Dao Shaohua

Chapter 147 The wind is smooth, the soul of the sun starts

Chapter 147 The wind is smooth, the soul of the sun starts

True Spirit Sect Luo Qingming continued to smash Yanghun's head, followed by two raw melon eggs and a Haoyang supernatural power.

During this process, the five yang souls did not make any resistance and remained motionless.

The last one used the Haoyang supernatural power, and Luo Qingming threw it to Shenweizong's Tatianji.

Shenweizong looked at the ball of light in his hand, and said with a smile:
"I didn't expect it to go so smoothly today, and I got Haoyang supernatural power here.

Thank you fellow Taoists! "

True Spirit Sect Luo Qingming said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist, do you want to continue?"

Ta Tianji laughed and said, "I still have a lot to do, let's take a step first."

This is like crossing the river and tearing down the bridge, get supernatural powers, and leave immediately.

But True Spirit Sect Luo Qingming didn't say anything, just said:

"Farewell, the rivers and lakes are far away, the mountains will not turn around, and we will see you again in the next year!"

Shenweizong didn't even look at others, just took the Haoyang supernatural power, turned around and left without even saying goodbye.

Zhang Yue couldn't help but said: "Isn't this too unreasonable?"

Hongchen Demon Sect Fei Ning'er smiled and said: "This is normal.

At this point, the trial of supernatural powers had to be completed by oneself. "

Taoist Xue of the Supreme Heavenly Dao Sect said slowly: "It's good that this guy is gone.

A heavenly demon smell makes people sick. "

Fu Xialiang was taken aback, and asked, "Tianmo sect?"

True Spirit Sect Luo Qingming nodded and said, "Yes, it smells like a heavenly demon, it's so disgusting."

"The worst Heavenly Demon Sect, the worst for Tianqi people!

The most beloved woman in the world, the most wonderful prostitute! "

Xing Jizi of Taixuzong said slowly.

Yang Xiuming couldn't help asking quietly, "What do you mean?"

This is an internal question among the three, and Fu Xialiang explained:
"One hundred and eight supreme beings in the world, the Heavenly Demon Sect is the number one demon among the twenty-two demons who rewind the universe.

The Heavenly Demon Sect likes the way of bad guys the most, and cuts off people's futures. It is said that if a person is bad, the monks of the Heavenly Demon Sect will get one.

In any case, the villains of the Heavenly Demon Sect still have a purpose.

The most harmful to the people of Tianqi, one of the six overlords of Tianqi, inheriting the five overlords of the Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Huan of Qi.

They are bad, they harm others and are not good for themselves. They would rather die by themselves than ruin your good deeds. "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "So that's the case!

Southern Chu is difficult, Tianqi is loss. "

Fu Xialiang said again:
"I love red dust girls the most, the most wonderful prostitutes!

The Red Dust Girl refers to the Hongchen Demon Sect, and the Miaohua prostitute refers to the Miaohua Sect.

These two sects of female cultivators are both playing games in the world, and the way of cultivating one's heart in the world of mortals, most of them work as prostitutes in brothels.

The woman in the world of mortals is often addicted to the world of mortals, but in the end she sinks into it instead, living for her brother and dying for her brother, completely obsessed.

The female cultivator of the Miaohua Sect is the last one who is as cold as iron, unfeeling and judgmental, and the most ruthless! "

Yang Xiuming and the two nodded, it was the first time they heard it.

In other words, Ta Tianji of Shenwei Sect turned out to be a cultivator of Tianmo Sect, who had already been targeted by everyone, and he had to leave if he wanted to.

True Spirit Sect Luo Qingming said: "Let's continue!"

Everyone continued.

True Spirit Sect Luo Qingming really positioned all Yang Souls.

Soon after reaching an area, Fei Ning'er was confused by the fragrance, and this time captured seven Yang souls.

Break the heads one by one and take out the core.

This time, Taoist Xue, Luoyuexi got the Yang Dao supernatural power he wanted.

Taoist Xue and Gu Shenbing of the Supreme Heavenly Dao Sect each obtained the supernatural powers they wanted.

But they didn't leave as soon as they said they would, like Shenweizong's stepping on the secret, but continued to accompany everyone.

