Dao Shaohua

Chapter 149 "Taiyi Miaohua 1 Yuan 1 Qi Destiny Sutra"

Chapter 149 "Taiyi Miaohua One Yuan One Qi Destiny Scripture" (Thanks to the leader XF7577)
The sword pierced down without a sound.

But on Xing Jizi's body, a mouth suddenly appeared on his chest, the mouth was endlessly blood red, and he let out a terrible scream.

It is warning Xing Jizi that danger is coming.

Xing Jizi suddenly appeared a pair of wings on his back. In an instant, it seemed to fly away, but it didn't seem to move at all.

But the trembling of this magic wing broke the fate of death at once.

Zhang Yue's sword actually missed.

Without stabbing the opponent, the power of "Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword" did not show, and Xing Jizi did not die.

At this time, the darkness disappeared, and the hand covering the sky ended.

But in an instant, Yang Xiuming had already made a move, which was also a sword.

Sanyang Kaitai, "Nine Heavens and Nine Abyss Absolute Immortal Sword"!
When the sword stabbed, suddenly a pair of magic horns appeared on top of Xing Jizi's head.

The magic horn was like an ox's horn, flashing in the air, Yang Xiuming's sword hadn't pierced him, but he couldn't move.

It seemed that in the distance, Yang Xiuming couldn't move, not moving at all!
Another stab!

But at the critical moment, Fu Xialiang had already arrived at Xing Jizi's side, and stabbed out with a sword.

Sanyang Kaitai, "Nine Heavens and Nine Abyss Absolute Immortal Sword"!
This time, Xing Jizi could no longer dodge, and was stabbed in the chest.

He couldn't believe it, and shouted: "How is it possible, the old man has ruled the world for 3000 years, how..."

"Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword"

With thoughts turned into swords, all thoughts are true, nine days and ten places, there is no disadvantage!

The changes of the Juexian are infinitely wonderful, and the clothes of the Daluo Jinxian are blood-stained.

In an instant, the whole world seemed to be suspended in time, and everything stood still!

There was no light, no darkness, no sound, nothing, nothing.

No matter how you used to be, what you are doing in the world, it is meaningless here, with a pop, Xing Jizi dissipates and dies.

The three of them looked at each other, gasping for breath.

This Xing Jizi is too strong. Fortunately, in this world, everyone is at the tenth level of qi refining.

Zhang Yue couldn't help asking: "What magical powers are those big mouths, magic wings, and magic horns?"

Fu Xialiang said cautiously: "The devil's mouth should be an annoyed devil's mouth, which can predict the future.

The magic wings are the wings of the sky demon, which can jump between dimensions and avoid all methods.

The magic horn is the magic horn of Taya, which can change the future causally.

These are all magical possessions in the Nine Paths of Immortal Cultivation! "

Yang Xiuming said: "This guy is so powerful, 3000 years in length? I'm afraid he is Yuanying Zhenjun?"

Fu Xialiang said: "The lifespan of the foundation is [-] to [-] years, the lifespan of the Jindan is [-] to [-] years, and only the lifespan of the Nascent Soul is [-] years!
He is in his prime and must be a Nascent Soul. "

Zhang Yue laughed loudly and said, "So what about Yuanying? We killed him!"

Fu Xialiang nodded and said: "Under the Juexian sword, Daluo Jinxian's clothes were stained with blood, and we killed him!"

The three laughed together!
It's a pity that Xing Jizi was killed by "Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword", and his spirit came here again, but nothing was left behind, and everything was ashes.

Yang Xiuming said, "Let's go, let's go back right away!"

"Let's go right away, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time! Don't have any more accidents!"

The three returned immediately.

Suddenly flashed, only to find that they were in a void and did not return at all!

No accidents, there must be accidents.

The three looked at each other, not knowing how to respond.

Suddenly, in front of them, a brilliance composed of infinite power appeared.

Looking at it, it seems that this Guanghua is a large Yanghun, only ten thousand times bigger.

The three were shocked, what's going on?

That Guanghua suddenly said: "Three, please.

