Dao Shaohua

Chapter 159 Lin Ying crows to a place where there is no sound, and the grass pond only listens to fr

Chapter 159 Lin Ying crows to a place where there is no sound, and the grass pond only listens to frogs.

Everyone was happy to get another spiritual building, and immediately tried to activate it to see the effect.

If it doesn't work, it can increase one-tenth of the real yuan.

At the base camp, inject aura and activate the spiritual building.

The Lingzhu slowly changed and turned into a potted plant.

But there are no changes in the previous spiritual buildings, and the area of ​​​​the base camp has not increased.

Yang Xiuming felt it silently, and then said:

"This spiritual building is different from the previous ones.

It can only produce spiritual buildings of resources, and does not provide spiritual energy.

Moreover, it requires a lot of spiritual energy, which cannot be used in the base camp. "

All three were speechless.

But there is no way, after this spiritual building is repaired, it will be like this innately.

Zhang Yue said: "Looking at it this way, we can only find a spiritual place in Baiqi City to activate the spiritual building."

Fu Xialiang nodded and said, "It can also be in my cave!"

Yang Xiuming said: "No, your cave doesn't have enough aura, and after activating the spiritual building, it will transform into a tea garden, and the cave area is not enough.

In addition, special care is needed, and there are no idlers there, only in Baiqi City!

However, this spiritual building will produce 120 catties of third-order spiritual tea Qingxin tea every year, which is equivalent to the income of [-] spiritual stones according to the world price of Taishang Dao! "

The eyes of all three lit up when they mentioned the income from Lingshi.

"Okay, then in Baiqi City, find a spiritual place, start a spiritual building, and build a spiritual tea garden."

Everyone decided, and then returned to Baiqi City.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yue said, "Let's go, let's go to the Jiaohe Gem Field."

Zhang Yue took people there again.

In the Jiaohe gem field, there was originally a Nascent Soul Da Neng here, who seemed to be a snake.

At that time, it was not a gem field, but a snake den, which could provide all kinds of spirit snake meat.

Later, the dragon snake fell, and the remains turned into a gem field.

During Zhang Yue's inspection here, the other party was very respectful, but only respectful.

Gemstones are produced here, and there is a very strict supervision mechanism, there is no way to hide them.

There is no benefit here, so I don't care about staying or staying, and I am not afraid that Zhang Yue will transfer them away, so there is no gift.

If you don't want to be strong!

Zhang Yue didn't care either, and left directly after finishing his inspection here.

"I always feel like there's something wrong here."

"We'll come over that day and check it out."

"it is good!"

Then they went to the last place, Jiahe Forest Farm.

This is Zhang Yue's hometown, and when he came back, he was immediately popular.

Zhang Yue inspected and saw everyone in the Zhang family, his heart moved, he nodded slightly, and then came to the forest alone.

When he came to the abyss, he carefully took out a heaven and earth spiritual object, mortal dust, and threw it into it.

Sure enough, there was a roar, and while chewing, the Jiahe Giant Ape appeared.

"Boy, what are you doing back here?"

"I have seen the seniors, I came back specially to meet the seniors."

"This heaven and earth spirit soil is a bit gritty."

"Understood, senior, next time I will bring you heaven and earth spirit water."

"You have done very well in the past few days. The old Zipao's test passed easily, very good!"

Old Zipao should be Yuanying Zhenjun where Baiqi City is located.

Sure enough, these old guys were all looking at Zhang Yue.

"Must, I can't embarrass you!"

"Hahaha, boy, work hard, practice hard, and enter the golden core, I will send you out of the world to see the world!"

"Ah, out of this world?"

"Don't be a frog in a well. Don't think that our Tieling world is the whole world. In fact, this is just a small country. The world is very big."

One man and one ape chatted here for a while.

"Okay, let's go, boy, practice hard and work hard, I am optimistic about you!"

After speaking, the giant ape disappeared.

Zhang Yue respectfully bowed to his disciples, and then left.

In a sense, Jiahe Giant Ape is Zhang Yue's master!

So far, these things are done, and now there is one thing left, to find a place to activate Lingzhu Qingxin Tea.

