Dao Shaohua

Chapter 144 7 passions and 6 desires, the sound of nature, 1 point of the world of mortals

Chapter 144 The Seven Emotions and Six Desires Arise, A Little Red Dust Travels the World (Fourth Change, Ask for a Monthly Ticket)

Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue are located behind Fu Xialiang, and all communication is done by him.

Luo Qingming of the True Spirit Sect said with a smile: "I never expected to meet a fellow Taoist who is too good.

I hope fellow Taoists, Zhang Yang succeeds. "

Fu Xialiang also smiled and said: "I also wish Fellow Daoist Luo, Taishang is pure, and your martial arts will continue to flourish!"

"Fu Daoyou, is this your first time here?"

"Yes, the first time!"

"Then you have no problem. The Eight Yangs have been finalized here. It is very easy to sense one at random."

"Senior Brother Luo, this is my first time here, please give me some advice."

"Master Fu, look..."

At first they were fellow daoists, and later they were brothers and sisters, two big bastards, very good at communication.

Arriving here, the body is self-generated, and everyone has the same strength, which is equivalent to the tenth level of Qi refining.

Regardless of your original cultivation level, everyone is the same up to this point. Those Jindan Daoists, Foundation Establishment True Cultivators, all cunning, are all pretending to be disciples of the Qi Refining Period, and they all call out kindly as brothers and sisters.

True Spirit Sect Luo Qingming pointed to the distance, and saw a white jade altar there, with a radius of thirty feet, emitting various dim lights, as if attracting wanderers from afar.

On the altar, there are four golden characters, Taiyi Jiuyang!
Seeing these four words, Fu Xialiang understood.

Automatically have memory and appear in the brain.

This world is the void Yingzhe Ranch refined by Taiyizong.

The Void Yingzhe Ranch was used by Taiyizong to cultivate a sixth-order Taoist Nine Suns True Gang.

The sixth level, the realm of transforming gods!
Nine Suns True Gang turned out to be just a Taoist soldier!

I can't imagine Yang Xiuming.

To Taiyizong, it was just an empty pasture.

They grazed the void of the universe with the special Nine Yang True Gang Taiyi essence core, so as to absorb the air of the void universe and condense the transformed world.

This world, like a pasture, absorbs the energy of the universe and grows, giving birth to a world of light.

In the world, there will be countless trees and fairy plants.

Trees and fairy plants flourished and were eaten by herbivorous spirit beasts.

Then the herbivorous spirit beast was eaten by the carnivorous spirit beast.

Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat dried shrimps, and finally a life called Yanghun is born.

This kind of life is born here and dies here. They are the food of Jiuyang Zhengang, and finally turn into the power of Taiyi's essence to cultivate Jiuyang Zhengang.

But in the process, Nine Suns True Gang still needs to comprehend the power of Nine Suns to be a perfect mature body.

When he comprehends the power of the nine kinds of nine yangs, he will be born with the supernatural power of nine yangs, and he will become a real sixth-order nine yangs. This is the cultivation and maturity.

But the Nine Suns True Assassin lacks in intelligence, and cannot give birth to the power of Nine Suns at all.

Therefore, Taiyizong brought thousands of monks' primordial spirits here, and with the help of the power of the Nine Suns True Gang, transformed into a physical body and fought against the Yang soul, thereby triggering the fission of the primordial spirits and giving birth to the supernatural powers of the Yang Dao.

Of course, other monks can't come here for nothing, they must pay the price!
It turned out that it was only an internal trial of the Taiyi Sect, but later it was opened to the outside world for some reason, anyway, the Taiyi Sect would not suffer.

At this point, the monk has successfully tested and condensed a yang dao supernatural power. From this world, one more yang power has been born, and a peak is born.

Condensing the Nine Suns, the world completed evolution, and the sixth-order Nine Suns True Gang was born.

The whole world is in order, and everything is in the service of Jiuyang Zhengang, but the spirits of the world are all pursuing freedom, and there must be awakened minds who are unwilling to be enslaved by fate.

So every few years, the world is destroyed once, and it starts again.

Before the world is destroyed, countless monks from other regions are attracted, and they can practice casually, and there is no problem with all kinds of destruction. Anyway, it is also a world to be destroyed.

