Dao Shaohua

Chapter 157 Among the farms, the city lord Wuwei!

Chapter 157 Among the farms, the city lord Wuwei!
Yang Xiuming's three people were very happy as their zhenqi increased.

The matter on Zhang Yue's side has not been dealt with yet, and they gathered here again the next day.

"Xia Liang, what's the next step?"

Zhang Yue asked!

"After the quarry is over, let's go to the farm, then to the Jiaohe gemstone quarry, and finally return to the forest farm to thank Senior Jiahe Giant Ape.

I'm preparing a heaven and earth spirit item, our ceremony must arrive.

So far, the entire Baiqi City has been completely controlled, and there is no big deal! "

Zhang Yue nodded and said, "Okay, then let's go to the farm today!"

Going out again, heading to Tianye Farm, still accompanied by the original eight subordinates.

Tianye Farm is located to the east of Baiqi City, and it is the pillar industry of Baiqi City. Seventy percent of the young and old in the city work in this farm.

This farm can feed everyone in Baiqi City!

The entire farm is located on the edge of a large river, and a large number of water facilities have been built to divert the river water for irrigation.

In addition, in the farm, there is a spiritual vein that runs through the farm. With the help of this spiritual vein, many spiritual fields have been opened up.

Then, according to the fertility of the ling field, various kinds of ling rice are planted.

The better ones are Yukou rice, Qihua rice, carefully planted, and almost, Tiangeng rice, Xixing rice, Sanliang Valley, which are also carefully cultivated...

When Zhang Yue came here, his own steward came out to meet him.

There are many foundations in Baiqi City, and four people must guard them every day, which shows the importance of this place.

The other party greeted Zhang Yue, but also followed the procedure, and he was not as flattering to Zhang Yue as Shichang.


Zhang Yue also understood and responded in the same way.

Check here, there is basically no problem here, because this place is too important, no matter how many people are staring at it, there is no chance of drifting away.

Everyone knows exactly how much grain the land produces.

There was nothing wrong with the farm, Zhang Yue couldn't stop nodding.

Fu Xialiang couldn't help but said: "I feel that it can't be done well here. The Nascent Soul of Baiqi City is guarding here."

Zhang Yue nodded and said: "The farm produces hundreds of thousands of catties of rice a year, and one tenth of the population in Tieling Realm lives on these rice. There must be big bosses guarding here."

"Yeah, let's take a turn, let's go back when we feel good!"

"Well, I'll be back soon!"

Zhang Yue thought well, but some people disagreed.

In the distance, someone looked at Zhang Yue and suddenly moved his hand.

Zhang Yue is inspecting a Linggu field. The rice produced here is the first-grade Xingxing rice. This rice contains cold air and is hard to chew, but it is very hungry and very beneficial to practice.

Suddenly, the surroundings began to shake, and someone beside him pointed to the sky and shouted:
"Not good, the demons from the outer domain are attacking!"

"Magic disaster!"

"It's not good, the evil disaster is coming, run away!"

Zhang Yue looked and saw cracks appearing in the sky not far away.

In the cracks, there are small dots one by one, as if tearing through the sky and invading this world.

Zhang Yue frowned, this is the biggest disaster in the Tieling world, the invasion of foreign demons.

During the advanced foundation building, Zhang Yue saw that the Tieling Realm was actually a Xianqin stronghold opened up in the outer world.

Outside the stronghold, there is a world of countless monsters.

Monsters sometimes tear through the defenses of the Tieling Realm and invade the world.

This kind of invasion is divided into forced invasion, which is the current evil disaster.

There are also sneaky intrusions, and the Jiahe Forest Farm is such an intrusion.

When I was a Golden Talisman Daoist, I was always fighting on the front line to prevent these foreign demons from invading.

Later he became Zhang Yue. In the Jiahe forest farm, although there were also infiltrations of magic invasions, there were basically no such large-scale boundary-breaking outlander magic invasions.

Yang Xiuming sneered and said: "The test is here, won't it come sooner or later? Come at this time when you're here?

And right next to you, what's not a test? "

Zhang Yue also smiled and said, "I understand!"

In an instant, he took out the second-order divine sword Qin Huangfeng.

This is the Excalibur that Fu Xialiang gave him back then. It is a standard Excalibur. Where there are monks, there is this sword.

He didn't use the Tier [-] Excalibur to avoid other problems.

Then he started giving orders:
"All peasants, hide immediately."

"All guards, don't act rashly in formation, protect the farmland!"

"Call Lieutenant Baiqicheng, and call for reinforcements immediately."

After giving the order, Zhang Yue rose up with his sword in an instant, and flew straight to the crack in the boundary.

In the blink of an eye, there is an endless gust of wind blowing into that crack.

The wind was extremely chaotic, ferocious, with a foul stench of corrosion, rushing toward us!

It was the breath of the outside world, and it was unbearable.

But in the unbearable, there was still a hint of wild feeling, which actually made people's body's true energy slowly increase.

Then in the wind, one after another, the demons fell.

Zhang Yue looked at it and suddenly laughed!
Old friend!

It's just that among these death claws, most of them are the third-order death claws that he fought in the last battle.

But now, I am not in the previous Qi refining period, but in the foundation building period.

Deathclaws are the main monsters in this invasion, besides them, there are several other messy monsters.

Without any doubt, Zhang Yue killed the past in an instant.

Zhang Yue is too familiar with killing Deathclaw!

Familiar with the road!

A fallen death claw hadn't recovered yet. Zhang Yue had already arrived here. With a movement of the sword light, it was like a green pine pressing down. With a puff of the sword, it split into two.

Then he flashed and rushed past two huge death claws in an instant. Those two death claws crashed down, dead!

Faced with such a death claw before, it was the last test of Zhang Yue's sword practice, and he fought to the death before killing him.

Now to kill this kind of death claw, Zhang Yue only needs one sword, simple and simple.

Another, another...

There is no need for the combination of divine swords, just "Ao Pine Shenghua Sword", "White Ape Holds Peach Sword", "Shaking Rivers and Seas Falling Clouds and Clouds", "Void Illusionary Sparrow Soaring into the Sky"...

Enough is enough, in the blink of an eye more than 100 deathclaws were beheaded by him.

The powerful man in the distance nodded slightly, and moved his hand.

The originally shattered sky suddenly began to close together.

Some deathclaws turned around and fled, desperately trying to escape while the sky closed.

But the sword in Zhang Yue's hand was even more ferocious, one sword at a time, without mercy.

Suddenly, he jumped up, and the divine sword merged into one, turning into a sword light, and broke through the sky that was about to close.

After rushing out of the sky and looking at it from a distance, it was exactly the same as the scenery I saw during my promotion to the Foundation Establishment period!
For a moment, rush out, and then for a moment, fall again, come back!

Went out to have a look, and came back immediately!

Yang Xiuming and Fu Xialiang were so scared that they almost screamed!

Looking around, all the deathclaws were beheaded by him.

The farm guards over there have just assembled to form a battle formation, and the battle here is over.

Looking at the wreckage of Deathclaw all over the place, those guards, you look at me, I look at you, I don't know who was the first to shout:

"City Lord, Wuwei, City Lord, Wuwei!"

All of a sudden everyone shouted!

"Wu Wei! Wu Wei! Wu Wei!"

(End of this chapter)

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