Dao Shaohua

Chapter 145 9 Yang Zi Good Fortune, 3 Yang Kaitai

Chapter 145 Nine Suns Capital Good Fortune, Sanyangs Kaitai (Fifth update, ask for a monthly ticket)
Yang Xiuming whispered a message: "Be careful, Luo Qingming and this Fei Ning'er are old things.

At least the Foundation Establishment Zhenxiu has come here several times, with a clear purpose and not to be messed with. "

Fu Xialiang nodded and said: "Yes, we don't mess with them, our purpose is to obtain the supernatural powers of Yang Dao, the so-called Eight Yangs, just get one."

Yang Xiuming thought for a while and said, "For the three of us, it's best to have one of us with one Yang Dao supernatural power, not the same."

Zhang Yue understood immediately, and said, "I understand, you want to bet on Sanyang Kaitai!"

Yang Xiuming said: "One of us has one yang, isn't it three yangs together?"

Fu Xialiang couldn't help nodding and said, "Yes, take a gamble!"

Zhang Yue said: "Actually, the rising sun and setting sun, similar to the Zi Wu in "Zi Wu's Great Heaven and Earth Thunder" practiced by Xia Liang, contain Da Luo's time and heaven.

We can choose these two, and it feels like a strong pair. "

Fu Xialiang also said: "In addition, Chunyang and Ziyang were specially told by Senior Sister Linglong, and they seem to be very strong."

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "Well, we will take Chaoyang, Xiyang, Chunyang, Ziyang, these four as the first, and the other four as supplements."

"Okay, not bad!"

While the three of them were chatting, one by one someone over there reported that they needed Yang Dao supernatural powers.

Among them, Fu Xialiang, Jin Yixi, Ma Yuezhen, and Xing Jizi of Taixuzong, they can do whatever they want.

Everyone agreed, Luo Qingming of the True Spirit Sect said: "Okay, everyone, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, he will take everyone to the endless forest in the distance.

The so-called Yang Souls are all deep in the forest.

"Wait a minute!"

Taoist Xue of the Supreme Heavenly Dao Sect said suddenly.

The crowd looked at him.

He said slowly: "The journey is long, don't delay.

It is best to use tools. "

After finishing speaking, he picked up some branches and leaves similar to branches on the ground.

"Sharpen a knife without accidentally chopping wood!"

Then he weaves quickly in his hands...

The Red Dust Demon Sect Fei Ning'er on the side said softly:

"The Supreme Dao True Self Refining Art?"

The Supreme Heavenly Dao Sect is sometimes called the Supreme Dao Sect.

Taoist Xue said with a smile: "It's a small trick, it's nothing to worry about.

It's just for us to use the power of this world. "

After finishing speaking, he patted the woven branches and leaves hard, and for a moment, it seemed that something from the world was poured into it, and the branch turned into a magic weapon.

Like a withered yellow leaf, about three feet in size.

He handed it to Luo Qingming of the True Spirit Sect, and said, "Borrowing the Dao of the World, it's a little trick to refine.

Within three days, you can fly away in the air, saving you the trouble of walking. "

After speaking, he began to refine the second one.

The three of Yang Xiuming were stunned, and Fei Ning'er of the Red Dust Demon Sect next to him saw that the three of them were really junior brothers, and said softly:
"The Supreme Heavenly Dao Sect emphasizes the Dao of Heaven and despises the principles of human beings.

This method is the method of refining weapons in their sect, borrowing the avenue of heaven and earth, and transforming it into a god.

Just like illusions, magical devices and refined magic tools will collapse after a short period of time, but before they collapse, their effectiveness is no different from that of real magic tools. "

In the words, Taoist Xue had already refined seven or eight withered yellow flying leaves.

And Gu Shenbing, his junior brother, was not idle either, he picked up a branch and was impressively refining the magic weapon.

In less than a moment, each of them shared a withered yellow flying leaf and a green wood long sword.

Yang Xiuming silently felt, good guy, these withered yellow flying leaves and green wood long sword are both second-order magic weapons.

At this point, he looked at Taoist Xue and Gu Shenbing with endless admiration.

Luo Qingming of the True Spirit Sect said: "Thank you to the two friends of the Supreme Dao Sect.

Let's go, in the forest, there are a total of 58 Yang souls, and I have locked them all. You can just choose the Yang Dao supernatural powers you need. "

Seeing Daoist Xue and Gu Shenbing show their hands, Luo Qingming of the True Spirit Sect casually said, "He has already locked many Yang souls, and immediately the eyes of everyone looking at him changed again.

