Dao Shaohua

Chapter 162 Dashayang, we are brothers, don't give me a guy behind your back!

Chapter 162 Dashayang, we are brothers, don't give me a guy behind your back!

So far, the tea garden has been completely destroyed, and there are no more evil spirits.

The rest is easy. As the lord of the city, Zhang Yue has a lot of men to clean up the tea garden.

The rest of the matter was left to Zhang Yue, Fu Xialiang and Yang Xiuming went home separately.

Yang Xiuming returned to his dormitory and heaved a sigh of relief.

Baiqi City is almost done, this time it will really develop.

Zhang Yue will hold the power at that time, and will make money in various ways, and some of them will make money in the future.

After returning, it was still late at night outside, Yang Xiuming let out a sigh of relief.

He didn't want to go out and make a fuss, he was going to make a cup of tea, drink some water, take a rest, just sleep.

Just took out the tea set, boiled water and prepared to make tea.

This tea is also average. In the future, the tea garden will produce spiritual tea, which will be a blessing.

Suddenly, Su Xiaomei appeared.

"Yang Laosan, what's the matter with you recently, you sleep every day and don't play with me."

Yang Xiuming looked at Su Xiaomei and said, "Susu, I have a lot of things to do recently, and I'm chatting with you when I'm free."

"No, you have to chat with me.

By the way, your good friend Shi Hato, go and see it quickly, you won’t be able to see it if you go too late! "

Yang Xiuming was startled suddenly, and said, "What happened to him?"

"Go and see and you'll know!"

Yang Xiuming stood up immediately, Su Xiaomei appeared, but it was actually a warning.

He went to Shi Hama's dormitory, not far from the two, and arrived in a blink of an eye.

Then he saw two people, carrying a bag, walking out of Shi Hama's dormitory.

These two people shuttled through the darkness quietly, and they were both second-tier elite night watchmen!

Don't look at the big bag, it's exactly Shi Hama.

Yang Xiuming rushed over, the two looked at each other, and someone found Yang Xiuming's trace.

The other party is an advanced night watchman of the night demon, and the assimilation of the night is also a Dzogchen, so I discovered Yang Xiuming's assimilation of the night.

Night watchman to night watchman.

The night demon night watchman immediately came to meet him, and the nights of the two men assimilated and collided with each other. The man's nights collapsed in an instant, and were assimilated, decomposed and swallowed by Yang Xiuming's nights.

The night assimilation of the two is Dzogchen, but Yang Xiuming has the bonus of "Dark Sky", which is fundamentally different and vulnerable.

He grunted, and when he looked up, the night fell.

Yang Xiuming was surrounded by darkness and could not see anything.

This is really a familiar feeling.

Yang Xiuming just smiled, and when he stretched out his hand, he covered the sky with one hand.

With supernatural powers to suppress the ability, the opponent's nightfall dissipated, and was suppressed by Yang Xiuming to death.

Everything returned to normal, and it was the other party's turn not to see around.

In just an instant, the two had already passed each other. Yang Xiuming's night watch was destroyed, and it had turned into a huge sword. In a flash, the opponent's head flew out and killed him.

The other night watchman was shocked, picked up Shi Hama on his back, turned around and ran away.

He was like a black shadow in the dark night, his speed was astonishing.

This guy is an advanced Night Watchman of the Night God!

Yang Xiuming jumped out, leaped a mile and a half in an instant, and landed in front of the opponent.

Seeing Yang Xiuming's speed, the man turned pale with fright, and suddenly his body changed dramatically. This was the transformation of the night god. At the same time, dozens of shadow beings appeared around him. These are the best friends of the night watchman.

He seemed to want to say something to Yang Xiuming, this is the oath of the night watchman, the greatest ability of the night watchman.

But Yang Xiuming's vigil was destroyed, he suddenly transformed, and his madness flashed...

