Dao Shaohua

Chapter 167 Three ginseng scriptures, the fourth one appears!

Chapter 167 Three people join the scriptures, and the fourth person appears!
The golden pupil of the eyes does not hurt!
Yang Xiuming's vision became particularly clear, and his eyes became extremely powerful. He could not be injured by heavy blows, and healed quickly after being injured.

So far, a pair of powerful golden pupil eyes have been added.

I just don't know why, the golden pupil does not hurt and cannot be shown in "Nine Changes and the Common People's Transformation of the Heart", it belongs to Yang Xiuming's personal binocular vision.

It can't be passed on to the other two. If they want to get this golden pupil without injury, they have to cultivate by themselves.

"Golden Pupils of Misunderstood Light and Real Eyes" is also mysterious, just get started, and immediately give birth to eyes that can penetrate the golden pupils without hurting them.

The golden pupil does not hurt through the explosion of Yang Xiuming's potential, it will be produced immediately, and the benefits will appear immediately.

As if he was afraid that the practitioner would run away, he came up to give a sweet date.

In order to induce practitioners to concentrate on practicing "Golden Pupil Misunderstanding Cave True Eye".

If you just want to refine the second binocular vision, it will be difficult.

It takes hard work and hard work step by step to give birth to the second binocular vision.

What's more interesting is that the supernatural powers obtained by practitioners are completely different. They are all born randomly based on the practitioner's own qualities or inner desires.

Moreover, Yang Xiuming has a sense of his own in the dark, so if he continues to practice like this, he can also develop two eyes.

When the fourth pair of eyes is connected, it will change, leaving the golden pupil path of your choice, and you can choose wrong light, hole truth, or one of the other two paths.

There are three avenues, and each avenue will give birth to three binocular visions.

When all the nine binocular visions are gathered, they can be promoted to the only one. The nine binocular visions will turn into the tenth binocular vision together. That is the real "Golden Pupil Misunderstanding Real Eye"!
As for the subsequent cultivation, Yang Xiuming can't feel it now.

This is a super-sacred method, and it is definitely not that simple. If you continue to practice, you can ascend to the Tao, enter the Mahayana, and even ascend to the ascension!
Yang Xiuming was very happy, and the three of them got together again.

In that base camp, drinking spiritual water, the three of them discussed the Tao.

They practiced together and read scriptures together.

Participated in the "Jiutai Laojun Kaitian Jing", which contains "Taishang Qingjing, Suitability, Birth and Extinction, Heavenly Dao Sutra", "Taiyi Miaohua One Yuan, One Qi and Destiny Sutra". A thousand secrets.

Participating in "The Rhythm of All Things and the Will of Heaven", perfect control of oneself, perfect control of the surrounding environment, and finally perfect control of the universe and heaven!
Participating are Taishang Dao 33 Tianjue, Lei Jue's "Zixiao Thunder", Jianjue's "One Sword Shocks the Sky", Anjue's "Dark Dark Sky"...

33 Tianjue also contains endless mysteries, with countless mysteries of cultivation!

The final entries are "Golden Pupils, Misunderstood Light Cave, True Eyes", "Ao Pine Holy Flower Sword", "White Ape Holds Peach Sword", "Shaking the River and Falling Clouds", "Void Illusionary Sparrow Soars to the Sky", "Purple Qiu Nao" Sea Chaos Excalibur", "Ziwu Mighty Qiankun Lei", "Mysterious Mysterious Lightless Jade Shu Lei"...

The three of them, or discuss with each other, refute each other, and comprehend together.

Or three people become one, gather into one person, practice together, and comprehend together.

If you are thirsty, take a sip of spiritual spring water, if you are hungry, roast a piece of spiritual meat.

In short, the three of them worked hard, practiced hard, and improved together!
Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang completed the practice of "Golden Pupils of Misunderstood Light and True Eyes" respectively, and both got binocular vision.

It was also because Jin Tong was not hurt, and the two of them had no chance to choose.

From this point of view, the three of them only have one chance to choose. In the future, if Yang Xiuming condenses any binocular clairvoyance, the two of them will also do the same.

The avenue has been set, and we can only follow it!
During their comprehension, they gradually discovered that if Yang Xiuming and Fu Xialiang did not advance to the Foundation Establishment Realm.

Zhang Yue will never be able to improve his realm, he can only be at the first level of foundation building!
Continue to practice, now Yang Xiuming has reached the sixth level of Qi refining, and Fu Xialiang has reached the ninth level of Qi refining, the promotion to Foundation Establishment is just around the corner!
On this day, Yang Xiuming shared the knowledge he had learned in the university class with the other two. Suddenly, the three of them were taken aback, and their bodies were shocked.

In the dark, with its own induction, the "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Heart Transformation Art" was promoted impressively, and the fourth page quietly appeared.

The three of them looked at each other in ecstasy.

Zhang Yue said: "There are newcomers coming to the village again!"

Yang Xiuming said: "Haha, I don't know what secret method of Xianqin will be brought this time!"

