Dao Shaohua

Chapter 166

Chapter 166 I'm Covering It, The Golden Eyes Don't Hurt
The two started chatting in the base camp. Suddenly, Fu Xialiang's voice called them over.

When they returned to Fu Xialiang, they saw that Fu Xialiang was very energetic and happy.

This is the same feeling as after being sucked blood last time.

Seeing the two returning, he said:

"Hey, my senior sister Shu Leng is practicing "Tai Shang Qing Jing", so..."

Zhang Yue said: "No need to explain, don't care.

Xia Liang works hard, sooner or later, you will definitely surpass them.

Now I understand why you want these senior sisters to give you more than a dozen children, it must be so. "

Fu Xialiang also nodded and said, "Thank you, Second Brother, for your understanding!"

Zhang Yue changed the topic:

"The White Flag City is almost done now, what should we do next?"

Yang Xiuming replied:

Old Zhang, you still have a set of sword skills, which you haven't mastered in "Ziqiu's Sword of Chaos in the Sea". "

Then Yang Xiuming looked at Fu Xialiang and said:
"Old Fu, you..."

Fu Xialiang nodded and said: "I know, I have a set of thunder method "Mysterious Ji Wuguang Yushu Lei", and I haven't cultivated the meaning of the law."

Yang Xiuming nodded and said: "I am "Golden Pupil Misunderstanding Cave True Eye", and I also need to master the way to become a legend among elites.

The four of us now have to be promoted to the legendary rank. "

Everyone nodded, set a goal, and the purpose was clear.

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside.

Fu Xialiang frowned and said, "Bai Li over there!"

Zhang Yue said: "Go, go and have a look!"

Fu Xialiang got up immediately and went to Baili's cave.

The two were not far away, and there were five or six monks around Baili's cave mansion, making noise outside the cave mansion.

"Bai, come out!"

"Bai Li, pay back the money you owe!"

"Bai Li, get out."

Fu Xialiang came here to observe silently. These monks are all disciples of the inner sect, but their realm is not high.

Immediately, Fu Xialiang smiled. He walked over slowly and asked:
"what's the matter?"

When the other party saw Fu Xialiang, he was taken aback immediately. Some of them wanted to say something, but someone stopped him and whispered:

"The second type of sect disciple!"

"Lei Jian's peerless dog, Fu Xialiang!"

"The late stage of Qi refining!"

Immediately the man was honest and said:
"Hello, brother, the Baili who lives here is from our Bai family in Huanglong Mountain, Linzhou. Their family..."

Fu Xialiang waved his hand and said, "Wait a minute, there's no need to talk, there's no need to bother."

The other party was taken aback, what do you mean.

Then Fu Xialiang shot suddenly.

Raising the scabbard, using the scabbard as a sword, began to beat violently.

No matter whether those people resisted or tried to escape, they were knocked down one by one by him.

Then Fu Xialiang looked at them, anyone who wanted to get up, snapped and fell over again.

Let the six of them roll on the ground, not daring to get up.Oops screamed.

They didn't know why Fu Xialiang was like this.

Fu Xialiang looked at them and said slowly:

"You outsiders, remember me, I, Lei Jue Fu Xialiang.

I am from the true lineage of the Supreme Daoist, and my teacher is Master Broken Tie!

Baili is my master's registered disciple, that is, my junior sister.

Here, I cover her!
From now on, those small troubles in Linzhou are not allowed to be entangled in our Daluotian.

Otherwise, come here, I will meet you once, and hit you once!
If you are not convinced, go find someone, come and fight with me first.

Remember, I am Fu Xialiang, the Supreme Dao Jingzhen Lei Jue.

Okay, get out of here! "

In the words, there was endless coercion, these people were so frightened that they dared not speak, and when they rolled, they all ran away immediately.

Fu Xialiang shook his head and looked aside.

Baili had already arrived at the entrance of the cave, looking at Fu Xialiang with tears in her eyes.

"Brother Fu, they are my hometown..."

