Dao Shaohua

Chapter 170

Chapter 170

Turning people into strangers, this is what Yang Xiuming learned in college a few days ago.

A strong monk, covered in iron armor, fell into an abyss.

During the landing process, seven major punishments were imposed on monks, including gouging eyes, pulling out tongues, piercing ears, beheading legs, tearing ribs, breaking viscera, and breaking hearts!
At the end of this process, the monk will die on the ground and will enter the Netherland.

After experiencing the 81 battle in the underworld, and returning victoriously, he obtained the skeletons and nightmares of the underworld as a rider, transformed his body and mind, resentment and anger into a sword, and mastered the law of death ghosts in the underworld.

Yang Xiuming was in class, just listening casually without paying attention.

This is the method of cultivating weirdness, and Yang Xiuming hates cultivating weird people the most.

But unexpectedly, Wei Wuguo wanted to become cunning.

He fled desperately, but his purpose was to get to the edge of the abyss, just to be tricky.

He didn't want to live in the first place!

Just as Yang Xiuming was about to speak, the pursuers had already arrived.

The foundation-building monks in their [-]s and [-]s took a look at it. In the distance, apart from Wei Daoqing, I don't know how many Jindan real people, and even Yuanying Zhenjun, I don't know how many people are watching the excitement.

There is no way out!

Yang Xiuming let out a long sigh, and said, "But, this is so weird that you have to cover yourself with iron armor..."

Then they saw iron armor slowly appearing on Wei Wuguo's body.

He smiled miserably, and said: "I don't have nothing, I have "Tian Yuan Yao Ming Xu Huang Jia".

Its magical function can refine armor and turn it into its own mighty power.

This is the first "Tianyuan Yao Ming Xuhuang Armor" that I refined from nine sets of black iron heavy armor.

I die, you live.

Remember, don't refine ordinary armor easily, I found an armor set, but unfortunately I can't buy the best armor..."

He took one last look into the distance, at the grass beneath his feet.

"Hey, if I'm alive, I can definitely be promoted to Jindan, Nascent Soul, Transformation God, Void Return...

I can definitely become Wuwei No.1!
What a pity, what a pity..."

After speaking, he jumped into the abyss.

Then the pursuers laughed loudly:

"It's useless, the Rotten Cicada Abyss is only 130 feet away, with a radius of seven miles, and there's no way to escape!"

"Stop dreaming, Wei Wuguo, you are dead!"

"Hahaha, I hope you will wait for a higher rank and bring me more skills!"

In the process of falling, Wei Wuguo let out a loud roar and crazily shot at himself.

With one blow, the eyes were shattered, and with a single pull, the roaring tongue was torn off, pierced through the ears, and both ears burst.

With a shot, both legs were cut off at the root, and with a sudden pull, half of his ribs were broken.

With a hard slap, the internal organs were all shattered, and finally the blood pulse trembled, and the heart burst.

But his blood is Dragon Elephant Battle Bones, Valkyrie Ambition, Broken Ribs and Heart Heals Fast.

Wei Wuguo seemed to be whispering, but Zhang Yue and the others knew that he was shouting: Help me!
Yang Xiuming said sadly: "Let us..."

Everyone said together: "One mind!"

In an instant, the four of them fit together!
"Wei Wuguo's pain is our pain!
The death of Wei Wuguo is our death!

Everyone is one, sharing blessings and sufferings together! "

The four of them fit together, and shot instantly, all the bones in Wei Wuguo's body were broken, and his heart exploded!

He fell to the ground, his body jerked, and he died!
But at this moment, Yang Xiuming, Zhang Yue, and Fu Xialiang did not leave.

In a trance, they seemed to see a scene.

I seem to have entered an abyss of the earth, in the endless underworld.

Here, there are countless enemies.

They are all Wei Wuguo at this moment, fighting to the death, fighting again and again, endless fighting!

These monks came here, and they were surprised to find that there was no body of Wei Wuguo on such a ground.

There was nothing, no matter how hard they looked, there was nothing.

How is this going?

