Dao Shaohua

Chapter 154 It's Good to Be a Leader!

Chapter 154 It's Good to Be a Leader! (Third update, asking for a monthly pass)

So far, the entire Baiqi City has been completely controlled.

Zhang Yue knew Baiqi City like the back of his hand, and everything was in place.

All things are smoothed out, many managers are obedient, and Chengcheng and Chengwei are also suppressed.

Zhang Yue couldn't stop nodding, and said, "Xia Liang is really good, what's the next step?"

Fu Xialiang said: "In Baiqi City, there are 29 foundation builders.

There are seven Jindan real people who are located in the elder building and ignore world affairs.

They don't care about world affairs, but that doesn't mean you can ignore them.

Next, go to the elder building and meet them! "

Zhang Yue nodded and said, "Okay!"

"You can't go empty-handed like this, order someone to prepare, in the name of the city lord, prepare a gift."

Zhang Yue followed Fu Xialiang's suggestion and began to give orders.

Immediately, some subordinates completed the order and prepared seven gifts, all of which were good things in the treasury.

The fourth-order Zhenrou stone, the best stone mined in the Harbian quarry, is blue in color, about the size of a palm, and has a simple and elegant style.

It is the most light and soft, but it can be used for refining treasures to dispel anger, and it can be used for refining alchemy, and it can even make the best water-like treasure pills.

Others don't know, but Zhang Yue and the others know that the Zhenrou Stone should be the Nascent Soul Giant Turtle that turned into the Harbian Stone Field, with fragments falling off from its body.

Fu Xialiang nodded and said, "This thing is worth at least three hundred spirit stones with us."

In addition to this, there is second-grade Yukou rice, the best spiritual rice on the farm, which is much better than Qihua rice.

Fu Xialiang also estimated the price, this one catty of jade rice would cost at least fifteen spirit stones.

Every Jindan real person, a piece of precious stone, twenty catties of jade rice, is considered to be complete.

Then Zhang Yue went to the elder's building, but when he got there, he was rejected.

The elders' building was not open. The explanation to Zhang Yue was that the elders ignored world affairs and would not contact officials like the city lord.

This avoids political chaos!

Zhang Yue saluted respectfully, and when the number of etiquette came, it was his return.

Jindan Zhenren can't even see it, let alone Yuanying Zhenjun, there are several Yuanying Zhenjuns who don't know.

However, Zhang Yue was very happy and did not see the real Jindan, so the gift was not given out.

He didn't return it to the storehouse either. Without further ado, he distributed ten catties of jade rice to Yang Xiuming, and gave the rest to Fu Xialiang.

It is the most affordable to let him take him to Taishang Dao and replace it with Lingshi.

Fu Xialiang has done so much, this is Zhang Yue's thanks.

This is a blatant embezzlement, but the treasury management is sensible, and it is immediately recorded, and it is all counted as public use.

Then the next step is to book a large table in the best restaurant in Baiqi City, and invite all the Foundation Establishment Cultivators of Baiqi City.

This banquet was very lively, 29 of the 21 people who established the foundation came, although eight people did not come, but congratulations and congratulations were all delivered.

After the banquet was over, Zhang Yue gathered the items together, all of which contained spiritual energy.

If these are handed over to Fu Xialiang, they can sell another [-] spirit stones.

What the city lord made is very comfortable, and it is really making money every day.

After resting like this for one night, on the second day, Yang Xiuming and the two came here again.

Zhang Yue asked, "What are you doing today?"

Fu Xialiang said: "Baiqi City is almost done!

So now we have to gather outside the city.

First go to Harbian Stone Field to pay respects to that senior, the etiquette must be fulfilled! "

Zhang Yue nodded and said, "Understood!"

He immediately went out of the city, and this time he was followed by eight subordinates, tall and majestic, very majestic!
This stone field, and Jiahe Forest Farm, are located in the south and north of Baiqizhai. In a sense, it is also a kind of protection.

Harbian Stone Field is 37 miles away from Baiqi Village, within a short time.

Before entering the Harbian quarry, three miles away, the steward of the Harbian quarry brought many subordinates to greet him outside.

This is Zhang Yue's advance notice.

The person in charge here is called Wang Ying, and when she saw Zhang Yue, she saluted:

"I have seen the Lord of the City!"

"Steward Wang, please be polite, just call me Zhang Yue!"

"Then how about it, the Lord City Master is the Lord City Master..."

The two became polite, and Zhang Yue was welcomed into the Harbian stone field.

It was business first, he learned about the situation here, Wang Ying reported honestly, and it took a full hour to finish.

After the end, naturally a grand banquet was prepared here.

But Zhang Yue said:
"Wang Guanshi, wait a minute, I will enter the quarry, pay a visit to its old man, and come back for dinner."

Wang Ying was taken aback, what kind of old man.

In fact, many people don't know about the existence of this Yuanying Patriarch, even Zhang Yue didn't know about it when he was working in the forest farm.

"I don't know, I don't know!"

Zhang Yue entered the stone field alone.

The so-called quarry is a large mountain, covering an area of ​​hundreds of miles. Every year, the employees of the quarry dig up the mountain to fetch stones and transport them to various places.

The rocks in this quarry will be fully mined this year, and will be restored automatically next year, as if they will never be inexhaustible.

Most of the stones mined every year are first-order spiritual materials, which are used for urban construction in the entire Tieling world, and sometimes fourth-order rare stones, the ultimate spiritual materials.

In fact, this quarry is a round mountain made from the shell of the Nascent Soul giant tortoise, and what is mined is the debris on the shell.

Zhang Yue came to this mountain, avoiding the crowd, using his sword intent, soaring far into the sky.

From time to time, a divine sword merged into one, flying away instantly.

Sure enough, within a moment, a giant woke up in a trance.

The extremely powerful divine sense gathered in front of Zhang Yue.

An old man, each short, bald, with a big tortoise shell on his back, quietly appeared.

"You, you boy, are the descendants of the old monkey..."

Speak very slowly.

Zhang Yue saluted immediately and said:

"I have met senior, it is the boy, senior Jiahe has taught me to save my life.

Disciple Zhang Yue, who has become the Lord of Baiqi City, is here to meet senior! "

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yue sent a heaven and earth spiritual object.

This is the first-order Heaven and Earth Spirit Water Cixin Water that Fu Xialiang recently purchased.

This Cixin water is worth 430 spirit stones. Zhang Yue has earned thousands of spirit stones during this period, so there is no problem at all.

The old turtle beside Harbin took the Cixin water and gulped it down.

"Ah, heaven and earth spirit water, I haven't drunk it for many years.

It is considered filial piety. "

"A disciple pays homage to a senior. It's a trivial matter, not a respect!"

"You boy, you have the imprint of our clan's favor on your body, you are a good boy..."

Zhang Yue was taken aback, what mark of favor?
Fu Xialiang said: "It should be Styx, we saved that turtle."

Unexpectedly, it has this effect.

"You boy, work hard, and I support you too!"

"Three old things in the city may test you, but there should be no problem!"

Three old things?It should be the three unknown Nascent Souls in Baiqi City?

After just saying a few words, the old turtle in Harbian was tired.

"I'm going to go to bed……"

"This is for you, the turtle shell that I shed, for yourself, use it to play!"

After finishing speaking, he handed over a large tortoise shell with a radius of three feet.

Zhang Yue took it and looked over, the old turtle in Harbian had disappeared and continued to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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