Dao Shaohua

Chapter 151 The Way of Heaven Builds a Foundation, My Heart Is Like Iron

Chapter 151 The Way of Heaven Builds the Foundation, My Heart Is Like Iron
Yang Xiuming and the two were taken aback, and hurried to Zhang Yue's Tieling Realm.

When he got there, he suddenly discovered that Zhang Yue was practicing cross-legged, and his body exploded with infinite true energy.

Fu Xialiang was shocked and shouted: "This, this is the foundation!"

Then he shouted again: "The Heavenly Dao builds the foundation!"

Yang Xiuming couldn't help asking: "What is the foundation of the way of heaven?"

He understands foundation building, Qi refining advancement is foundation building.

But Yang Xiuming doesn't understand the foundation of the way of heaven.

Fu Xialiang said: "Qi refining is promoted to the foundation-building stage. Basically, monks in the world of immortality rely on twelve kinds of auxiliary foundation-building pills, such as foundation-building pills, human flowers, and dust-washing water, to advance to the foundation-building stage.

This is the most normal, and the world of cultivating immortals is called foundation building of human way.

But in the ancient times, there was no foundation building pill, all the monks relied on their own strength, and suddenly the world was shackled, and the foundation was successfully established.

Therefore, without relying on pills to build a foundation, it is as stable and unmoving as the earth, with a deep foundation, and successful foundation building. The world of cultivating immortals is called authentic foundation building.

But among the very few cultivators, who understand the principles of heaven, understand the heart of the Tao, are innate and natural, and succeed in building the foundation, the world of cultivating immortals is called the foundation of the way of heaven!
Second brother, this is the foundation building of the way of heaven, and he actually comprehended the principles of heaven, and the foundation building was successful naturally, amazing! "

During the chat between the two of Yang Xiuming, Zhang Yue was completely in a trance.

After his return, he practiced the "Taiyi Miaohua One Yuan One Qi Destiny Scripture" and turned it into "Jiutai Laojun Kaitian Jing".

During this process, Zhang Yue suddenly realized something.

He seemed to feel a strange power, that is destiny!

He died in the previous life and was reincarnated here. He didn't have a house full of relatives like Yang Xiuming, and he didn't live on the Taishang Avenue like Fu Xialiang, but he became a paper man.

Every day is psychedelic and uncertain, life and death from time to time, a friend commits suicide, and only myself is struggling to survive.

With a little bit of persistence, I finally turned into a human being and reincarnated.

In his heart, there was a raging fire.

Indignant, hating the sky without control, hating the ground without ring, wishing to kill everything!
Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!

Until I met Yang Xiuming and Fu Xialiang, I was no longer alone...

Until he practiced "Shaking Rivers, Waves, Seas, Clouds and Clouds", his mood soared, his anger melted into the deep sea, and he succeeded in refining his mind.

The killing intent gradually dissipated...

At this moment, during his cultivation, he suddenly realized the destiny.

At this moment, Zhang Yue understood what is the sky, what is the earth, what is the body, what is the heart!
In an instant, Zhang Yue understood why he lived!

Live for yourself, unrestrained in the world, happy and comfortable!

Zhang Yue suddenly merged with this world quietly, and his body and mind became one!

Looking at the past, in his eyes, an extremely rotten world, like a swamp, filled with countless monsters of various kinds.

Death Claw, Horror, Tiger, Yaksha, Ghost Horror, Poisonous Dragon Centipede, Primordial Spider...

This world is the Tieling Realm, originally this world belonged to demons!

And in the world, there are dozens of light spots, spreading in the world, they are so pure.

Every point of light is similar to the existence of Baiqi City, a stronghold opened up by the human race here!

In fact, the human race is the invaders. In the world of these monsters, they open up strongholds and build their own homes.

Originally, the way of heaven in this world was dominated by monsters, but the souls of countless Xianqin pioneers who died here merged into the world.

Gradually the way of heaven dominates, no longer dominated by monsters, but mixed with the souls of countless human races.

If one day, the souls of the human race occupy this world, then this world will slowly become the home of the human race.

This is the mission of the pioneers of Xianqin here!
Originally, in the Xianqin era, there were countless ways to speed up the process and complete the development, but the Xianqin era changed dramatically and the world collapsed.