Fu Xialiang said: "Then what are you waiting for, hurry up!"

That being said, all three of them were very nervous.

The three of them merged into one, and then opened the fourth page of the "Nine Transformations and the Transformation of the Common People's Heart Art"!

The pages of the book opened with a rush, and the fourth page appeared, and data emerged!
Name: Wei Wuguo
Lifespan: 25/180 V
Dao Body: True Gang

Bloodline: Dragon Elephant Battle Bone, Valkyrie Ambition

Fate: born with a fighting spirit, strong will
Title: Breaking the Army Tiankui

Realm: Seventh Stage of Foundation Establishment

Supernatural powers:
Cultivation method: "Tianyuan Yaoming Xu Huangjia" (first level)
Xie Yan: I want to be Wu Wei No.1!
Looking at this page, the three of them were shocked, good guy, these four Wei Wuguo are so powerful!

Fu Xialiang said: "It seems that this person is practicing martial arts.

Dao Body Zhengang, one of the sixty Dao Body, is much better than my Lei Ji Dao Body.

Dao body Zhen Gang is most suitable for martial arts cultivation.

The bones of the dragon and the elephant, the ambition of the warrior, these are the best martial arts bloodlines. "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said:
"Born with a fighting spirit and strong will, both are the best martial arts fates.

And he directly has the title, which is the title of Heaven and Earth, but at 25 he played the title of Heaven and Earth, which is amazing! "

Zhang Yue said: "25, the foundation has been built to the seventh level, it's not easy!

However, in the later stage of foundation establishment, the lifespan is only 180. It seems that either the practice of the secret method of shortening the lifespan, or too many injuries shorten the lifespan. "

Looking at it this way, the fourth person is not in any peaceful world.

Fu Xialiang frowned and said, "However, there seems to be something wrong there!"

Suddenly, they seemed to travel through endless time and space, infinite universe. This feeling has not been felt for a long time.

Then his eyes lit up, and he saw himself in a martial arts arena, and they were possessed by a strong man!
The body of this strong man is equivalent to one and a half of an ordinary person. His body is muscular, his limbs are developed, his hair is loose, his eyes are like torches, and his spirit is violent!
He seemed taken aback, but didn't make any moves.

Yang Xiuming had the example of Fu Xialiang, and hurriedly shouted: "Our own people, we are our own people!"

Zhang Yue also shouted: "I am you, you are me, we are our own people."

Seeing this scene, Fu Xialiang was a little embarrassed.

But the fourth person, Wei Wuguo, remained motionless, like a cast of ice.

Fu Xialiang said suddenly: "Here, this should be Wu Wei!"

"Wu Wei? The Wu Wei of the Six Hegemons?"

"Yes, look at the mark, look at the environment, this is Wu Wei, one of the Six Hegemons."

The fourth person, Wei Wuguo, suddenly said:

"Yes, it is Wu Wei!
Wuwei, Pozhou Alien Haizhenglongjie Wuwei Bieyuan!
Break the sky with one punch, explode the sea with one punch, destroy immortals with one punch, and be invincible with one punch! "

This is the title of Wu Wei's poem.

Yang Xiuming let out a long breath and said, "Wei Wuguo, please trust us.

We are Niu, this is the secret law of Xianqin "Nine Changes of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart"..."

Wei Wuguo smiled and said: "I know, I knew it a long time ago, I have been waiting for so many years, but you have never come, "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation Heart Art"!

We Xianqin recruits, I killed seven of them for the sect! "

There is endless cruelty in the words.

Wei Wuguo is like a beast, following his own instinct.

Then he felt it silently, and said with a smile:

"This power is great, it's too powerful, I, Wei Wuguo, will definitely become the No.1 of Wuwei!"

In the words, Wei Wuguo on the fourth page began to change!
Name: Wei Wuguo
Lifespan: 25/180 V
Dao Body: Qing Que

Bloodline: Dragon Elephant Battle Bone, Valkyrie Ambition

Fate: born with a fighting spirit, strong will
Title: Breaking the Army Tiankui

Boundary: Nine Layers of Foundation Establishment Period
Talents: Night Demon God, Grass Dragon Snake, Sword Maniac, Dead Ghost
Supernatural powers: cover the sky with one hand, unite the divine sword, open the heart of the sword, open two thunders, open three yangs


"Jiutai Laojun Opens the Heavenly Scripture" (Second Edition)
"Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart" (Third Level)
"The Rhythm of Everything" (Second Edition)
"Five Elements, Heaven and Heart Lantern Method"

"The Absolute Immortal Sword of Nine Heavens and Nine Abysses" (Level [-])
"Tianyuan Yao Mingxu Emperor Armor" (first stage)
Sword Intent: Repression, Assassination, Shock, Illusion

French-Italian: Leihai

33 days of being too high, Lei Jue's "Zixiao Thunder"

33 days of Taishang Dao, the best sword in "One Sword Shocks the Heaven"

33 days in Taishang Dao, "The Great Dark Sky"

Xieyan: My fist is invincible!
(End of this chapter)

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