Dao Shaohua

Chapter 168 Wu Wei Tu Qin, Silent Trap

Chapter 168 Wu Wei Tu Qin, Silent Trap

Wei Wuguo began to practice here and started a set of boxing techniques.

This boxing method moves mountains and overwhelms seas, and it is majestic. It should be a set of training boxing techniques.

One punch refines the flesh, one punch forges the bone, one punch burns the blood, and one punch boils the marrow!
In this boxing technique, he absorbs and fuses the talents, supernatural powers, skills, sword intent, and dharma intent brought by the three of them in all aspects.

While practicing, Wei Wuguo suddenly burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, that's great. With these talents and supernatural powers, I, Wei Wuguo, will definitely become the No. 1 in Wuwei and get my father's approval!"

Almost ecstatic!

During the cultivation, his realm suddenly improved, from the seventh level of foundation establishment to the eighth level of foundation establishment, and then to the ninth level of foundation establishment.

It's just that the life expectancy has not increased but decreased, and it has become 170.

Yang Xiuming couldn't help asking: "Old Wei, how did your lifespan decrease?"

Yang Xiuming called him a few times and added an old word to show his closeness.

Wei Wuguo smiled and said: "Brother, the Wuwei Kungfu I practiced trades lifespan for strength.

But it’s nothing, before the age of 60, I must be promoted to Jindan.

The lost lifespan will be restored! "

This Wei Wuguo was quite like Fu Xialiang, so he followed Fu Xialiang's name and named Yang Xiuming his eldest brother.

The second brother Zhang Yue, Fu Xialiang is the third brother...

He doesn't care about the so-called big brother and younger brother, the so-called ranking of brothers. He doesn't ask for fame, but only for benefits.

After training, Wei Wuguo turned around, strode towards the pavilions in front of him and left.

Fu Xialiang frowned and asked, "Old Wei, you guys are so weird."

Wei Wuguo nodded, and said: "Zhenglong Realm here is one of the Thirteen Tuqin Realms that my Wu Wei controls Pozhou."

Everyone was taken aback, and asked, "The Thirteen Tu Qin Realm?"

"Yes, I have kung fu skills in Wu Wei, if I kill a recruit from Xianqin, I will get ten years of kung fu.

For the 20th class soldiers who kill immortals, the first class is ten years, the second class is 30 years, and the third class is [-] years.

For every person who kills the 300th rank of Immortal Qin, the [-]th rank of Hengsha Baron will gain [-] years of skill! "

As soon as this was said, everyone's expression changed.

Yang Xiuming immediately asked:
"How do you know who is the Xianqin recruit?"

Wei Wuguo replied:

"Wu Wei controls Pozhou, and anyone who gives birth must report to Wu Wei, and then send it to the Thirteen Tu Qin Realm, where they will give birth, raise them, and practice martial arts here.

Zongmen is in charge of eating, drinking and drinking for all pregnant women. They only care about giving birth and nurturing their children.

These children live here, and those who are capable, enter Wu Wei and become Wu Wei disciples.

Those who can't, return to their hometown and be an ordinary person! "

Zhang Yue couldn't help asking: "What if you don't give birth here?"

"Then let's just die, and the whole family will die, they are not qualified to live in Pozhou in Wuwei!"

Suddenly the three were speechless!

This is simply not treating people as human beings, and is as strict as a knife!

"Almost Bazhou babies are born here, and it is said that these dharma circles have special magic circles, which are specially designed to attract Xianqin recruits to reincarnate in this world in Styx.

Immediately after Xianqin recruits are reincarnated, they will be discovered and killed directly.

I killed seven of them and got 70 years of skill!

Fortunately, I am one of the "Nine Changes of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart", the eldest brother did not awaken, and neither did I, so I escaped the catastrophe of birth. "

All three let out a sigh of relief.

But Fu Xialiang frowned and said: "I always feel that there is a problem!
"Tianyuan Yaomingxu Huangjia", is this your fairy Qin secret method? "

Wei Wuguo said: "I don't know, anyway, I survived without being discovered, and became a disciple of Wu Wei's inner sect."

While talking, he strode forward.

"Fourth brother, where are you going?"

Fu Xialiang directly ranked Wei Wuguo as the fourth child, calling him fourth brother.

Wei Wuguo didn't care, and said, "Go and find my father.

He always said that I was useless, that I was useless, and he was very kind to my elder brother, second brother, and fourth brother, but he liked to scold me and beat me.

Now that I have such supernatural powers, I must find him and tell him that I am not a waste! "

In the words, with infinite excitement, getting his father's recognition is his biggest dream, as if the highlight moment of his life is right in front of him.

Through his memory, everyone knew that Wei Wuguo's father, Wei Daoqing, was a Jindan real person.

Jindan is perfect, just one step away from being promoted to Yuanying, and he is a martial arts master with a radius of three thousand miles, the actual master.

In this memory, they found that although Wu Wei practiced martial arts, the core cultivation system was still cultivating immortals, and it was mainly based on Qi refining, foundation building, and Jindan realm.

Zhang Yue couldn't help but said: "Wuguo, you should pay attention, if the "Nine Changes of the Common People's Transforming Heart Art" is not activated, you are not a recruit from Xianqin.

But now that the "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation Heart Art" has been activated, you have something to do with Xianqin! "

Wei Wuguo said: "I'm not stupid, I won't say everything, I'm the same as the third brother, I only have partial ability to report.

In our place, we already have martial arts awakening Su Huiming premonition skills.

Besides, he is my father, what else can he do to me? "

Everyone nodded, but everyone always felt that something was wrong.

Suddenly, Fu Xialiang shouted: "No!"

"Wei Wuguo, wait a minute, there is a big problem!"

Wei Wuguo frowned and asked, "What a big problem!"

"Your Taoist body, your bloodline, your destiny, all of these are first-class geniuses, the proud son of heaven.

You are too high on my path, and you will definitely enter the nine types directly, and all the great masters can't wait for it.

Your father is still in command here, but why haven't you cultivated any supernatural powers and skills? "

Wei Wuguo said hesitantly: "I've reached the point of cultivation. What I practice are all the best supernatural powers and exercises of Wuwei!"

"What a fart, none of them are extraordinary Taoism, and none of them are shown in "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Heart Transformation Art"!"

Wei Wuguo said angrily: "Impossible! My father won't lie to me, I practice all the best exercises in Wuwei!"

"Thousands of rivers and waves hand? Chaotic clouds without fixed feet? A bright moon born from a river? Breaking through the body and drilling the sky with three-spinned fingers? Moving the sky and throwing the stele palm?..."

These are all martial arts that are famous all over the world. Every time Fu Xialiang said a skill, Wei Wuguo's expression changed.

He remained silent for a long time, then turned around suddenly, no longer heading towards the original place.

"I'll wait for a while and check carefully to see what's going on."

"Be careful first, see the situation before talking!"

The three let out a sigh of relief.

But before he could walk a hundred feet away, a figure suddenly stood in front of him.

The man looked exactly like Wei Wuguo, but he was smiling all over his face, looking at Wei Wuguo like a cat seeing a mouse, with endless greed.

Wei Wuguo frowned, looked at this person, and asked, "Second Brother, what's the matter with you?"

The second elder brother Wei Wuxin suddenly laughed and said:
"After more than 20 years of raising it, it has finally matured, and it is already in the seventh class, developed, developed!"

He laughed wildly, full of killing intent!
(End of this chapter)

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