Dao Shaohua

Chapter 163 Golden Pupil Mislight Hole Real Eye

Chapter 163 Golden Pupil Mislight Hole Real Eye

Sending Shi Hama away, Yang Xiuming was speechless.

When this group of classmates arrived here, most of them died on the way, Shi Hamo also left, Lan Yu was expelled and disappeared, leaving the princess and Xu Heyuan.

It's dismal!

Don't want to be useless.

The next day, Yang Xiuming went to Baiqi City again.

Sure enough, the city lord speaks eloquently, and many of his subordinates are dealing with the tea garden.

Everyone was very motivated, and within an hour, everything was cleaned up.

The tea garden does not require any special buildings, it is just a piece of garden, plus a few small buildings for tea farmers.

Baiqi City has its own civil engineering workers, who pull away the ruins, clear the ground, build small buildings, and tidy them up very neatly.

When Yang Xiuming came here, he couldn't help nodding his head and said, "Not bad!"

Zhang Yue laughed and said, "Look, who did I find?"

Yang Xiuming looked at it, and was taken aback for a moment, only to see that the Zhang family from the forest farm had all come here.

They are very happy here.

The rural areas of the forest farm, now enter the city, and reach the sky in one step.

Zhang Yue said to them:

"According to the regulations, this tea garden is mine.

You grow tea well for me, and I share one-tenth of the income from the tea garden with you.

Don't worry, your family will definitely enjoy endless prosperity and wealth! "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "This family looks good."

At this time, Fu Xialiang also came here and said:
"Well, this family is reliable."

Zhang Yue said: "The tea garden will be run by them in the future, and they will share one-tenth of it.

In addition, one-tenth of the tax has to be paid.

Take out another tenth, manage various ways, pay favors, and the rest is ours! "

With such a big industry, although Zhang Yue is the lord of the city, there are Jindan Zhenren and Yuanying Zhenjun on it, so don't be human, don't narrow your way.

"Okay, let's come then!"

The three nodded and took out Lingzhu Qingxin tea at the base camp.

In the tea garden, although everything was destroyed, the underground spirit veins existed without any damage.

This spiritual vein provides a large amount of spiritual energy, and it is only with these spiritual energy that Lingzhu Qingxin Tea can be activated and produce special products.

The three of them carefully searched for the spiritual node, put away the spiritual building, and began to cast spells.

"The sky and night are bright and clear, the emptiness reveals the truth, the flowing clouds linger, the golden flower is four bright, the Danhuang Fuhui, the Lingfei Zixuan, the body is in harmony with nature, and the moon is shining..."

Pull the spiritual veins and lay down the spiritual buildings!
Immediately, the Lingzhu opened, and suddenly there were dozens of tea trees in the tea garden, which seemed to have existed here for decades.

These tea trees are connected to the earth veins, absorb spiritual energy, and thrive.

After a few days of adaptation and careful maintenance, spiritual tea will be produced in two or three months.

If Zhang Yue leaves here in the future, he can take back the spiritual building, move it to a distant place, search for the spiritual vein, and continue to open it, which is equivalent to a mobile tea garden.

After the arrangement is completed, everyone is happy.

Zhang Yue said: "Yesterday I cleaned out the evil spirits in the tea garden.

I received the award today, and I have been promoted to Xianqinqi and others. "

Although it is useless for Xianqinqi and others to be trapped in the battle, it is a good thing to improve.

Fu Xialiang said: "I sent the Qingling rinse to my senior sister that time, and she was overjoyed.

However, she asked if there is such an ancient method of Xianqin?
It is said that in the Immortal Qin Empire, the food and drink were extremely first-class, food was everywhere, and there were countless secret recipes.

It's a pity that Xianqin collapsed later, and many ancient secret recipes were lost, but there should be many ancient secret recipes preserved in the ruins of Xianqin in Baiqi City. "

Zhang Yue said: "There is no problem with this. I have arranged for the city captain to collect it. He knows this well."

