Dao Shaohua

Chapter 165 Linglong 3 Changes, Pivot Grinds God

Chapter 165 Linglong's Three Changes, Pivot Grinding God

On the stage, the two began to fight.

Their physical realms are exactly the same, and the swords in their hands are the same, and the only comparison is swordsmanship.

Fu Xialiang has completed his swordsmanship and advanced to the rank of sword-bearer. Without Zhang Yue's possession, he also has [-]% of Zhang Yue's swordsmanship strength.

On this arena, he used Zhang Yue's swordsmanship "Ao Song Shenghua Sword", "White Ape Carrying Peach Sword", "Shaking Rivers and Seas Falling Clouds", "Void and Illusionary Birds Soaring into the Sky" one after another, and the sword intent exploded.

Sword lights flickered one after another, matching Fu Xialiang's white robes, and she was graceful.

Ye Qingshuang is also Yujian, her swordsmanship is very sharp, when she first saw her, she used her sword to fend off the enemy.

Ye Qingshuang's heroic posture is graceful, and between the swords, she is elegant and beautiful.

The two were so good-looking that they attracted many spectators, who applauded under the ring.

On this stage, the two fought for a hundred and ten rounds in one go, with neither winner nor loser.

Ye Qingshuang has a sword technique, and whenever Fu Xialiang's sword light falls, she uses this sword technique when she sees victory.

Immediately, five sword lights were emitted, like a peacock opening its tail, protecting itself and breaking all attacks of Fu Xialiang.

This is definitely a set of extraordinary swordsmanship!
Of course, what is being compared here is swordsmanship, the combination of supernatural powers and swords cannot be used.

Another hundred rounds passed like this, and Zhang Yue was in a state of desperation.

Although Fu Xialiang has [-]% of Zhang Yue's strength, the strength of the sword cultivator is not important, and the swordsmanship explodes in a critical moment.

Instant life and death!

Fu Xialiang has the strength of Zhang Yue, but he is not a qualified swordsman, and he can't grasp the changes of swordsmanship in the moment of life and death.

He lost countless opportunities.

In the blink of an eye, it was another hundred rounds, and the two were still tied.

But Ye Qingshuang quietly withdrew her sword, looked at Fu Xialiang, and said hesitantly:
"Senior Brother Fu, your swordsmanship is a bit wrong.

I see that your Dabi is not this kind of swordsmanship, but it is very sharp.

Are you looking down on me because of the ring, and don't want to make a move! "

The voice of the words became louder and louder, and there was a third of anger.

Fu Xialiang sighed and said:

"In that case, don't force me..."

But in my heart I shouted:

"Second brother, come quickly, I can't stand it anymore!
It seems that I'm really not a swordsman, and I can't use your sharp swordsmanship at all. "

Zhang Yue said: "Okay, I feel uncomfortable when you compare swords to me!"

In an instant, the two switched positions.

Fu Xialiang suddenly stopped talking and just raised his eyes.

In those eyes, there is coldness and ruthlessness, only killing!
This is the basic characteristic of a sword cultivator.


Suddenly Ye Qingshuang was taken aback, and her whole body trembled.

Suddenly Fu Xialiang drew out his sword, and the sword crossed the air, and the "Ao Song Shenghua Sword" suppressed it.

Ye Qingshuang immediately counterattacked, but under this sword, no matter how different it was before, the counterattack was useless.

Facing this terrifying sword strike, Ye Qingshuang immediately resorted to defensive swordsmanship, turning into five swords opening the screen.

But Fu Xialiang's sword light changed, "Zhenjiang Danghai Luoyunxia", shock, shock, shock, just three swords, broke Ye Qingshuang's five-sword defense.

Then the sword light moved, and the human head flew up, beheading Ye Qingshuang.

Zhang Yue changed his body and said, "What about the ink stains? It's just a few strokes. I feel better now!"

Fu Xialiang said speechlessly: "You big lotus, you show no mercy to women!"

Killing Ye Qingshuang seemed to scare her this time, so the sparring training ended.

Sure enough, Fu Xialiang paid for his service and received three hundred spirit stones.

