Dao Shaohua

Chapter 169 Live as a hero, die as a ghost

Chapter 169 Live as a hero, die as a ghost

Seeing Wei Wuxin's state, Wei Wuguo's face changed drastically.

"Second brother, what did you say?"

Wei Wuxin sneered, "I didn't say anything!"

Suddenly he jumped up, his hands were like dragon claws, and he tore it away.

In his hands, on the five fingers of the left and right hands, each erupted with power, impressively like gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and the five elements are uncertain.

The five elements generate and restrain each other, breaking all laws of nature.

Wei Wuguo has cultivated many boxing techniques, but with this grasp, they are all broken, and there is no magic effect of boxing techniques.

It's like a back door left long ago, waiting for this day to come.

But Zhang Yue sneered: "Deathclaw?"

This Wei Wuxin's claw technique is somewhat similar to Deathclaw.

In an instant, Zhang Yue passed on to Wei Wuguo a lot of experience in killing Deathclaw.

Wei Wuguo shot suddenly, just a simple punch.

According to Zhang Yue's experience in killing death claws, he punched.

In fact, this punch is more like a sword than a punch!
Zhang Yue's swordsmanship!
With a snap, Wei Wuxin's five elements tearing the sky claws, and then punched, whoosh, hit him in the face.

But he was only an inch away from stopping, the wind of the fist blowing his hair up, scaring Wei Wuxin so much that he didn't dare to move.

Wei Wuguo retracted his fist slowly, and said, "Second brother, what did you say!"

Wei Wuxin's claw skills were broken, but he was not timid at all.

He looked at Wei Wuguo and said, "Third son, as a fruit, you are already ripe and should be eaten by us!"

"Don't struggle anymore, you can't escape, a net has been laid here!"

"Father, this kid is going to run away, Dad, come quickly!"

While he was roaring, in the void, a person appeared.

This man was tall and tall, his cheeks were chiseled and chiseled, with a unique three-dimensional effect, and his muscles exploded, like a steel lion walking upright.

His appearance is similar to that of Wei Wuxin and Wei Wuguo, and he looks like a family.

Seeing this person, Wei Wuguo saluted and shouted: "Father, Second Brother just seemed crazy..."

This person is Wei Daoqing, Wei Wuguo's father, Jindan Daoist, the commander of this place for three thousand miles!

He suddenly said: "No result, don't call me dad in the future!
Actually, I am not your father!

After raising you for so many years, it's time for you to repay! "

Wei Wuguo's expression changed, and he asked, "Father, what do you mean?"

In this discourse, people appeared one after another around him, all in the foundation building realm, including Wei Wuguo's elder brother, fourth younger brother, and other Wuwei monks, they surrounded Wei Wuguo silently.

In their eyes, there is no warmth anymore, just like the eyes of a ferocious beast looking at its prey.

Wei Daoqing said slowly: "I will name you Wei Wuguo, because you are just a fruit!
In fact, I am not your father. Your parents wanted to protect you when you were born, but I killed them! "

The words were cold, as if it was an insignificant matter, but Wei Wuguo's heart was shocked!

"You were born at that time, and the examination found that you were a recruit from Xianqin.

I am the eternal enemy of Wu Wei and Xian Qin, so you must die.

But I found that you have the practice imprint of "Nine Changes of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart", so I have kept you alive until now.

Only activate the "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation Heart Jue" for the rest of you. Come here, everyone will be reunited, so that we can cut grass and roots together.

We have our own secret method, and we will kill you together, eliminating the most troublesome Xianqin cultivators like the "Nine Changes of the Common People's Transformation Heart Art"! "

It was really like the initiation of five thunders, which made it difficult for Wei Wuguo to accept.

"Father, what are you talking about?"

"What did I say, your heart is clear, in order for you to awaken the "Nine Changes of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart" as soon as possible, I specially arranged for you to kill seven Xianqin recruits, it is meaningless.

I teach you all modified martial arts, sacrificing Yangshou in exchange for strength is also to stimulate your awakening, but it is still meaningless.

You suddenly awakened just now, and we immediately felt it. We have been waiting for 25 years! "

Wei Wuguo was so stupid that he couldn't help asking again:
"But why do we all look the same?"

Wei Daoqing laughed loudly and said:

"For your peace of mind, I will train your body with magical skills, so that your appearance will be the same as ours.