Suddenly, Yang Xiuming seemed to understand something.

"They actually form a team, not for everyone to hold together to keep warm, to hunt more and less, and hunt Yang Soul.

It's for everyone to be together, not to form confrontation and add chaos to each other. "

They are all superiors, and no one will obey anyone, so unite first to avoid troubles later.

Fu Xialiang nodded and said, "Brother is right, these guys are cunning and cunning."

Zhang Yue said suddenly: "Shoot later, don't hesitate, the sword is one!"

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "Yes, they are all combined with the divine sword.

Don't use one hand to cover the sky until it is the key point, and "Ziwu's mighty Qiankun Thunder" is also hidden. "

"Okay! In fact, this place is beneficial to us. Everyone is at the tenth level of qi refining, neither high nor low."

"Don't mess with them, lest they have any magical powers at the bottom of the box, and die together."

The three of them contacted each other quietly, and at the same time, each sent an envoy withered and yellow to Feiye.

The realm of refining Qi can only fly by relying on magic weapons.

Get started to see the strength of everyone.

Luo Qingning and Yi Zhenzi from the True Spirit Sect, Taoist Xue and Gu Shenbing from the Supreme Heavenly Dao Sect, Fei Ninger from the Red Dust Demon Sect, Luo Yuexi from the Demonic Sect, and the Divine Mighty Sect stepping into the sky...

Flying away from the hands, it is as if it has been sacrificed for decades.

These guys might all be Jindan Daoist.

Jin Yixi, Ma Yuezhen, Xing Jizi and Yang Xiuming of the Taixu Sect need a sacrificial process.

But within three hundred breaths, he flew away.

True Spirit Sect Luo Qingming led the way again and said, "Everyone, follow me!"

The 13 people flew up and flew towards the distance.

Soon, he caught up with batches of monks walking on their feet.

These monks, seeing the 13 of them, flew over, saluted each of them, carefully avoiding them.

These monks are not simple, some don't know where to catch spirit beasts and enslave birds.

Some refine vehicles out of thin air, and they also have three-point skills.

However, the monks who have come to this world, the masters are all united by the True Spirit Sect Luo Qingming, and the other monks, but heretical monks, are completely incomparable with them.

No matter how ignorant you are, but seeing this moment, everyone controls the flying magic weapon.

In this world, where did they get the flying magic weapon?

Apart from flying magic weapon, is there no combat magic weapon?

Fighting with the same strength, isn't this a dead end?

So everyone is honest and respectful.

Everyone smiled and continued to fly away, and suddenly saw a corpse in front of them.

It was the short corpse of the Brazen Welding Sect.

There were 17 of them here, and there were eleven corpses here, and most of them died.

Fei Ning'er, the Red Dust Demon Sect, snorted coldly and said nothing, but Yang Xiuming felt a murderous intent appearing on her body.

Zhang Yue couldn't help asking: "This is dead, is it really dead?"

Fu Xialiang shook his head and said: "No, the soul left and returned to the homeland, but the trial failed."

"However, if the soul is seriously injured, it is easy to fail to return to the real body and die on the road."

Continue flying, flying is faster than walking.

Soon they came to the border of the forest, and saw the eight women of the Tiya clan in front of them, as well as the man.

Seeing them, Yang Xiuming suddenly understood why the Tiya clan came here.

They are obviously the children of the forest, and they also have a special ability to condense a set of bows and arrows with the help of trees.

Seeing everyone flying here, the man saluted respectfully from afar.

"Light muscles, weak bones, scattered and secluded flowers, and even more golden stamens flooding the clouds.

Mu Qingting, a disciple of Baicao Sect, has met all seniors! "

Baicao Sect, one of the eight hundred sects, cultivates spiritual herbs, refines elixirs, and treats the world.

Fei Ning'er of the Red Dust Demon Sect looked at the crowd and asked, "Dear friends, do you have a relationship with them?"

Everyone shook their heads, Hongchen Demon Sect Fei Ning'er said: "That's good!"

She suddenly fell down, looked at the other party, and asked loudly:

"A disciple of the Brazing Sect, but you killed me!"

When asked this question, the Baicao Sect disciple Mu Qingting's expression changed, he wanted to say something else.

Fei Ning'er of the Hongchen Demon Sect shouted again: "Bronze Welding Sect is a vassal of the Taiyi Sect, and Taiyi Sect is a death ally of my Hongchen Demon Sect!

Allies are in trouble and must be helped!
Everyone, please die for me! "

After finishing speaking, it is to shoot!
(End of this chapter)

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