In fact, this is also simple. Fu Xialiang recalled the conversation with Lu Sanzhong. He mentioned that this Lingzhu Qingxin tea used to be a specialty of Baiqi City.

used to be?Of course there were tea gardens in the past, and now there are ruins.

Called to Lu Sanzhong, asked in detail, and sure enough, there was a tea garden ruins in Baiqi City, but now it can no longer be inhabited, and it has become a ruin of demons.

The so-called demon ruins, the places occupied by demons, the human race can no longer survive.

In fact, this evil ruin is not impossible to clean up, but Baiqi City, which can accommodate tens of 10 people, only has a few thousand people.

So no one cleans up this daemon ruin.

Zhang Yue immediately stood up and said:
"It's not bad, Tangtang, my Xianqin resident, how can it be occupied by evil spirits, I will clean it up."

"My lord, then you should be careful, those demons have occupied the place for 3000 years."

"It must be cleaned up, and the Baiqi City will be restored!"

"Great, my lord, there are regulations in Xianqin, if you can regain the lost land, there must be rewards.

The ruins belong to you personally, and will also increase your Xianqin title! "

"The title of Immortal Qin? I seem to be a sixth-class hero, what's the matter with the title of Immortal Qin?"

Zhang Yue remembered that he was a sixth-class hero, so he asked!
"My lord, your title is under the title of Xianqin, the sixth class of bravery in the twelfth class conscripts.

He just entered Xianqin as a first-class conscription soldier, made great achievements, and began to be promoted.

Second-class light soldiers, third-class elites, fourth-class heavy armor, fifth-class warriors, and sixth-class bravery.

All military exploits must be rewarded!
In the latter part, the seventh rank is in the formation, the eighth rank is the broken army, the ninth rank is the hundred battles, the tenth rank is Zhaowu, the eleventh rank is tiger, and the twelve rank is brave cavalry.

After Xiaoqi, he will be promoted to the real Xianqin title, Xianqin No.20 and other Hengsha Barons.

Then came the [-]th-rank Baron Shanyan, the [-]th-rank Baron Xuanlu, and the [-]th-rank Baron Dust Star. "

Zhang Yue couldn't help nodding, that's why.

The twentieth-class Baron Hengsha is as insignificant as gravel.

The nineteenth-class barons of mountains and rocks gathered sand to form a tower, turning into a rocky mountain.

The eighteenth-class Baron Xuanlu, the rocky mountain has become a magnificent continent.

The seventeenth-class dust star baron, the land formed a planet, turned into a dust star, went to the sky, and was promoted again!
The two chatted for a while, Zhang Yue was not in a hurry to go to the tea garden to slay the devil, and the night was his home game.

Suddenly Fu Xialiang asked: "Ask him, what is the formula for the Qingling rinse in the morning, do you cherish it?"

Qingling Gargle, the mouthwash that Zhang Yue used in the morning, is very fresh and comfortable.

Zhang Yue immediately asked: "Brother Lu, is there a recipe for the Qingling rinse I use every morning?"

Chatting and chatting, Zhang Yue has already called him Big Brother Lu.

Lu Sanzhong laughed and said: "What are you cherishing, but it is made of jasmine flowers, mint leaves, sea salt, spiritual water, etc., and blended with magic.

You need this recipe, I'll fetch it for you! "

"Hahaha, brother Lu, thank you very much!"

Lv Sanzhong was really on business, so he quickly brought the formula of Qinglingshu.

Zhang Yuegong sent Lu Sanzhong away to check the formula of Qinglingshu.

Fu Xialiang was very excited and recorded it carefully.

"Xia Liang, is this valuable?"

"Second brother, it's super valuable.

This Qinglingshu, an ancient prescription from the Xianqin era, although it has been recorded in ancient books, the method of making it has long been lost.

Although the ratio is simple, the ratio of materials, preparation of spiritual water, and refining spells are very difficult.

This Qinglingshu is actually a small business, a bottle of only a few spirit stones, but in the hands of a big family, it is a big profit.

I want to give this to Senior Sister Shuling, it means a lot to their family, it is definitely a big deal! "

Once the senior sister is involved, Fu Xialiang immediately doesn't want to make money, he lives for the girl, and dies for the girl!
(End of this chapter)

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