Dao Shaohua

Chapter 150 Taibai Mountain, go to heaven 3

Chapter 150

Back in the cave, Fu Xialiang was still peeing.

However, he was not in a hurry to rest, but immediately went to the base camp.

Not only him, but also Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue, the three of them gathered in the base camp together.

No one was in a hurry to leave.

Gather in the base camp, the three of you look at me, I look at you...

Fu Xialiang said: "Before the trial, I sent a letter to senior brother with a flying talisman to pass on the news that the deacon of the Sutra Pavilion was difficult for us.

After returning, the senior brother told me that the deacon was deprived of his identity and kicked out of the Taishang Dao after the processing was completed.

He didn't leave, he committed suicide directly! "

Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue were taken aback, but nodded.

Fu Xialiang continued:
"This "Taiyi Miaohua One Yuan One Qi Destiny Scripture" is the core inheritance of Nine Wife Yi.

The so-called Taiyi, Taiyi, represents the fundamental law of material existence, the unity of the three thousand heavens, and the highest heaven.

According to legend, among the Nine Tais, Tai Yi, Tai Yi, and Tai Chu were originally one, but later they split and turned into three great masters. They are all one of the Nine Tais, but they are mortal enemies of each other! "

The disciples of Taishang Dao knew a lot, Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue listened attentively!

"The so-called Miaohua refers to the law of the operation of all things in the world, which is the 12 one-dimensional law.

The so-called one element and one qi, why should there be any distinction between water, fire, earth and space, why should there be any distinction between metal, wood and five elements, why should there be such things as yin and yang, hardness and softness, everything is one element and one qi!
Taiyi is wonderfully combined into one Qi, blending into one element, which means compatibility, representing the law of heaven, and can accommodate everything. The sea is a hundred rivers!

The so-called destiny, Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, three begets all things!
Destiny is mine, who else is number one in the world! "

Yang Xiuming said: "It's amazing!"

Fu Xialiang nodded and said, "Of course.

However, the "Jiutai Laojun Kaitian Jing" we practice is even more powerful.

The meaning of its existence is to complete the unity of the Nine Tais and achieve Tianao!
Even the Taishang of my sect and the current Taiyi, we can all practice together, master all of them, and merge into one.

This is the real power, so it ranks fifth among the 99 secret methods of Xianqin. "

Zhang Yue said: "Then what are you waiting for, come on!"

The three of them looked at each other and immediately fit together.

Then Yang Xiuming silently ran the "Taiyi Miaohua One Yuan One Qi Destiny Scripture"...

There was a voice in Yang Xiuming's ear:
"I swear by the Styx here..."

The primordial spirit swears, swears by the Styx, and you must swear to practice this scripture!

The three of Yang Xiuming immediately followed the voice and said:

"I swear by the Styx here..."

"I practice the "Taiyi Miaohua One Yuan One Qi Destiny Sutra", intentionally or unintentionally, I will never teach any spirit. If it is leaked, the Styx will prove it. Super born."

The oath was made, and suddenly paragraphs of scriptures appeared in the minds of the three of them!
"Taiyi, Taiyi, the only one in the world, wonderfully transforming all living beings, free and easy to ride the wind, roaming the world, wherever the mind goes, unrivaled, free to condense the essence, and change in thousands of ways.

One element and one qi, the universe, the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the rivers and the seas, the five elements, gold, wood, water, fire, earth and yin and yang, lend me my own use, all for my own strength, I use the true formula to be free and easy! "

"Why do you need to live in the Zen Pass for a while? Although the Dharma cave is deep, it is useless. If you ask Ruru, your heart is at ease, and your dream soul will not enter the Dahuai Palace..."

A complete set of cultivation methods appeared in the minds of the three of them.

From the sitting posture at the beginning of the practice, to the breathing during the practice, to the thoughts in the mind, everything is clear!

From the Qi refining stage, to the foundation building stage, to the Jindan stage, to the Nascent Soul stage...

All of a sudden, this technique changed instantly and integrated into the "Jiutai Laojun Kaitian Jing".

The "Taishang Jingjing of the Pure and Negative Birth and Extinction of Heaven" and the "Taiyi Miaohua One Yuan One Qi Destiny Sutra" are perfectly integrated into one scripture!
Immediately, the second layer of "Jiutai Laojun Kaitianjing" was slowly lit up.

In an instant, Yang Xiuming left the base camp and returned to his body.

His body sat down uncontrollably, practiced according to this sutra, straightened his body, sat in meditation, settled down, and felt the sense of breath!

Control the real energy in your body now, follow the strange breathing method, start to meditate, visualize, and start practicing in your mind!
Inhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, exhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, exhale, inhale...

There is no violation, one success, and the original "Jiutai Laojun Kaitian Jing" quietly replaced.

