Dao Shaohua

第164章 1山2仙3阳开,4气磅礴5鬼来。

Chapter 164 One mountain, two celestial beings and three yangs bloom, four majestic qi and five ghosts come.

Hearing this, Yang Xiuming frowned and learned, "One mountain and two immortals..."

Fu Xialiang said:
"One mountain, two celestial beings and three yangs bloom, four majestic qi and five ghosts come.

Six tyrants are inhumane and seven witches are absolute, eight evils, nine Tais and ten temple Buddhas.

Twelve swords break nineteen paths, and the universe rolls back twenty-two demons.

One hundred and eight Shangzunxiu, eight hundred side doors and three thousand ways. "

"My lord is one hundred and eight.

Among them, one mountain, two immortals and three Yangkai, and six sects, are all top [-] sects.

One mountain refers to Kunlun Mountain!

Legend has it that Kunlun Mountain is the legacy of Xianqin, whether it is Daohan or Shengtang, it exists.

Several times the human race was almost extinct, but it was all relying on Kunlun to turn the tide, and it was said that all the laws in the world came from Kunlun, this sect is the largest in the world!
The two immortals belong to the Daluo Jinxianzong and the Shangqing Tianxianzong.

Both factions have a long history, and their legends are closely related to the high-latitude fairy world.

The three yangs are the Sun God Palace, the Nine Yangs Sect, and the Yin-Yang Sect!

The Sun God Palace represents the great sun, the Nine Yang Sect is the most yang and the most strong, and the Yin Yang Sect is the Taiji diagram of yin and yang! "

Zhang Yue and Yang Xiuming couldn't help nodding, Yang Xiuming said: "Jiuyangjiao, you said it last time!"

"Yes, it is the Nine Suns Sect.

The four spirits are majestic and the five ghosts come.

The four qi are majestic, which refers to the special practice of qi, the true qi is majestic, and the true air is the world.

They are Wuliangzong, Tianxingjianzong, Haoran Zhengqizong, and Xiantianyiqizong respectively!

The five ghosts are the five sects that specialize in the way of ghosts.

Nine Nether Ghosts Sect, Hades Sect, Immortal Sect, Netherworld Sect, Ghosts and Immortals Sect!
Nine Nether Ghosts Sect overwhelms people with the number of ghosts, Hades Sect uses ghost-eating fusion cultivation, Immortal Sect cultivates undead zombies, Huangquan Youming Sect is Huangquan ghostly spirit, Ghosts and Immortals Sect is the most mysterious and weird. "

Zhang Yue and Yang Xiuming looked at each other and nodded.

Fu Xialiang continued:
"The six tyrants are inhumane and the seven witches are absolute.

The six tyrants are not benevolent, Southern Chu, Tianqi, Wuwei, Fengyan, Lianhan, and Shenzhao!

Southern Chu is half-shaman, half-sly, half-immortal, and half-demon, while Tianqi uses human emotions and six desires as the source of cultivation, and Wu Wei specializes in martial arts, using martial arts to break through the sky.

Feng Yan is the most mysterious, with the core of cultivating assassins, infinite assassins, mainly killing.

Refinement of Han is the best way to refine magic weapons, and the world says that the strongest bow and crossbow are all in Han.

God Zhao is invincible!It is said that they inherited all the inheritance of Daohan!
It is said that the core of their cultivation is the most negative force of the human race.

The six great masters are all very domineering and unkind, and they are extremely difficult to provoke, and you have to walk around them when you meet them.

Seven Witches, White Feather Holy Witch Sect, Black Feather Demon Witch Sect, True Yang Heaven Witch Sect, Chizi True Body Sect, Fragrant Jieyu Gate, Big Dream Cangtian Cave, Stealing Luck Guantian Sect.

The White Feather Saint Witch Sect is white witchcraft, the Black Feather Demon Witch Sect is black witchcraft, and the True Yang Heaven Witch Sect is the highest!
The Heavenly Sect of Stealing Luck is also known as the Silent Sect! "

Yang Xiuming said: "Ah, it is the Buyan sect? You said that they have many classics."

Fu Xialiang nodded, and said again:
"Eight evils, nine Tais and ten temple Buddhas!

The Eight Evils, Out of Aperture Sect, Wuxin Sect, Tianmu Sect, Five Poison Sect, Seven Injury Sect, Seven Killing Sect, Blood Sea Sect, Yin Absorbing Yin Seizing Yang Sect!