"That's good."

While they were chatting, suddenly Zhang Fu, the old man of the Zhang family, came over.

He walked unsteadily to Zhang Yue, saluted and said:
"Thank you, my lord, for caring about my family, promoting me, and enjoying wealth."

Zhang Yue laughed and said, "You are welcome. We are all old people from the forest farm. There is no one else but you. I don't want to think about who you are thinking about."

"Thank you so much!"

"Help me grow spiritual tea well, and keep an eye on this place, that's all!"

"My lord, I really don't know how to express our gratitude.

Here I have a magical skill left by my ancestors, dedicated to the adults, it is our family's gratitude! "

After speaking, he carefully took out a jade slip and handed it to Zhang Yue.

"This is left by our ancestors, who were said to have great powers, but this Jade Slip of Teaching the Dharma is about to collapse, and we can only practice alone. There are no good seedlings in our family for generations, so we have been keeping it."

Zhang Yue took it carefully and took a closer look.

There are seven big characters on the jade slip:

Golden pupil wrong light hole real eye

Looking at the name, I know that this spell is very strong.

"This old Zhang family is a bit dry!"

"I said that the forest farm has been mutated by demons, but there is nothing wrong with their house, and it looks like there is something!"

"Old Zhang, how did you find out?"

Zhang Yue said with a smile: "I didn't find it either, it was just my intuition!"

Zhang Yue thanked him, and Zhang Fu left happily.

"Can they still have dry goods at home?"

"Don't worry, under my command, take your time."

Fu Xialiang said: "Jin Tong's real eyes are wrong, why do they feel so familiar, I'll go back and check!"

Zhang Yue and the two waited, and soon Fu Xialiang came back, and said with great joy:

"Developed, developed!"

"The true eye of the Golden Pupil Mislight Hole is one of the [-] eyes of the Supreme Master Tianmu Sect!

Super holy law! "

The super-sacred method is above the super-ordinary Taoism, and belongs to some of the core township secret methods of the Supreme Master. It is similar to the Supreme Purity of the Supreme Dao, and the Supreme Refining of Treasures.

After hearing it this way, this method seems to be very powerful.

"Golden pupils are the real eyes of the wrong light hole, which can be practiced into golden pupils that are not broken, with extremely comfortable eyes, eyes like gold, and can track the time, look at the past, and look into the future...

It can give birth to supernatural powers, such as supernatural powers, such as the eyes reaching the gods, the golden eyes, the night vision for thousands of miles, the golden pupils will not hurt, the yellow sand will not fall, the extreme eyes will be comfortable, everything is imaginary, the eyes of the sky, the eyes of the heart, the holy eyes will not die, etc.

Finally, it has the true fairy eye to investigate the way of heaven and analyze all things! "

Yang Xiuming was dumbfounded, and said, "That's amazing!"

Sure enough, it is a super-sacred method, which can give birth to so many supernatural powers.

Fu Xialiang continued: "This spell is also a secret among the Supreme Master, and it is not practiced casually in the Supreme Master's Tianmu Sect!"

Zhang Yue asked:
"You keep talking about the Supreme Master, the Supreme Master, what exactly are these Supreme Masters?"

He jumps off topic!

Fu Xialiang smiled and said:

"That's easy to explain, the Master has a total of one hundred and eight.

In fact, it is one hundred and eight big forces. "

Zhang Yue nodded, and continued to ask: "Tai Shang, Tai Yi, are they the so-called Jiu Tai?

And the Heavenly Demon Sect you mentioned last time? "

Fu Xialiang did not answer directly, but said:

"One mountain, two celestial beings and three yangs bloom, four majestic qi and five ghosts come.

Six tyrants are inhumane and seven witches are absolute, eight evils, nine Tais and ten temple Buddhas.

Twelve swords break nineteen paths, and the universe rolls back twenty-two demons.

One hundred and eight Shangzunxiu, eight hundred sects and three thousand kingdoms. "

(End of this chapter)

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