Fu Xialiang looked at her and said slowly:

"Don't tell me why, it doesn't make sense."

"Junior sister, remember, you are my junior sister Fu Xialiang, if you have something to do, remember to call me, I will cover you."

Bai Li said, "Thank you, brother!"

After finishing speaking, she took out a storage bag and wanted to give it to Fu Xialiang.

This time Fu Xialiang didn't even look at it.

Fu Xialiang said: "I said before that I owe you a favor, and now I pay it back.

The next time you encounter something, you can get a gift again! "

After speaking, let's go!

Zhang Yue couldn't help but said, "Good guy, why are you so generous today?"

Fu Xialiang laughed, and said: "Now that I have money, I don't like her hundred spirit stones anymore.

Plus, I'm happy!

This favor is easy! "

In fact, Fu Xialiang is a very proud person in his heart.

He must pay back the favor he owes!
Back in the cave, Fu Xialiang began to practice Leifa.

"Mysterious Ji Wuguang Yushu Thunder" is a series of thunder techniques left by Jiutian Yingyuan Puhua Tianzun. There are 49 jade hub thunder techniques left by this golden immortal.

The so-called Yushu, who cultivates the primordial spirit and faces the stars from a distance, if the god is clear and clear, the way is deep and deep, and he is ignorant and invisible, he is called Yushu.

This set of thunder techniques is practiced, and when it is used, it is silent, without light or shadow, and kills invisible.

Fu Xialiang began to practice, Zhang Yue nodded, and also returned to Baiqi City, and he began to practice "Ziqiu's Sword of Chaos in the Sea".

Yang Xiuming also returned to the imperial capital and began to practice "Golden Pupils Misunderstanding Cave True Eyes".

"Second brother, you have to work hard, I have comprehended [-]% of my "Mystery of Lightless Jade Shulei".

According to the decision in it, Yang Xiuming began to mutter silently:
"The sky and night are bright and clear, the emptiness reveals the truth, the flowing clouds linger, the golden flowers are shining, the danhuang is shining, and the Lingfei Zixuan, fulfill my wish, empathize with nature, and marry the moonlight, please do as you said.

Nine paths unite, change chains into nothingness, holes reflect the supernatural, fractals transform the scenery, and the four fortunes flow smoothly. I enjoy the truth, connect the jade immortals inside, wrap the eight ghosts outside, and support the wings of the eight scenes, ride the clouds and smoke, and drive the supernatural , disperse the qi and disperse the shape, go out of the sky and into the mystic..."

As Yang Xiuming chanted the mantra silently, endless aura gathered on his eyes and automatically refined them.

In the dark, Yang Xiuming felt that this set of "Golden Pupils and Real Eyes of Misunderstood Light" was very quick to use.

The eyes seem to absorb all the essence of their own body, self-evolving.

In an instant, Yang Xiuming felt that his eyes suddenly opened their spiritual apertures.

In the dark, Yang Xiuming felt like three avenues in front of him.

One is to evolve your own eyes, the other is to peek into the magic of time, and the other is to analyze the secrets of all things!

These are the three choices of "Golden Pupils: Misunderstanding Light and Cave Real Eyes", namely Jintong, Mislighting, and Dongzhen.

Yang Xiuming smiled, without any hesitation, he chose to evolve with both eyes.

What is the wrong light and the truth, I will talk about it later, the real improvement of the eyes is the most fundamental.

Immediately, the outside world that Yang Xiuming saw became extremely vivid.

For the first time, he was surprised to find that the things in front of him became so bright, and all the movements within a few feet, whether he saw or did not see, were almost completely in his eyes.This feeling is completely unexperienced before.

If you observe carefully, you will find that in Yang Xiuming's eyes, there is a circle of water-color streamer that fluctuates up and down, circulating around the pupils non-stop.

So far, Yang Xiuming's eyes have not been hurt no matter whether they are smoked, beaten or burned.

Even if it is seriously injured, it will recover soon, intact.

This is binocular golden pupil does not hurt!
(End of this chapter)

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