I've been supporting you for so many years, it's really annoying.

Know why I hate you so much?
Because your body, blood, and destiny are all great!
And you still work so hard, so desperately, you can get the honorary title of heaven and earth!

If I got one of them, I would have been promoted to Nascent Soul long ago!

But why such a good thing is on you, the mortal enemy of Xianqin, so I especially hate you! "

Wei Wuguo seemed to be in great pain, he said:
"Father, if you want these, I can give them to you.

Our Wu Wei has magical powers that can transfer these! "

Wei Daoqing shook his head and said, "I can't have it!

This is something from the mortal enemy of Xianqin. If I want it, I will be the same as you. It is also related to the mortal enemy of Xianqin, and I must die! "

Wei Wuguo couldn't help but open his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood.

It turned out that this was my own life, now that I was abandoned by my relatives, I felt uncomfortable and vomited blood!

Suddenly, Yang Xiuming suddenly said:
"Old Wei, don't look at him loathing you and torturing you, but he still has a trace of father-son affection for you in his heart.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have said so much to you, but he didn't dare to disobey Wu Wei.

This is your only lifeline! "

But Wei Wuguo smiled miserably, completely ignoring Yang Xiuming's reminder.

He knelt down in front of Wei Daoqing, kowtowed three times, and yelled three times!

"Daddy, daddy, daddy!"

Wei Daoqing completely ignored it and did not respond.

Wei Wuguo stood up slowly, and said: "Father, I will call you father three times in the end, and I will pay you back what I owe you!

Wei Daoqing! "

Totally roaring, calling it by its first name!
"Now I, Wei Wuguo, come to take revenge on you and pay back my parents' lives!

You raised me and lied to me just to kill me, to repay kindness, we only have hatred! "

Suddenly Wei Wuguo stretched out his hand, covering the sky with one hand.

In an instant, the world was completely dark, and then Wei Wuguo jumped suddenly, one and a half miles away, rose from the sky, and fled desperately into the distance.

Someone wanted to stop him, but in an instant Wei Wuguo broke through the blocker.

This is the role of Tiandi Zunhao Pojun Tiankui.

Wei Daoqing seemed to want to make a move to disperse the darkness, but when he moved his hand, he stopped and didn't make a move.

He said slowly:
"Wei Wuguo has confirmed the mortal enemy of Xianqin, kill Wushe!

Boys, chase after me, bring back the corpse, I will kill his other souls with secret methods, cut grass and roots! "

With an order, Wei Wuguo's three brothers, as well as seventy or eighty Foundation Establishment True Cultivators, chased after him even faster.

They laughed, but in no hurry.

This is the Zhenglong Realm of Wu Wei, with a radius of [-] li, it is the domain of the Wei family, and beyond this is the domain of other families.

In this world, not to mention a foundation building, even Jindan Nascent Soul Transformation God, it is impossible to escape!
They say they are chasing, rather than hunting.

Wei Wuguo fled desperately, flew up, suddenly the sword light flashed, the divine sword merged into one, and fled through the air.

Zhang Yue shouted: "Quick, run away!"

But Fu Xialiang said: "Escape? Where can I escape?

This is the territory of Shangzun Wuwei, not to mention us, Huashen Zhenzun can't escape! "

"Then what should we do? Is it certain death?"

"There is no way..."

Suddenly Wei Wuguo said: "No, there is a way!"

Everyone was overjoyed and asked, "What way?"

"My method is not the way you think of survival.

As I said, he raised me and lied to me, just to kill me, to repay kindness, only revenge!
I want revenge, for my parents, for myself! "

There is endless hatred in the words!
Fu Xialiang said nonuo: "But, how do I report it?"

This is Wuwei territory, how can there be any way to take revenge? "

Wei Wuguo smiled miserably, and said, "I can't take revenge when I'm alive, but I'll take revenge when I'm dead!"

After speaking, he fled to the edge of a huge abyss.

Yang Xiuming suddenly seemed to think of something, this is something he learned in college, and shouted:
"You, you are going to be cunning!"

Wei Wuguo said slowly: "Being a hero in life, and a hero in death.

Since I can't live anymore, then I will stop being a human being, so let's be a trick, turn tricks and get revenge! "

(End of this chapter)

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