Dao Shaohua

Chapter 146

Chapter 146

Baicao Sect disciple Mu Qingting is still explaining:

"Senior, we didn't do it on purpose, Brazen Zongpifu wanted to moleste my maid..."

The Tia women behind him had already taken off their bows and arrows, ready to shoot.

Fu Xialiang asked quietly at this time: "What should I do..."

Yang Xiuming said: "Go, kill!"

In an instant, Yang Xiuming's sword had merged into one, turning into a beam of sword light and falling down.

Without any hesitation, he shot immediately.

Seeing the sword light rise, countless vines appeared beside Baicao Zongmu Qingting, turning into a sea of ​​trees, trying to resist Yang Xiuming's sword light.

There was a click, what kind of tree planted the ocean, it was meaningless, and the Baicao sect turned into powder.

Zhang Yue also turned into a sword light, and fell into the group of Tiya women, blood spattered, and the corpse was shattered.

His sword was like an ocean wave, sweeping towards him. On the basis of the original combination of human and sword, adding "Zhen Jiang Dang Hai Luo Yun Xia" to it, the sword light is even stronger.

With a sea of ​​light, all the Tiya women were beheaded without leaving a single one.

Fu Xialiang made a move, but he didn't have a divine sword, but lightning flashes erupted in his hand, and everyone in the Baicao Sect who survived Zhang Yue's sword was killed by him one after another!

In less than three breaths, there were corpses all over the place, and before anyone else had time to make a move, the disciples of the Baicao Sect were all dead.

Yang Xiuming smiled and said through voice transmission between the three of them: "These old guys are cunning and cunning.

So we have to show our strength to be deterrent and valuable! "

At this time, he separated his body and sword, and said slowly:

"Mu Qingting, he's lying.

It wasn't that the Braze Welding Sect wanted to rape the Tiya woman, but that he wanted to snatch what the Braze Welding Sect disciples were carrying.

A total of 11 people died in the Tong Welding Sect. They refused to fight, and no one flinched. The person who died first had seven wounds in his body and died of hard work. The so-called molestation is basically nonsense. "

Yang Xiuming was full of nonsense, but the facts were not important anymore, he was just making excuses.

Fei Ning'er of the Red Dust Demon Sect smiled, thanking Yang Xiuming and the other three for their support.

Luo Qingming of the True Spirit Sect said with a smile: "What a combination of divine swords!"

Shenweizong stepped on the secret and said suddenly: "One breath transforms three cleans?"

Yang Xiuming just smiled and didn't answer them.

Fu Xialiang clearly felt that everyone's attitude towards them had changed quietly.

Regardless of the situation outside, in this world, Yang Xiuming and the three of them have the strength to kill everyone.

To be strong is to be respected!
The Red Dust Demon Sect Fei Ning'er landed, and seemed to be picking up something among the fragments of corpses all over the ground.

Then watch her condense her spellcasting.

"Refining Qi in the world of mortals, respecting the soul, keeping the way of the gods, keeping the spirit in the air, keeping the eyes in mind, subtle and guarding the charge, calming the soul and resting the form, then all harm will not hurt..."

As she cast the spell, more than a dozen incense sticks appeared in her hands.

Fu Xialiang quietly transmitted the voice: "The materials she collected seem to be fragments of the Tiya family..."

Immediately, Yang Xiuming understood that the avenging for the Tong Welding Sect and the promise of allies were all fake.

Fei Ning'er took a fancy to the core fragments of the Tiya clan, and the so-called revenge was just an excuse.

Fei Ning'er succeeded in the sacrifice, and looked at Luo Qingming of the True Spirit Sect:

"Fellow Daoist, Hongchen Mihun Incense has been successfully refined, how to find that Yanghun is up to you!"

True Spirit Sect Luo Qingming laughed and said, "Okay, okay!"

"Everyone come with me!"

After speaking, Luo Qingming of the True Spirit Sect led the crowd into the forest.

This forest is a sea of ​​trees, the tallest tree is a hundred feet high, and the clouds reach the sky.

