Dao Shaohua

Chapter 155

Chapter 155 Full Harvest, Repaying Favors
After seeing the old turtle, Zhang Yue heaved a sigh of relief and returned to the quarry.

Here in the stone field, a feast has long been prepared.

Now that it's ready, let's have a big meal here.

Zhang Yue, Wang Ying and others, the host and guest were seated.

Wang Ying began to toast, very flattering.

Zhang Yue also responded with a smile, hello, hello, hello everyone.

This banquet was very good.

The stone field is different from the forest field, and some good spiritual materials are often produced here.

As the old steward, Wang Ying will naturally lose some money, so the quarry is rich and very rich.

Halfway through eating, Wang Ying quietly handed Zhang Yue a bag.

Zhang Yue opened it and saw that there were three Zhenrou stones inside, which were nine hundred spirit stones.

He nodded slightly, and said: "Guard Wang is strict in his work and is fair. From now on, the quarry will rely on you to work hard!"

As soon as he said this, Guanshi Wang was overjoyed, and immediately said:

"Thank you, the city lord, Wang will serve the city lord, and he will die!"

All he wanted was for the quarry to be in charge.

It's a pity that Zhang Yue was transferred away from Jiahe Forest Farm, and naturally a new owner took over, which had nothing to do with Zhang Yue.

So the banquet ended, Zhang Yue ate happily, Yang Xiuming and Fu Xialiang also ate happily with him.

The three of them share their bodies, a sip of wine is equivalent to three people drinking, and a sip of food is equivalent to three people tasting, all of which feel good.

After the banquet was over, after sitting for a while, Zhang Yue was about to leave.

Suddenly, he was taken aback and looked at an object aside.

It was a decoration in the lobby here, and it looked like a stubborn stone with strange shapes.

Seeing that Zhang Yue was very curious, Wang Ying said:
"My lord, this is a meteor crater. It is said that this is a treasure that can produce spiritual materials indefinitely.

However, as early as 7000 years ago, this treasure was discarded, and there was no output, it could only be used as an ornament.

In ancient times, this kind of treasure was called spirit, spirit..."

Zhang Yue said: "Lingzhu!"

"Yes, Lingzhu!"

Zhang Yue picked it up carefully and watched it carefully.

Sure enough, it is a spiritual building, but it has been too long and no one maintains it. This spiritual building has broken down.

"This? Can it be fixed?"

Fu Xialiang thought for a while and said: "It should be, but..."

"Just what?"

"I just want to find Senior Sister Qingliang..."

For some reason, when it came to Senior Sister Qingliang, Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue felt that Fu Xialiang was a little scared.

Senior Sister Qingliang is actually pretty good, the talisman Jedi Golden Sword last time was lent to Fu Xialiang by Senior Sister Qingliang.

Zhang Yue immediately said:

"You have no heart, kid. When I borrowed the talisman, I don't want to see Xiao Tiantian now!"

Fu Xialiang let out a long sigh, and said, "I don't know why, I'm particularly afraid of Senior Sister Qingliang, but she's actually very kind to me!"

Zhang Yue and Yang Xiuming looked at each other, don't tell me that Senior Sister Qingliang is the same as Senior Sister Linglong, then...

Seeing that Zhang Yue couldn't put it down for this Lingzhu, Wang Ying immediately said:
"My lord, if you like this, take it!"

"Ah, but this is an important treasure here."

"What kind of treasure, a decoration, you like to take it away, if you don't take it away, I'm in a hurry with you!"

Zhang Yue laughed and said, "Then I'll be impolite!"

The host and guest had a good time, and Zhang Yue left. This time, he made a lot of money.

The tortoise shell fragments, precious stones, and Lingzhudi crater were all handed over to Fu Xialiang and brought back by him.

After returning, Fu Xialiang first went to see the Zongmen senior brother.

This Zongmen brother is called Xiao Minghai, and he is a second-hand dealer. Fu Xialiang was recently introduced to him by Senior Sister Shu Leng, and many items were handled through him.

It is said that this man has good eyesight, and he is very good at business, and he will not cheat. He sold three precious stones for nine hundred spirit stones.

This is much more suitable than going to a store to buy and sell, and you won't be cheated.

Those things before have been dealt with, and Fu Xialiang already has 650 four spirit stones on her body!

Zhang Yue has become the city lord, and he has searched for about [-] spirit stones inside and out.

All three are very satisfied!
It's better to be an official!

Fu Xialiang went to look for Senior Brother Tie Ningya Guling, who made the Jinfeng Sword last time.

Fu Xialiang owed him a favor.

When we got here, Senior Brother Gu Ling smiled:
"Brother Fu, why are you looking for me? It's sword refining again?"

Fu Xialiang said with a smile: "Brother, look!"

After speaking, he took out the fragments of the turtle shell.

All of a sudden Senior Brother Gu Ling's eyes turned blue!
"This, this is..."

"The remains of Yuanying Zhenjun, an absolute fifth-order spiritual material!"


Senior Brother Gu Ling inspected it carefully, unable to calm down because of his excitement.

"It is really the remains of Yuanying Zhenjun. Although it is not a spiritual object of heaven and earth, it is a real fifth-order spiritual material...

junior?what do you mean……"

"Brother, I owe you a favor for practicing sword last time!
This time I will return your favor! "

"Okay, thank you brother!
I don't know what the junior brother wants to refine?
This spiritual material is enough to refine a fourth-order magic weapon.

But to be honest, I don't have that strength, so I can only refine a third-order magic weapon for you! "

Fu Xialiang smiled, he couldn't find a monk who could refine magic weapons.

That's why I came here to look for Senior Brother Gu Ling.

In this way, the favor from last time is repaid, and there is no need to pay for refining treasures, and now Senior Brother Gu Ling owes him a favor, so the next time he asks him to refine treasures, it will not cost any money.

Get it in one fell swoop!
"Brother, what do you think is good for refining?"

Senior Brother Gu Ling examined it carefully and said:
"I have a suggestion, you can refine the third-order holy scale armor.

This holy scale armor is one of the core armors of the Supreme Holy Armor Sect.

This armor has strong defensive power, and it can also come with a spell shield.

A magic shield can be generated by itself every day, resisting all magic attacks below the fourth level, automatic defense, and automatic deflection.

It can be said that this armor is one of the best defensive magic weapons of Tier [-].

I happen to know this craft, but I lack the materials, so I can refine it now. "

Fu Xialiang was very happy and said, "Well, let's refine this holy scale armor."

Brother Gu Ling said: "It's just that there are too many materials. After refining the Holy Scale Armor, it only consumes a quarter of it. What else needs to be refined."

Fu Xialiang said: "Then refine three!"

Brother Gu Ling was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Three?"

"Yes, three, I'll give them away!

The rest of the material is yours! "

"Brother, open up!
That brother is welcome! "

So far, the tortoise shell fragments have also been processed, and the last thing left is to restore the spiritual building.

This armor will take at least dozens of days to refine, just wait.

Both Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue felt that Fu Xialiang did this on purpose. It seemed that the later he went to see Senior Sister Qingliang, the happier he would be.

"No, old master, let's not go see your senior sister."

"Yeah, such a big Tai Shang Dao, I don't believe that no one else can repair the spiritual building."

Fu Xialiang gritted her teeth and said:

"It's my fault, Senior Sister Qingliang treats me like a family member, I don't even want to see her!
It's my fault, I have to go, go! "

(End of this chapter)

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