"Void Illusionary Sparrow Flying into the Sky"

The man's oath was not made, his head fell, and he died!
But his best friends who watched the night screamed frantically, none of them escaped, they all rushed towards Yang Xiuming, endlessly.

The best friend of the night watch, even if you die, you will not back down.

Yang Xiuming sneered, the night vigil destroyed changed, turned into a chain curse bombardment group mode, destroyed silk blade cutting mode, and used swordsmanship...

The ability of the night watchman in the world of Yinzhou, coupled with the cultivation of immortal swordsmanship and many sword intents, is almost invincible.

In the blink of an eye, all the shadow beings were beheaded by Yang Xiuming, leaving no one behind.

Yang Xiuming smiled and looked around, there were no enemies.

He went over to open the sack, and sure enough Shi Hama was in the sack.

Shi Hato was tied tightly, motionless, and was grateful to see Yang Xiuming's eyes.

Yang Xiuming untied Shi Hama's rope and asked, "What's going on?"

"Oh, it's still Zhao Wuji's dead son, it seems to be all right, but the Zhao family is still investigating.

The limelight is over, come and arrest me, if you hadn't saved me, I would have died, and I would have been tortured to death by them, and my body would be destroyed in the end. "

After all, Shi Hama and Zao Wou-ki had disputes over women, so they were suspected.

Yang Xiuming frowned and said, "It's loose on the outside and tight on the inside, and it's still under picketing, what should I do?"

Shi Gama hurriedly said: "It's okay, I won't say anything.

I'm going to find the princess, she is the benefactor of my family, Zhao Wuji is dead, her status has soared, she should be able to protect me!

Don't worry, Brother Yang, I slept like hell that night, I don't know anything, I won't say anything! "

Shi Hato tried his best to explain, but he was almost crying. It seems that this guy knew something that night.

Yang Xiuming looked at him and smiled.

Immediately, Shi Haba peed his pants in fright, he was really scared.

"Hahaha, it's okay, I'm joking with you, what's the relationship between us, let's go!"

Shi Hama didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and he didn't care about the urine on his trousers when he got up, and said directly:

"I'm going!"

After talking about leaving, I was still a little scared, and said:

"Dashayang, we are brothers, don't give me a guy behind your back!..."

Yang Xiuming scolded: "Get out!"

Shi Hato ran away immediately.

Yang Xiuming sighed and said, "I don't know if he can pass the test this time."

Su Xiaomei said: "It's okay!
In fact, the princess seems to be a little interested in you. He is your friend, and she will support you if something happens! "

"Princess, alas, women or something will only affect my sword speed!"

"Bah, shameless!"

The two corpses on the ground were not cleaned up strangely here. Yang Xiuming swallowed them in the dark and cleaned up the corpses.

In fact, he can parasitize in darkness, turning this corpse into his own darkness.

But he doesn't like to do this, his dark range is extremely pure, and he doesn't want these corpses to tarnish himself!

They deserve it too?

My own dark night is the most pure, and the dark night protects me!
So far, Shi Hama's processing here is finished, and Yang Xiuming returns to the dormitory to continue making tea.

Su Xiaomei appeared, and the two chatted while drinking tea, which was interesting.

After an hour, Shi Gama quietly returned.

"Brother Yang, the princess settled things for me, it's all right.

However, I have to leave the imperial capital and return to Yinzhou City.

I don't want to go to college anymore. There will be a flying boat tomorrow morning, so I'm leaving. "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "Let's go, a gentleman doesn't stand under a dangerous wall!"

"I'm leaving, Brother Yang!"

After finishing speaking, Shi Hama handed over a lot of banknotes.

"I don't need it anymore, you can keep it."

Yang Xiuming was also polite, and accepted it, which was as much as a million.

Shi Hama hugged him, and Yang Xiuming said:
"Toad, take care, don't die on the road!"

Shi Haba's eyes were moist, and he finally said:
"Big silly sheep, take care!"

At this point, turn around and leave, disappearing into the night!
(End of this chapter)

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