These memories are stored in their bodies, and when they see the altar, they automatically comprehend.

Yang Xiuming nodded to show he understood.

The next step is to enter the world and capture a kind of Yang Soul life.

Take the yang soul supernatural power in his head, and return to the altar, thereby triggering the fission of the primordial spirit, and giving birth to his own yang dao supernatural power.

Yang Xiuming silently felt that his own strength, talent, supernatural powers, and kung fu were all there, but his blood disappeared and his Tao body was gone. His strength was equivalent to the tenth level of Qi refining.

It's not just him, the monks here, even Jindan real people, only have the tenth level of Qi refining, and they are suppressed to death.

Luo Qingming, the True Spirit Sect over there, was a seed of communication. He walked around here and pulled eight people over.

"The way of heaven is supreme, and I am the only one who respects me!"

Taoist Xue of the Supreme Heavenly Dao Sect, besides him, he also has a fellow disciple, Gu Shenbing.

"The seven emotions and six desires rise from the sky, and a little bit of the world of mortals travels around the world."

Fei Ning'er, the demon sect of the world of mortals, rests in the moonlight.

"Shenwei is invincible and thunderous, and Shenwei is invincible and proud of the sky!"

The Mighty Sect has a secret!

"There is a world without a gap, and the world is far away, and the world is thousands of miles away!"

There is a breath of gold in Mozong, Ma Yuezhen.

"The light in the sky is far away, the yin and yang and the five elements are boundless in creation, the vastness is vast, and the materialization of profit and loss is mutually generated and restrained!"

Xing Jizi of Taixuzong!
In addition to Yang Xiuming and Luo Qingming's younger brother Yizhenzi, there are now 13 members from the seven families of the Supreme Master.

These are the disciples of the Supreme Master, and they disdain to socialize with other heretic monks.

Up to this level, they are all at the tenth level of qi refining. There may be some people who are Jindan real people, but they are also pretending to be qi refining monks now.

In fact, it is difficult to tell whether their names are true or false, and no one cares about the true or false. After obtaining the supernatural powers to complete the purpose, they leave immediately.

Yang Xiuming couldn't help nodding, Luo Qingming of the True Spirit Sect first gathered the most numerous allies, Taishangdao, to form an advantage in numbers.

Then gather other allies, and finally gather all the superiors, and he really made it happen.

Luo Qingming looked at the crowd and said slowly:

"Fellow daoists, I have completed the two yangs, this time is very important to me, after the completion, the three yangs will open up.

I summoned everyone, and everyone who has been here knows that the Yang Soul is not easy to find, and it is very ferocious.

Therefore, it is difficult for one person to make a tree, and uniting everyone's strength can capture a lot of yang souls and awaken yang dao supernatural powers.


Got, got, got, a big vernacular meal.

Everyone nodded, these guys are either old and cunning, or they have deep hearts, you use me, I use you, and work together.

The same is true for Fu Xialiang. It was his first time here to join the crowd, and it was a good time to save effort.

Seeing everyone joining the team, True Spirit Sect Luo Qingming said with a smile:
"Then let's go and get things done early!"

"Dear friends, there are eight suns in this place, namely Chaoyang, Sunset, Jinyang, Yaoyang, Chunyang, Ziyang, Lieyang, Haoyang..."

"Can everyone report the Yang Dao supernatural powers they need, and we can share them with each other if we have them."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

True Spirit Sect Luo Qingming continued:

"I'll throw bricks to attract jade first, and I need Jinyang among them.

If you get the golden yang yang soul, I wonder if you can save face and let me get it first? "

"If there are those who have the same needs, we can guess the outcome!"

None of the other people spoke, except for him, no one came to Jinyang on purpose.

Luo Qingming of the True Spirit Sect smiled and looked at others.

Fei Ning'er of the Red Dust Demon Sect stood up, smiled slowly, and said:

"I've met fellow daoists, but Ning'er just wants pure yang supernatural powers. I don't know which fellow daoist I'll collide with?"

Fei Ning'er has a slender figure, with every step she takes, her tender white thighs are faintly exposed, and her wrists are extremely delicate, and her black hair is scattered in the wind, with a hint of seductive charm in her seriousness.

It really is a monk of the Red Dust Demon Sect!
(End of this chapter)

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