Those pioneers here are trapped here, and after tens of thousands of years, the Tieling world will still look like this.

At this moment, Zhang Yue understood everything!
Heaven and man are one, heaven and earth are one, all things are me, I am me!

Countless pioneers of the Xianqin race gave him strength.

At this moment, Zhang Yue's body began to change, and he couldn't help but let out a long howl. This long howl sounded like a sword cry in the world!
He announced that the one who changes the world appears!

All the monks in the Tieling world were shocked. What happened?
Following the long howl, countless auras around Zhang Yue, centered on him, were slowly circulating.

Infinite aura, all rushed into his body.

Zhang Yue killed Dao Mingxin, cut off the shackles, and established the foundation of the way of heaven!
Looking at the past, the sea of ​​qi in Zhang Yue's body, countless true qi, merged a little, and began to transform, the true qi condensed, and began to liquefy, from the original gasified state to the liquefied state, this is the real true essence, foundation building and true cultivation One of the features!

With the emergence of this breath of true essence, it flows through the whole body, cleanses the whole body, dredges the meridians and unblocks the meridians, the spiritual mind ignores and thinks, hears and worries, welcomes and greets, and is in a state of emptiness and silence without inside or outside.

Exhale and inhale through the [-] pores of the body, sensing the world outside the body!
There are 360 ​​five acupuncture points on Zhang Yue's body, bones all over his body, countless flesh and blood, meridians and blood vessels...

"Boom, boom" blasted loudly, and at the same time, the bones made a sound of explosion, like firecrackers that were continuously lit during the New Year, and it stopped after thousands of rings.

The true energy in the body is running violently, but the meridians all over the body have become as hard as iron, from the original stream to the torrential Yangtze River.

The skin of the body begins to change color, remove countless impurities, and become extremely crystal clear, clear and smooth.

The meridians become stronger, the flesh and blood become stronger, the spiritual sense becomes stronger, the consciousness expands, everything is strengthened, it's so smooth, all in one go!
So far, he has been promoted to the first level of foundation building!
With this promotion, Zhang Yue's lifespan immediately soared to three hundred.

The supernatural power Jianxin is thorough, and it immediately evolves into Jianxin Tongxuan.

The practiced "Void Illusory Sparrow Flying into the Sky" is self-taught without a teacher, and automatically condenses successfully the sword intent to be illusory!

Name: Zhang Yue

Lifespan: ten/three hundred
Dao body: lotus golden body

Bloodline: Artificial Human
Fate: resurrected from the dead, born to kill gods


Boundary: Stage [-] of Foundation Establishment

Talents: Night Demon God, Grass Dragon Snake, Sword Maniac, Dead Ghost
Supernatural powers: cover the sky with one hand, unite the divine sword, open the heart of the sword, open two thunders, open three yangs


"Jiutai Laojun Opens the Heavenly Scripture" (Second Edition)
"Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart" (Third Level)
"The Rhythm of Everything" (Second Edition)
"Five Elements, Heaven and Heart Lantern Method"

"The Absolute Immortal Sword of Nine Heavens and Nine Abysses" (Level [-])
Sword Intent: Repression, Assassination, Shock, Illusion

French-Italian: Leihai

33 days of being too high, Lei Jue's "Zixiao Thunder"

33 days of Taishang Dao, the best sword in "One Sword Shocks the Heaven"

33 days in Taishang Dao, "The Great Dark Sky"

Verdict: My heart is like iron, my will is like a knife!

Seeing Zhang Yue's promotion, Yang Xiuming and Fu Xialiang were overjoyed.

In the void, vitality appeared, and someone jumped here to see what happened.

One source of energy, two sources of energy...

One by one, the great powers of the Tieling world came here one after another.

They were shocked and frightened, not knowing what was going on here.

But behind Zhang Yue, a giant ape appeared.

Jiahe Giant Ape said:
"This boy, my disciple, will change our world!
None of you can bully him, treat him well! "
Thanks to the leader and leader XF7577, another chapter, Xiaoshan has a manuscript, do you have a monthly pass?

(End of this chapter)

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