In addition to the two of them, another Haoyang supernatural power was released.

Luo Qingning and the others all looked down on them, and gave Youjian Wujian Kong Mozong a golden breath.

Continue to search for the third place.

There was a big explosion here, and five Yang Dao supernatural powers were released.

Luo Qingming's younger brother Yizhenzi got his wish.

The remaining four are Chaoyang, Xiyang, Lieyang, and Yaoyang.

Fu Xialiang shouted: "We want the morning sun, sunset sun, and scorching sun!"

Everyone didn't say anything, the extra Yaoyang was given to Taixuzong's Xing Jizi.

Seeing that Fu Xialiang asked for morning sun and sunset.

Fei Ning'er of the Red Dust Demon Sect smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Fu, you want to condense the Dao of Day and Night.

However, let me remind you that this is probably the first time you have come here, and you don't know the mystery, but it's not that easy.

Every time you come here for a trial, one person can only condense one Yang Dao supernatural power, even if you practice one qi transforming three cleanses, you may only be able to condense one Yang Dao supernatural power.

As for the Yang Dao supernatural powers like Da Luo Hunyuan, the second condensed Yang Dao supernatural power will cover the first similar supernatural power, so it is difficult, difficult, difficult! "

This was good words of persuasion, and Yang Xiuming and the others were the first to take action to protect Fei Ning'er's authority, so she also gave advice.

These old guys are very cunning, they all saw the connection between Yang Xiuming and the three of them, but they all thought it was the Supreme Dao who transformed the three Qings with one breath.

No one thought that this was the "Nine Changes of the Common People's Heart Transformation Art"!
The three of Yang Xiuming were also amazing, making an unbelievable expression together, as if they were the same person.

Then after three breaths, each of them changed their expressions, so far it proved that the three of them are all in one breath.

Daoist Xue of the Supreme Heavenly Dao Sect said, "I'm so jealous!

At such a young age, with such a cultivation base, he has become a three-pure in one breath.

No matter, our brothers are gone! "

Gu Shenbing laughed and said, "Dear fellows, just kidding, we still have something to do, let's go first."

Basically everyone has obtained the supernatural power of Yang Dao, so the two of them also left, and it can be regarded as a beginning and an end.

Xing Jizi of Taixuzong also said: "Then I will leave too, everyone please go first!"

Everyone bid farewell, temporarily formed a team, gathered quickly, and dispersed quickly.

Continue to search for the next Yang Soul, this time it went very smoothly, and found five Yang Soul supernatural powers.

He was also overjoyed to have the golden yang supernatural power that Luo Qingning needed, and only the pure yang supernatural power that Fei Ning'er, a demon sect of the world of mortals, needed.

With the remaining four Yang Soul supernatural powers, Yang Xiuming asked for two more, one Ziyang and one Haoyang.

There was a breath of Mozong Jin, and Ma Yuezhen asked for the other two Yanghun supernatural powers, and they also left.

In fact, a person can only cultivate one Yang Soul supernatural power, and if you ask for more Yang Soul supernatural powers, you can't bring them back, which is meaningless.

Luo Qingming found the last Jin Yang he needed, but he didn't leave, and continued to lead everyone to search.

In this way, two waves of Yang souls were found, and in the last wave, three pure yang souls were released in it. This is how everyone found the supernatural powers they needed.

Fei Ning'er of the Red Dust Demon Sect only needs one, and Yang Xiuming wants one more pure yang supernatural power.

He wants to study these Yang Soul supernatural powers.

Fei Ning'er of the Red Dust Demon Sect just smiled, it was the same for anyone who came here for the first time, it was meaningless.

Everyone got the Yang Dao supernatural powers they wanted, controlled the magic weapon, and flew away from the forest.

As long as you go to that altar and comprehend supernatural powers, you can leave this world and return to reality.

Zhang Yue couldn't help but said: "I didn't expect this trial to be so easy."

Yang Xiuming shook his head and said, "It's not that easy.

If we hadn't met the seniors.

Going into the forest by yourself, looking for the Yang soul, and fighting the Yang soul, without three or five days, it is impossible! "

Luo Qingming, Fei Ning'er and the others laughed without saying a word!
(End of this chapter)

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