These eight evil sects, no matter their skills or behavior, are very evil.

Jiutai, Taishang, Taiyi, Taiyi, Taibai, Taichu, Taixu, Taiyin, Taixuan, Taiwei!
Taishang Tianqing, Taiyi Destiny, Taiyiyi, Taibailian, Taichu Tianyuan, Taixu Tianyuan, Taiyin Tianzhen, Taixuan Tiandi, Taiwei Tianyu!
Ten temples of Buddha, Dachan Temple, Cihang Pudu Temple, Leiyin Temple, King Kong Temple, Dousheng Buddhist Temple, Dazao Buddhist Sect, True Buddha Sect, Kongji Temple, Tianlong Temple, and Landa Temple! "

Speaking of this, Fu Xialiang seemed to have a dry mouth, and continued:
"Afterwards, there are twelve sword sects, nineteen Dao sects, and finally there are twenty-two demon sects.

They add up to exactly one hundred and eight Shang Zunxiu.

Under this superior, there are eight hundred other sects, and then three thousand heresies!
Don't underestimate the heresy, every heresy is a big force, occupying a part of the star sea! "

It seems that he is in a hurry, so I won't talk about it later.

Zhang Yue said: "Can you continue talking?"

"Don't talk about it, too much will be scolded, and you will pick it up word by word. This is all water, and there is nothing to do. Let's talk about it after we separate!

I still have something to do, I'll take a step first! "

After speaking, he was eager to leave.

Zhang Yue looked at him and said slowly:

"It seems that the butt has a sharp point. It's not a business to leave in such a hurry. It must be a woman!"

Fu Xialiang was speechless, as if she wanted to defend something, and finally said: Yes, you are right! "

After speaking, he left and returned to Taishangdao.

Zhang Yue and Yang Xiuming looked at each other very curiously, and also followed.

Sure enough, when it came to Taishang Dao, Fu Xialiang was impressively in the martial arts arena.

It was the Martial Arts Arena where the spell was deduced last time, but this time I went to the deduction venue, but it seemed to be in a sparring venue.

There are martial arts arenas here, on which monks are fighting each other.

The monks who are dueling here can hardly see the end at a glance.

This kind of duel is the same as the big competition, it is a chaotic Taoist chess rehearsal, it can be a virtual battle of life and death, but it does not hurt the real body.

Fu Xialiang sat on a row of stone chairs at the edge of the practice field, meditating cross-legged, with eyes closed.

This kind of monk, like many people here, after the practice, has a feeling, and cultivates here.

Fu Xialiang was just putting on a show, and went to Zhang Yue's place with fascination.

It turned out that he was waiting for someone here, and he didn't know who to make an appointment with, but the other party didn't come, so he went to Zhang Yue's to kill time.

It was almost time before he returned in a hurry.

Fu Xialiang's soul left, and the main body was meditating here, and no one would disturb it.

Now that the soul has returned and the practice is over, everything is normal.

He waited for the man to come here, and saw that he was meditating without disturbing him. Now that Fu Xialiang woke up, the other party said:
"Senior Brother Fu? After training, can you teach me?"

Yang Xiuming looked, it was Ye Qingshuang!
This is not the six senior sisters, so Fu Xialiang doesn't care if they follow.

Fu Xialiang smiled and said: "Junior Sister Qingshuang is here? Thank you for spending money to invite me to practice duel here, then please!"

The consumption here is very high, Fu Xialiang is a poor man, he doesn't have this strength at all, Ye Qingshuang is paying the bill, maybe the other party has to pay for the duel.

The two were speechless. Zhang Yue didn't have a good impression of Ye Qingshuang and didn't care at all.

But after thinking about it, he couldn't help asking:

"That Xin Chunfeng, is there any contact later?"

Zhang Yue has a lot of affection for Xin Chunfeng.

Fu Xialiang shook her head and said, "She has looked for me twice, but I haven't seen her yet!"

Yang Xiuming said: "That girl doesn't look like she will give up easily."

Fu Xialiang said in a low voice: "No matter what Senior Sister Linglong says, she doesn't like my contact with Xin Chunfeng.

I will never contact Xin Chunfeng again! "

The words are low, but the words are decisive.

He completely broke up with Xin Chunfeng!

Then Fu Xialiang came off the stage and stood in the same magic circle as Ye Qingshuang.

The brilliance flickered, scanning the two of them.

The magic circle was activated, and the two clones appeared in a ring to compete swords.

(End of this chapter)

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