Dao Shaohua

Chapter 160 Seizing the tea garden, facing the lightning strike

Chapter 160 Seizing the tea garden, facing the lightning strike

Slowly it got dark and it was night.

As night fell, Yang Xiuming glanced at the darkness of the four fields, and shouted: "Let's go!"

All of a sudden, the three of them went to the original tea garden.

The tea garden is located between the outer city and the inner city of Baiqi City.

The so-called outer city was the original city wall of Baiqi City when it was crowded.

Later, the population became smaller and smaller, from a few hundred thousand people to several thousand people...

We can only keep abandoning the original urban area, shrinking to the end, and have the current inner city.

When we got there, the tea garden was a large garden with a radius of about two miles.

It's just that it has been occupied by demons, and it has turned into an infinite black mist and enveloped the surroundings.

It has been completely turned into a magic land, in which the self-generated domain has thousands of changes, and there are countless traps.

Several times of crusades against Baiqi City failed, and in the end they were covered by the Dharma Realm and sealed off. The demons could not leave the tea garden, but it was fine.

There used to be buildings two or three miles around the tea garden, but because the tea garden was occupied by evil spirits, they were all abandoned.

Zhang Yue used his cunning man and Fu Xialiang used his plunderer to check each other.

Yang Xiuming checked the surrounding environment.

Zhang Yue said slowly: "It's so weird and dense, it has completely turned into a devil's land, and there are countless traps in it. No wonder it failed several times."

Fu Xialiang said: "It's hard to handle, but there should be no demons above Jindan.

Otherwise, on the side of the couch, how can you allow others to snore and sleep, Yuanying will definitely make a move.

There are no big demons, just a group of small things, but like moss, it will be born automatically after being cleared, and it will be restored after being extinct several times.

There is no value here, and this is giving up. "

Yang Xiuming said: "Stop talking nonsense, let's do it!"

They wouldn't foolishly rush into the devil's land, enter other people's home court, and seek their own death.

Zhang Yue nodded and said: "I have used the city lord's order to cancel the seal barrier around the tea garden.

The ban on the nearby streets was activated, and the battle fluctuations in this place were blocked, and there was a catastrophe, and Baiqi City would not have much movement.

In addition, I have issued a warning, saying that I am slaying demons, and any movement tonight is normal.

Come, Xia Liang, give them a cloud and let them know why the flowers are so red. "

Fu Xialiang immediately shook his head: "You are crazy, Yunlei struck and shattered for ten miles.

Even if we reduce our strength even more, the tea garden will collapse for seven or eight miles around.

The spirit veins are gone, and you still grow tea like this, no way! "

Zhang Yue also knew it was impossible, and said with a long sigh: "It's a pity!"

"I have to practice the thunder method well, and when I have nothing to do, I will shoot cloud thunder, boom, it's so cool!"

"Second Brother, what kind of Yunlei are you cultivating? Hurry up and get fit. You're about to marry ten wives. You're exhausted!"

"Hahaha, Xia Liang, what you said is nice. The six senior sisters love you, but you are still a virgin. I laughed so hard!"

The two started bickering...

Yang Xiuming said: "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and get to work!"

Yang Xiuming is like the eldest brother among the three, they are all a little afraid of Yang Xiuming.

Zhang Yue immediately acted.

They quickly chose a place, a crenel on the outer city wall.

It is six miles away from the tea garden, and it is so empty during this period that you can see everything at a glance.

In fact, there were also some buildings that either collapsed or were abandoned.

Fu Xialiang began to set up a thunder formation half a mile outside the city wall.

At the beginning of the battle, the formation must be laid. In case there are any powerful demons on the other side, they will be drawn into the formation, and they will be absolutely killed.

They have used this trick twice, and it is very easy to use, so it must be arranged.

After the thunder array was set up, Fu Xialiang returned to the outer city wall to observe the tea garden in the distance.

Yang Xiuming asked, "Old Zhang, are you ready?"

"White Flag City has already notified that the prohibition has been set up and the barrier of the tea garden has been opened. The demon is very surprised and is ready to explore. Everything is ready."

"Old Fu, are you ready?"


"Okay, do it!"

With a move, Fu Xialiang replaced Zhang Yue and took control of Zhang Yue's body.

He made a sign of the cross, as if observing silently, and pointed at the tea garden in the distance.

Behind him and above his head, two rows of auras suddenly appeared, each with three dots of light.

In that spot of light, thunder was automatically generated, and then roared out.

In an instant, a group of six thunderbolts blasted towards the tea garden in two rows of three.

Then behind Fu Xialiang, six thunderbolts appeared again, and another group roared out.

Boom, boom, boom!
After shooting a full 81 shots in one breath, Fu Xialiang stopped, then raised his left hand high, aiming at the tea garden from a distance, as if he was aiming at something.

Back then in Yinzhou City, when the Zhang family was attacked, only 36 groups of thunder fell.

Now in Baiqi City, the body of Zhang Yue's foundation is used, so it has become 81 groups!
The 81st group of thunder fell, went away crazily, and arrived in an instant.

Boom, boom, boom!
Immediately above the tea garden, in the black mist, infinite explosions erupted.

The first group of thunder fell, and then another group, boom, six thunders exploded together!

Then another group, another group...

Group 81 was struck by thunder, but the black mist was still there, only half weakened.

Suddenly, the ground ten feet below Fu Xialiang's feet collapsed, which was caused by the shock of a huge force.

Then a roar spread in all directions.

This is a thunderbolt, which is equivalent to a blow from a heavy artillery, and its power is terrifying to the limit.

This blow caused landslides and ground cracks, and the black mist was reduced by half again.

Boom, boom, boom!
Fu Xialiang, who controlled Zhang Yue's body, shot nineteen thunderbolts in one breath. He gasped for breath and needed to rest.

Yang Xiuming switched Fu Xialiang, Zhang Yue's body all of a sudden, because Fu Xialiang exhausted his true energy from casting spells, he immediately recovered completely.

This is the mystery of the "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart", as long as the three of them switch their bodies, their bodies will immediately return to their original state.

When he first discovered this, Yang Xiuming exclaimed that it was unscientific.

But this is nonsense, cultivating immortal civilization, creating fakes out of nothing and turning them into real ones, this is the most real thing.

Yang Xiuming started to use Thunderbolt, but his Thunderbolt only had 72 groups.

This is Fu Xialiang's unique skill, and Yang Xiuming's performance can only be regarded as [-]% powerful. This is because Zhang Yue has cultivated the Lei Dao combat role, otherwise it would only have half the power.

He also shot sixteen thunderbolts, and his true energy was exhausted.


Yang Xiuming took a rest, and Fu Xialiang took over. He just took a rest. Although it was only a rest for his soul, he also recovered a lot of real energy.

Now switch back to Zhang Yue's body, facing the tea garden, and cast spells immediately.

This is during this interval, more than a dozen demons have rushed out of the tea garden, heading straight for this side.

They couldn't stand such a thunderous bombardment, so they came here to kill the attackers!
This time, Fu Xialiang didn't almost thunder, but took a look.

"Iron-headed palm, red devil rat, copper-armored corpse, seven-heart scorpion, six-armed snake man...

Brother, come here! "

Lightning strike, there is no such thing as Zhang Yue, he is in charge of fighting demons in close combat!
(End of this chapter)

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