The endless sea of ​​trees, uneven, boundless fallen trees, with a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

The sea of ​​forests is boundless, and there are some shrubs and bushes in the outermost periphery, but they are only ten feet high, and entering a hundred and ten feet is a completely different world.

In the forest, the air is filled with a damp smell that has been heated by the sun. Even though it is filtered by the wide green leaves of these big trees, the sun spots cast down still have a fiery feeling.

Many ants and insects were busy in the surrounding dense grass, and there were also a few poisonous bees and mosquitoes, flapping their wings and flying around.

Fortunately, everyone was flying away, far above the sea of ​​trees, heading straight into the sea of ​​trees.

They flew in, and suddenly a group of crows rose up, preventing them from flying into the sea of ​​trees.

That flock of crows looked tens of thousands, covering the sky and covering the sun, flying like dark clouds.

Among the crowd, Shenweizong looked at the crow and cursed angrily: "Get lost!"

At this moment, behind him, there seemed to be a huge phantom appearing.

Looking at the phantom, it opened its mouth and roared like a god.

With a sound of rolling down, thousands of crows were frightened out of their wits, and they all disappeared, never daring to stand in the way again.

The wrath of the gods is indeed extraordinary.

Everyone continued to fly away, Luo Qingming of the True Spirit Sect said:
"Okay, here it is!"

In an instant, he fell into the bushes, followed by everyone.

Under the big tree, there are snakes, scorpions and rats, rabbits and wild boars, tigers, leopards and wolves, bears and elks, goshawks and vultures, birds and beasts, everything.

It's just that their bodies, like Yang Xiuming's and others, are made of brilliance, not flesh and blood.

At this point, Luo Qingming of the True Spirit Sect said: "It's all gone!"

A word of true spirit is like the decree of heaven!

Those beasts and birds seemed to be taken aback for a moment, and then scattered away.

As for Fei Ning'er, she lighted the incense lightly, and with the burning of her incense, above the big tree and in the middle of the earth, a figure suddenly appeared in the invisible place.

Five human beings appear, but you can tell they are not human.

On them, infinite masculinity condenses.

This is Yang Soul, but at this moment, they seem to be in a daze, lost their minds, and are controlled by Fei Ning'er's incense.

Fei Ning'er said with a smile: "Unexpectedly, I will meet the Tiya clan. They are called the children of the forest. Their condensed red dust ecstasy incense is the most powerful. It is easy to confuse soulless beasts like Yang Soul."

Originally, Yang Xiuming thought that he would fight to the death, but many Yang souls were arrested like this.

Under Fei Ning'er's control, they kneeled in a row without any resistance.

True Spirit Sect Luo Qingming asked: "Which one of you will pick melons?"

Everyone shook their heads, True Spirit Sect Luo Qingming said: "Then I will come."

He walked up to Yanghun, touched it lightly, shook his head and said, "Sweet melon eggs."

With one palm, the Yanghun's head cracked and his body fell to the ground.

In the hands of True Spirit Sect Luo Qingming, there was a ray of light.

Luo Qingming of the True Spirit Sect threw it away and gave it to Fu Xialiang.

"Growing melon eggs means that all Yang Dao supernatural powers have not condensed, waste snacks, you should come here for the first time, and I will give you a play."

After speaking, he came to the second Yanghun, and with another slap, his head burst and his body fell to the ground.

Fu Xialiang looked at the so-called raw melon egg, and sure enough, it was a mess, without the power to condense the Yang Dao, it was nothing and meaningless.

The other Yang souls seemed to be struggling desperately, but they couldn't break free under the pressure of Hongchen's enchanting incense.

"Luck, luck, I didn't expect to get Lie Yang when I first came.

I remember Fellow Daoist Gu, what you want is the blazing sun supernatural power? "

After finishing speaking, Luo Qingming threw it away, and Supreme Heavenly Dao Zong Gu Shenbing took it, shouting:

"Thank you!"

True Spirit Sect Luo Qingming said: "This is a good start for us, continue, continue!"

(End of this chapter)

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