Dao Shaohua

Chapter 158 Cleaning up the battlefield, there is also true love!

Chapter 158 Cleaning up the battlefield, there is also true love!
Zhang Yue fell slowly and began to clean up the battlefield.

Many guards came to collect the corpses and tidy up the farmland.

During the battle, the farmland was damaged, and they began to rest and use spells to rescue the damaged crops.

After killing the dead claws, someone came over to dispose of the corpse, collect spiritual objects, and divide the flesh and blood.

These flesh and blood, when the time comes, the people in the city will share and have a delicious meal.

At the same time, check whether there are other sneaking monsters.

At this time, Lu Sanzhong, the city captain of Baiqi City, came with a hundred people to kill.

Only then did they realize that the matter was over, and they immediately joined in cleaning up the battlefield.

Seeing so many deathclaws being beheaded by Zhang Yue with one sword, the city captain Lu Sanzhong was sweating and admired.

No wonder my good friend Liu Changlong died under his sword, it's really amazing.

Lu Sanzhong was even more respectful to Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue thought for a while, and said to Cheng Wei Lu Sanzhong:

"Gather everyone to me, and I'll check."

"Ah, my lord, what are you looking for?"

"The demon is weird!"

"My lord? Do you have this supernatural power?"

"Yes, I have!"

Cheng Wei Lu Sanzhong gathered all the people from the farm and passed in front of Zhang Yue one by one.

Zhang Yue began to use his hunting ability to search for traces.

It doesn't matter after this investigation, Zhang Yue gasped.

Among the nearly thousand people on the farm, there were four strange ones.

Two horrors, one virtual shell, and one attached guest!
Jing Hun is an old friend. Both of them are newly infected. They have been infected for more than ten days. They don't know where the source of infection is.

Void Shell, a demon that Zhang Yue has never seen before, this is the first time he sees it.

The attached guest was the demon who entered with the death claws just after the demon invaded, and possessed a farmer.

Zhang Yue remained calm, and quietly transmitted the sound to Cheng Wei Lu San.

Cheng Wei Lu Sanzhong nodded but did not make a sound, and in a blink of an eye caught the four demons and killed them.

Zhang Yue found out that Cheng Wei Lu Sanzhong killed them all without damaging their bodies, and had special spells to kill them.

He couldn't help asking: "This man, can't they save him?"

City lieutenant Lu Sanzhong let out a long sigh and said:

"There is no way, as long as it is invaded by demons, it can only be killed.

But the four of them are not dead.

One of them has a good cultivation base and great potential. If his physical body is transformed, he can attract the golden talisman Taoist soldiers to reincarnate.

The other three have poor physical qualities and can only train ordinary artificial humans.

How should I put it, none of the four of them died, they just changed. "

Zhang Yue was a little speechless, and couldn't help asking:

"Is there such a shortage of people now?"

Lu Sanzhong nodded and said: "The biggest crisis in the Tieling world right now is underpopulation.

This deficiency, there is no way.

Styx brings the soul here, and the way of heaven distributes it.

Over the years, the monsters in this world have gradually discovered ways to deal with us, and the souls allocated by our human race have become less and less.

This is the spontaneous behavior of Styx, and many powers cannot change it.

In many cases, women have inexplicable miscarriages during pregnancy, and even the babies born are unconscious lumps of flesh, unable to grow at all, and die prematurely.

If this continues, our Tieling world will be in danger! "

Zhang Yue nodded and said, "Yes!"

"By the way, my lord, according to the laws of Xianqin, you also have a mission.

You must marry ten wives and have thirty children within a hundred years.

A person with a high cultivation base like you has a high chance of giving birth to a child. "

What the hell, Zhang Yue is stupid.

Ten wives, thirty children?
Go dream!

Women will only affect my sword attack!

After thinking about it, I changed the topic.

"Master Cheng Wei, I remember that in our Tieling world, there is a secret method of Xianqin?"

"Yes, my lord, we have the Xianqin 37 secret method in Tieling Realm."