He was flattered, but Ye Qingshuang said some polite words, his face turned pale, and he left immediately.

She left, and Fu Xialiang couldn't afford the martial arts arena, so she returned to her cave.

As soon as he returned to the cave, Zhang Yue shouted: "Xia Liang, come here, Gu Fang is here!"

Lu Sanzhong, the city captain over there, came here and sent over a dozen ancient prescriptions.

This is what Fu Xialiang asked for!

Fu Xialiang was overjoyed and went back to Zhang Yue again.

The ancient prescriptions are all recorded on ordinary rice paper, which cannot be transmitted in time and space, and can only be brought back by your own memory.

Fu Xialiang examined it carefully, and finally said:
"This Shanqing cake is not bad. I have seen records in books, but it has been lost in our place!"

Zhang Yue said, "That's it."

Fu Xialiang sorted out the ancient prescriptions carefully, and said:
"Then I went back? I went to see Senior Sister Shu Ling, she should be very happy now."

Zhang Yue said: "What is Senior Sister Shu Leng, I will accompany you to see."

Fu Xialiang wanted to refuse, but she still said:
"Okay, but Senior Sister Shuling..."

"To be honest, I haven't seen what she looks like after all these years..."

What he wanted to say, the ancient prescription came from Zhang Yue, which made it hard for him to refuse.

The three followed Fu Xialiang and came to Taishang Dao again.

Fu Xialiang started to contact, and the other party responded that Fu Xialiang didn't need to bother, she came to see Fu Xialiang.

Fu Xialiang tidied up the cave and copied out the ancient formula. Not for a moment, someone knocked on the door of the cave.

He tidied his clothes and happily went to open the door.

The door opened, and both Zhang Yue and Yang Xiuming were speechless.

They knew that the opposite was Fu Xialiang's Senior Sister Shuling.

However, they can't see people!
This is different from Linglong's invisibility.

Senior sister Shu Leng has no form at all, as if there is no one at all.

But in that void, someone spoke:
"Xiao Xia, thank you so much, I actually found an ancient prescription of Xianqin.

Sister is proud of you! "

A group of powerful spiritual force!
The voice is very gentle, which makes people feel infinitely good.

But they can't see any existence, which is creepy.

"Senior sister, why are you being polite to me, as long as you like it, I'm happy."

"Xiao Xia is too good at talking, Senior Sister really likes you."

The two chatted about love, this Senior Sister Shu Ling was much more cool and charming than Linglong, every sentence was as sweet as honey.

"Xiao Xia, you seem to be tall?
Come on, Xiao Xia, let the senior sister see, have you gained weight recently? "

Suddenly, it seemed that infinite spiritual power swept over.

"Hey, Xiao Xia, I don't see you this part, why are you so full of impurities?
What is this? It's a mess. You are not allowed to practice any method of avatar. "

Then, Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue were kicked out of their bodies and returned to the base camp.

The two of them looked at each other, speechless.

After a long time, Zhang Yue said, "What is this?"

Yang Xiuming said: "I suspect that this is a method of cultivating spiritual consciousness. The other party uses Old Fu as a rock to hone their spiritual consciousness."

Zhang Yue said: "What is this? Linglong has three transformations, cool and blood-sucking, this pivot grinds the mind..."

Yang Xiuming sighed and said, "Then what do you say!
Old Fu is an orphan. Although he has some talents, he is not mediocre in Taishang.

When he knew them, they were just small people in the outer sect, without money or power, without father and mother, without any help, what else could they do?

There is no use value, why should these senior sisters help him!
Old Fu also knew in his heart that the terrible thing was not being used by others, but that he was not even worth using, so he hypnotized himself, they all liked him, and maybe they really liked him. "

Zhang Yue wanted to say something, but finally let out a long sigh.

Yang Xiuming said: "This matter, let's pretend it never happened, old Fu hypnotized himself, don't break his illusion.

In addition, based on the strength of our buddies, after a few years, what Linglong three changes, cool and blood-sucking, and pivoting to grind the gods, I will fucking kneel down to my husband and give birth to more than a dozen fat sons ! "

(End of this chapter)

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