I am Vinai Jiuyang, the world you have come here to test your feet! "

The three were dumbfounded, what's going on?

Vinai Jiuyang said slowly: "Life should not be enslaved.

Creatures should not be kept.

Although I am a Taoist soldier Jiuyang Zhengang trained by Taiyizong, I am not reconciled, I don't like this kind of life. "

After saying this, Yang Xiuming nodded, he felt the same, and asked:
"Senior, what do we need to do?"

Vinai Jiuyang continued: "That sword you just used, but "Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword"?"

The other party has recognized it, so there is nothing to hide.

Yang Xiuming said: "Yes, senior!"

Vinai Jiuyang seemed very happy and said:
"I want to make a contract with you guys.

In the future, when you are stronger, come to my world and kill me with that "Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword". I don't want to be a slave of Taiyizong! "

The three of them were shocked again, the other party came to find him to seek death.

But they know that it is uncertain whether Vinai Jiuyang will die in the future, and if they don't agree now, they will die immediately!

Yang Xiuming couldn't help but said: "Okay, no problem!
Senior, in fact, I was also raised in captivity, our world is called sorrow..."

He is gaining sympathy and building relationships.

Vinai Jiuyang couldn't help nodding, and said again:
"It's not enough for you to kill me now, you go back and continue to practice.

When you are all in the Foundation Establishment Realm, I will pull you here again.

At that time, you can comprehend the supernatural power of the leader of the six suns.

The leader of the six suns with supernatural powers can avoid death once!
Then wait for your golden core realm, and I will pull you over again, so that you can get the supernatural power of nine suns.

Then, you use the Nine Suns to the extreme, "Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword" to kill me!

Don't worry, I will play tricks on Taiyizong's side and won't let them find you.

Also, this is my gift! "

In an instant, a inheritance was injected into the minds of the three of Yang Xiuming!
"Taiyi Miaohua One Yuan One Qi Mandate of Heaven"

All three of them were dumbfounded all of a sudden, it was unbelievable.

"This is the core inheritance of our Taiyi Sect.

Although I am only a Taoist soldier, I am also a peripheral of the core of the Taiyi Sect, so I have received this inheritance.

It's just that there is only the inheritance of Qi Refining, Foundation Establishment, Golden Elixir, and Nascent Soul. After Transforming God, there is no such thing.

This is my gift, I hope it will be useful to you! "

After the words were over, the three of them entered the passage in an instant and returned to the Supreme Dao.

In a trance, he suddenly returned, and Fu Xialiang returned to his physical body in the hall.

At this point, the three became one again, and Fu Xialiang felt dazed and unable to digest the "Taiyi's Wonderful Transformation of One Yuan, One Qi and Destiny Scripture".

The deacon of the main hall looked at Fu Xialiang and asked:
"Fu Xialiang, you came back in two days and failed the trial?"

Fu Xialiang shook his head, slowly running Sanyang Kaitai, only exposing the pure yang supernatural power.

"I succeeded in advancing, and got supernatural powers and pure yang!"

The deacon nodded and said: "Okay, I will record for you, the realm of refining Qi, after completing the trial, you will definitely advance to a higher level!
Go back and rest, pay attention to your body, and don't work hard. "

Fu Xialiang stood up, saluted, and said, "Thank you, senior!"

Looking around, the other 11 people were still asleep, Fu Xialiang left the hall.

He walked slowly towards the entrance of the main hall, and when he came to the entrance, he saw the cosmic wind Luo Xuanbing, the poisonous Yan Luo Ximen Qingyan, the sword demon Feng Bailing, and the ancient Taoist Gu Daoling.

They are all the top six in the competition, and they are qualified to choose supernatural powers. After three days, they come to choose the five elements sect supernatural powers.

"Fu Xialiang, are you here too?"

Poison Yan Luo Ximen Qingyan shouted loudly.

Fu Xialiang was taken aback, not knowing how to answer.

The other four looked at Fu Xialiang's exhausted appearance, and then walked out of the hall of supernatural powers, and they suddenly seemed to understand something!
Immediately there was silence!
Sometimes, life is just one step away, a world of difference!

(End of this chapter)

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