"Ah, then does our Baiqi City have the secret method of Xianqin? Can I get one?"

"My lord, I'm afraid this won't work.

The Immortal Qin Secret Art is the highest reward in the Tieling world. According to regulations, each person can be rewarded once for 60 years and has a major performance.

The last time you killed a monster, you will be rewarded with a chance to claim it, and you will have a second chance at least 60 years later.

The secret method of Xianqin 99 is controlled by Faling, and there is no way to bypass Faling's supervision. "

Zhang Yue was speechless, and had no chance when it came to Xianqin Faling.

"My lord, don't be greedy, every secret law of Xianqin is profound and profound.

If you can comprehend the fur, you can dominate the world.

Moreover, the Xianqin Secret Technique is actually very dangerous and not so easy to practice.

For example, for the 23rd-ranked "Confusion in the Sky, Hidden Upside Down" for 130 million years, whoever practices it will go crazy.

For example, "San Qing Si Yu Trapped Immortal Sword" ranked 39th, and "Jiu Xiao Jiu Yuan Absolute Immortal Sword" ranked 320. For [-] million years, whoever cultivates will die!

That's why there is this rule, once every 60 years, so as not to chew too much. "

Zhang Yue hummed twice as a response.

So far, the matter here has been dealt with, and there is nothing else for them.

Zhang Yue was about to return, but when he finally left, he was suddenly taken aback.

"No way, so lucky?"

Inadvertently, he saw a decoration in the corner of the farm.

It seems to be a bonsai, but with Zhang Yue's experience, it can be seen at a glance that this is definitely a spiritual building.

"Sure enough, it is the ruins of Xianqin, and the spiritual buildings are almost everywhere!"

Fu Xialiang was also excited.

Yang Xiuming said: "However, it seems to be broken again!"

Zhang Yue walked over to check it out.

Lu Sanzhong saw it and came over and said:

"My lord, this is Lingzhu Qingxin tea.

Originally, this was a specialty of Baiqi City.

But 800 years ago, the spiritual building was broken, and no one knew how to repair it, and it became a decoration in the end. "

Zhang Yue said: "It's so beautiful, and I have a feeling that this thing may not be broken."

After finishing speaking, he just picked it up and said, "I'll go back and study it. Is there any problem?"

"no problem!"

"My lord, take it!"

The Tieling Realm no longer has the ability to restore spiritual buildings, but Taishang Dao does.

Poor Fu Xialiang, I'm afraid I have to donate blood again!
After this incident, Zhang Yue returned to Baiqi City and pretended to rest.

In fact, he took Lingzhu and went to Taishangdao.

Fu Xialiang held Lingzhu in his hand and looked at it, and said, "Wait for me, I'll go find Senior Sister Qingliang!"

Yang Xiuming couldn't bear it, and said, "Is there no one else?"

Zhang Yue also said: "We'd rather not build this spiritual building, and don't go to your Senior Sister Qingliang, it's too dangerous!"

Fu Xialiang shook her head and said, "Of my six senior sisters, only Senior Sister Qingliang's family has this ability.

If someone repairs it, it will cost at least [-] to [-] spirit stones! "

Fifty or sixty thousand spirit stones?Then continue to donate blood!
Fu Xialiang insisted on going, but Zhang Yue and Yang Xiuming had no choice.

"What a mess, I just don't want to owe my senior sister favors!"

Fu Xialiang went, the other two did not accompany this time, and waited in the base camp.

After about an hour, Fu Xialiang returned.

"Fulfilling the mission, it's fixed!"

Zhang Yue and Zhang Yue were very worried, so they checked deliberately, only to find that Fu Xialiang hadn't lost any blood or lost anything this time.

Immediately, they understood that Fu Xialiang had donated blood last time, if he continued to suck it this time, it would cause invisible damage to Fu Xialiang.

So that senior sister Qingliang didn't absorb it. It seems that the two of them may not only suck blood, but also have true love!
(End of this chapter)

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