In an instant, Wei Daoqing scanned here one after another with his golden elixir consciousness.

Then one by one Jindan Daoist came here, and they all joined in.

There are many golden core domains covering this place, and there are countless ants, but there is no trace of Wei Wuguo.

Suddenly, in this abyss, there seemed to be a strange howl.

This sound seems to be laughter, and it also seems to be crying!

Then there was the sound of hooves.


The voice was getting closer and closer, and then in the place where Wei Wuguo died, endless fog appeared.

The black mist, like a fountain, appeared endlessly.

Wei Daoqing checked, and shouted: "It's deceitful..."

"Which fellow Taoist from the Southern Chu and Ghost Sect is here?"

No one responded!
Wei Daoqing said: "Pretending to be a ghost!"

After finishing speaking, he jumped up, and boundless vitality exploded on him!

"The Endless Sun and Moon Cut the Breeze"

With a bang, the entire abyss trembled, but the aura did not dissipate at all.

There are more and more tricks, and wherever they go, all the ground turns dark brown, like a ooze swamp.

All the vegetation withered silently and turned into a strange vegetation.

All life is desperately fleeing, fleeing towards the distance.

But take a step slower, and being invaded by the treacherous energy, they immediately become a part of this terrifying treacherous domain.

Yang Xiuming seemed to realize it, and shouted: "This, this is not a third-order weirdness!"

"This is a fourth-order big weirdness, a self-generated weirdness!"

"No, no, maybe this is the fifth-level weirdness, the sixth-level weirdness, I don't know what to call it!"

Zhang Yue also recovered and asked, "Why is this happening?"

Fu Xialiang said: "Ninety-nine and eighty-one battles in Netherland, he came back victorious, and was promoted to the third-rank strange Yuanqi Zhan!

He is the Netherland, with hundreds of battles, thousands of battles, and ten thousand battles. He has returned from this point and turned into a fourth-rank and fifth-rank.The sixth level..."

Amidst their words, a huge black horse struggled to get out of the ground.

This black horse is a skeleton horse, covered with black armor, with only four hooves and eyes, which are black flames.

Hell Skeleton Nightmare!

Then sit a knight on top of the Skeleton Nightmare in Hell!
Without legs, it is automatically connected to the hell bone nightmare. The whole body is heavily armored, and its appearance cannot be seen clearly. It is extremely hideous.

With his appearance, the whole world seemed to start to change, a terrifying force penetrated the world.

He looked at Wei Daoqing, Wei Daoqing seemed to feel it, and said softly: "No result?"

But this Earth Yuanqi Zhan suddenly flashed, cut through time and space, and had already arrived at Wei Daoqing, a giant blade appeared, and slashed in the air!
Above his head, a phantom appeared, but he couldn't see what it was.

But at this moment, Wei Daoqing, no matter in the realm of golden elixir or in the magic robe, his powerful physique that has been cultivated for thousands of years is like an illusion. Under this slash, he collapsed directly, turned into ashes, and died!

The most terrifying part of this slash is that the blade leaves people dead!
You won't feel anything, and you won't even be able to fight back, because you're already dead!
This is a causal attack. If he makes a move, the result is already determined, and you will die!
Killing Wei Daoqing, Diyuan Qizhan flickered frantically.

No matter how far away, it will be there in an instant.

Under the heavy slash, a Jindan Daoist was struck.

In a blink of an eye, he killed Jindan Daoist and started chasing and killing Jiji Zhenxiu.

In the void, there is a great power to stop it.

But there is a voice:

"No, this is the manifestation of the Heavenly Dao of Death. Too many children have been killed in this world, and too many Xianqin recruits have been killed. The accumulation of luck has led to the manifestation of the Heavenly Dao.

Whoever moves will be contaminated, and if he is destroyed, the law of heaven has no basis, and our luck in Wuwei will be ruined.

Send an order, seal it for three thousand miles, and seal it for 3000 years, let him fend for himself! "

Immediately, countless great powers replied: "Respect, Dharma decree!"

(End of this chapter)

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