The real energy in Yang Xiuming's body advanced by leaps and bounds, changing quietly.

Skyrocketing, infinite skyrocketing...

Then compress, endless purification!
Expansion again, compression and purification again...

Single-minded, no distracting thoughts, no thinking, no listening, no greetings, no disputes, no other...

The real essence changed quietly, and Yang Xiuming felt a strange feeling of ecstasy!
In the surrounding universities, all the spiritual energy was silently absorbed by Yang Xiuming.

Getting stronger little by little is evolution and cultivation!
This kind of strengthening is an indescribable joy!
An indescribable joy, happiness!

Whether it's delicacies from mountains and seas, beauties singing and dancing, touching feelings, or family love, all the joys in the world are far from enough compared to this!
The joy that runs through the whole body, the most fundamental joy of the soul and body from the heart!
This is real happiness!

No one can stop this kind of refreshing, joyful and enjoyable!
No wonder the world likes to practice!
After a long, long time, this happiness gradually disappeared, and Yang Xiuming had to stop practicing.

Because the body has reached its limit!
During the cultivation, Yang Xiuming has already been promoted to the sixth level of Qi refining!
Open the "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Heart-Shattering Art" to check for yourself.

Name: Yang Xiuming

Lifespan: Seventeen/84

Body: no
Bloodline: Spiritual Fortress
Fate: God of Devouring Demons, God of Heaven's Absolute Misfortune

Boundary: sixth level of Qi refining period
Talents: Night Demon God, Grass Dragon Snake, Sword Maniac, Dead Ghost
Supernatural powers: cover the sky with one hand, unite the divine sword, open the heart of the sword, open two thunders, open three yangs


"Jiutai Laojun Opens the Heavenly Scripture" (Second Edition)
"Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart" (Third Level)
"The Rhythm of Everything" (Second Edition)
"Five Elements, Heaven and Heart Lantern Method"

"The Absolute Immortal Sword of Nine Heavens and Nine Abysses" (Level [-])
Sword Intent: Repression, Assassination, Shock, Illusion

French-Italian: Leihai

33 days of being too high, Lei Jue's "Zixiao Thunder"

33 days of Taishang Dao, the best sword in "One Sword Shocks the Heaven"

33 days in Taishang Dao, "The Great Dark Sky"

Verdict: Let our minds be one
Yang Xiuming was stunned immediately, the change was huge, and he was promoted to the sixth level of Qi refining.

The supernatural power Jianxin Tongche became Jianxin Tongxuan, and the supernatural power thundered once became Leikai Erqi
There is one more Sword Intent, Unreal, and one more Fayi Leihai...

Whether this is his own harvest, it must be the two of them.

Yang Xiuming immediately went to the base camp, sure enough Fu Xialiang was here.

After reading it, Fu Xialiang also changed.

He is also at the first level of advancement, the ninth level of Qi refining.

Apart from these, Fu Xialiang said excitedly:

"My Lei Ming Yi Qi has advanced, and it has become Lei Kai Er Qi.

In addition, I have completely mastered "Zi Wu's mighty Qian Kun Lei", and I have obtained Fa Yi Lei Hai! "

"I have completed the Zongmen's trial, obtained supernatural powers, and Zongmen rewards. I am now a second-class disciple of the Zongmen!"

Name: Fu Xialiang
Lifespan: 130/[-]

Dao Body: Thunderbolt

Bloodline: two skillful hands, icy heart and bones
Fate: Son of Thor


Realm: the ninth level of the Qi refining period

Talents: Night Demon God, Grass Dragon Snake, Sword Maniac, Dead Ghost
Supernatural powers: cover the sky with one hand, unite the divine sword, open the heart of the sword, open two thunders, open three yangs


"Jiutai Laojun Opens the Heavenly Scripture" (Second Edition)
"Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart" (Third Level)
"The Rhythm of Everything" (Second Edition)
"Five Elements, Heaven and Heart Lantern Method"

"The Absolute Immortal Sword of Nine Heavens and Nine Abysses" (Level [-])
Sword Intent: Repression, Assassination, Shock, Illusion

French-Italian: Leihai

33 days of being too high, Lei Jue's "Zixiao Thunder"

33 days of Taishang Dao, the best sword in "One Sword Shocks the Heaven"

33 days in Taishang Dao, "The Great Dark Sky"

Judgment: You demons, don't try to deceive me, it smells so good!
Both of them were very happy, but Zhang Yue didn't show up.

Suddenly, they felt a shock in their bodies, and an unstoppable great change appeared quietly.

In the earlobe, I heard someone shouting loudly:
"On the top of Taibai Mountain, three hundred days away.

The two corners of the lonely cloud, go to the water and hold it.

The mountains and rivers are dangerous and the golden meridian.

Snakes coiled around birds, the power is in harmony with the sky. "

(End of this chapter)

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