

Under this sea of ​​stars, there is an old man sitting upright.

This old man doesn't have any golden core visions, and the old man who blackmailed Fu Xialiang just now is a true foundation builder.

He looked at Fu Xialiang and said:
"This trial is the trial of the Taiyi Sect's nine suns supernatural powers.

To test the situation, use the projection of the soul to enter the Jiuyang Tiandao Ranch of Taiyizong.

The trial time is seven days, and the content of the trial is to comprehend one of the nine suns magical powers.

If the trial is successful, the status of the sect will be raised by one level, if the trial fails, the status of the sect will be lowered by one level.

The risk of the trial is extremely low, only [-]% chance of accidental death, such as cosmic wind encountered during transmission, solar fire explosion and so on.

Trialists be careful, remember, Taishangdao honor comes first, people can die, don't insult me ​​tooshangdao! "

Fu Xialiang saluted and said: "Disciple, remember!"

"Sit, wait!"

Fu Xialiang looked into the main hall, there were twelve futons, and there were already people on three of them.

Among the three, there was Chao Tianjiao, a five-element fanatic whom Fu Xialiang knew.

Fu Xialiang glanced at the person on the far left. For some reason, her heart beat wildly, and she had an indescribable innate fear of that person.

Avoiding that person, Fu Xialiang sat down beside Chao Tianjiao, a fanatic of the Five Elements, and quietly transmitted:
"Brother please."

"Lei Jianjuehu is here?"

"Come on, let me introduce you."

"This is senior Chiya Mountain Linglin Daoxu."

Chiya Mountain Spirit, this means that Lin Daoxu is practicing the 81 Transformation of the Supreme Being, and he has broken away from the 33 Heavenly Jue. The predecessors represent that Lin Daoxu has already established a foundation.

Tai Shang Dao has its own seniority ranking.

For example, 30 years before and after Fu Xialiang's entry into the inner sect is a generation. If there is no chance, it will not change, even if the realm is improved, and the final Jindan Yuanying is also this generation.

But if Fu Xialiang pays homage to Master Suitie, his seniority will change all of a sudden, not by Fu Xialiang himself, but by his master.

Among the Taishang Dao disciples, there are hidden marks on their bodies, and they can tell their respective generations with just a pair of eyes.

However, although Fu Xialiang is a teacher of Broken Tie, Chao Tianjiao, the fanatic of the Five Elements, is not low in seniority, calling Lin Daoxu a senior, he has his own explanation.

The Foundation Establishment True Cultivator who blackmailed Fu Xialiang just now is not of high seniority, so Fu Xialiang just called him senior brother.

And this hall deacon, although he is about the same age as the foundation builder who blackmailed Fu Xialiang, but his seniority is very high, so Fu Xialiang called him senior.

Fu Xialiang saluted: "Disciple Fu Xialiang, I have met Senior Daoxu, Linglin, Chiya Mountain."

Lin Daoxu smiled and said: "Master Ni, Suitie, is a lifetime disciple with me, so I accept your gift!"

Fu Xialiang grinned. The lifespan of a true cultivator of foundation building is 200 years. Lin Daoxu should be around 150 years old. It seems that his master is actually not very old, at most he is 180 years old...

"Fu Xialiang..."

There was no one who spoke all the time, looking at Fu Xialiang, he said:

"So it's Broken Iron's disciple."

As soon as Fu Xialiang said this, he immediately saluted. This guy is definitely a Jindan real person.

"I am Daoist Xiyan. I went to your apprenticeship ceremony last time."

After saying this, both Chao Tianjiao and Lin Daoxu saluted.

When Lin Daoxu met the real Xiyan, he saw Jindan when he established the foundation, and he was respectful and respectful.

Daoist Xiyan nodded, and said: "According to the records in the "Lun Yang Jing" of the Bu Yan sect, there are 120 kinds of supernatural powers in the world.

The morning sun that contains the initial time, the vermilion sun that contains the ultimate flame, the Youyang that contains the power of the underworld, and the Xuanyang that contains the avenue to the profound...

The real Nine Suns in the world is the Nine Suns Supernatural Power of the Nine Suns Sect, but it is too difficult to obtain.

Among the supernatural powers of the Hundred Suns Dao, the Nine Suns of their Nine Suns Sect are the Nine Suns, which are kept secret.

If their own sect disciples want to obtain the real Nine Suns supernatural powers, they need to compete with life and death and undergo various tests.

The Yin-Yang Sect and the Nine Suns Divine Power mastered by the Sun God Palace each have their own strengths and weaknesses, and it is also very difficult to obtain them.

Taiyizong's nine-yang supernatural power trial is the easiest to obtain among many Yang Dao supernatural powers.

There are now as many as 78 Yang Dao supernatural powers that can be produced by Taiyizong's supernatural power trial, and promotion is relatively easy.

It is a great opportunity to succeed in the trial and obtain a Yang supernatural power.

If you have a chance, three trials and three different nine-yang supernatural powers can be used to form the three-yang Kaitai supernatural power.

After six trials, six different nine-yang supernatural powers can be obtained, which can form the supernatural six-yang leader.

If you get the Yang Dao supernatural power nine times, it is the Nine Yangs supernatural power, and the Nine Yangs are the ultimate!

For your future cultivation, the benefits are endless. "

This is a secret that is not passed on, and it is passed on to the three of them here.

Lin Daoxu asked respectfully: "I don't know how old is it, senior?"

Daoist Xiyan smiled and said: "I have taken Chaoyang, Xuanyang, Yaoyang, Chunyang, and the four yangs. This time, the five yangs. If there is a next time, I will complete the leader of the six yangs!"

Chao Tianjiao asked: "Excuse me, senior, if you get all the Taiyizong Jiuyang, wouldn't it be invincible?"

Master Xiyan laughed and said, "Taiyizong's nine yangs are united?

Impossible, that will never be possible!
When you get there, you'll know! "

At this time, people came here one after another, three Jindan Daoist people, and two Foundation Establishment Daoist practitioners.

Then come everyone, Fu Xialiang doesn't know each other.

Here, only he and Chao Tianjiao are in the Qi refining realm, and the others are either Jindan or Foundation Establishment.

They all participated in the Nine Suns Trial repeatedly. Once they participated, they could get one Yang supernatural power;
Only then did Fu Xialiang realize the importance of this trial.

In fact, in this big competition, the top six are eligible to be selected by supernatural powers, but here only he and Chao Tianjiao are here.

The cosmic wind Luo Xuanbing, the ancient Taoist Gu Daoling and others have no news of this at all. They are still waiting for the selection of the Five Elements Sect's supernatural power three days later.

With this news alone, they have fallen behind countless times silently.

(End of this chapter)

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