Dao Shaohua

Chapter 171 The Great Vengeance Has Been Repaid, The Pages Are Destroyed

Chapter 171 The Great Vengeance Has Been Repaid, The Pages Are Destroyed

The massacre began, and Yuan Qi, who was transformed by Wei Wuguo, began to kill.

Kill the Jindan real person first, and headed by Wei Daoqing, behead the seventeen Jindan real people.

Then kill the true cultivator of the foundation, a total of [-] people, and then the Qi refining monks, a total of more than [-]...

Then there are ordinary mortals, in a land of three thousand miles, there are 180 million mortals, not one stays.

In the end, all creatures, cats, dogs, mice, sparrows, insects, earthworms, and all living things will be killed.

So far, the land of three thousand miles has turned into a strange domain!
There are no more living things, only the Diyuan Rider, who controls the nightmare of hell and bones, is galloping here...

Great revenge!

It's not just his hatred, too many babies died here, and countless Xianqin recruits damaged this place. Under the condensed luck, Dao appeared and attached to Wei Wuguo, transforming into strange revenge.

All living beings will be beheaded!
Following the gallop of Diyuan Qizhan, suddenly, Yang Xiuming and the three left automatically.

They leave this world and return to base camp.

Then the three of them vomited blood together.

I saw that "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Heart-Shattering Jue" suffered a serious setback.

The "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation Heart Art" has already reached the fourth heaven, but after the fourth heaven, the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and page after page were smashed.

So far, there are only four pages left in "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Heart-Shattering Art".

Then the fourth page turns into black and can only be viewed without any use.

Name: Wei Wuguo
Race: Weird

Boundary: unknowable, invisible
Features: projection of heaven

She is no longer a human being, but has turned into a strange creature, and thus violated the Xianqin oath!

"Are you willing to be a human race forever at any time!"

So this page is completely unavailable!

The next five pages are all shreds.

The three of them didn't know what to say.

Finally, Fu Xialiang said: "If it wasn't for the fourth brother's strange transformation and his body was discovered, the other party should have a way to use the body to track time and space and kill us."

Yang Xiuming nodded and said: "Old Wei, he sacrificed himself, saved us, and avenged himself, he is a man!"

Zhang Yue said: "They are selling it specifically for us Xianqin, hate! hate! hate!"

"The "Nine Changes of the Common People's Transforming Heart Art" is now like this, what should I do?"

"There's no way, let's take a look, it's really not possible, the three of us are enough."

"I'm sure it won't be like this forever, take your time."

Fu Xialiang gritted her teeth and said suddenly:
"I, Fu Xialiang, hereby make a great wish. In the future, I will destroy the Supreme Wu Wei and avenge my fourth brother!"

In fact, Fu Xialiang is a person who values ​​friendship the most. He has only been in contact with Wei Wuguo for a long time, but he has already regarded him as a brother.

Zhang Yue also swears to the sky: "I, Zhang Yue, hereby make a great wish, that in the future I will definitely destroy the Supreme Wu Wei and avenge my Wei Wuguo!"

Seeing them making big wishes, Yang Xiuming did the same!
"I, Yang Xiuming, hereby make a great wish, that in the future I will destroy the Supreme Wu Wei and avenge my old Wei!"

The three people made a great wish, and suddenly in the void, it seemed that infinite vitality appeared and poured into their bodies.

Although Wei Wuguo died completely and turned into a strange one, that page was also blackened, but after death, there is also a legacy, and spiritual energy is infused with the great wish.

Under this aura, Yang Xiuming felt his body tremble, and he was promoted to the seventh level of Qi refining!

Yuan Neng Zhen Qi soared by [-]%, the body is strong, the five senses are expanded, and the body is infinitely flexible.

Not only him, but Fu Xialiang's whole body was shocked, from the ninth level of qi refining to the tenth level of qi refining!

Only Zhang Yue remained unchanged. If Yang Fu and the others were not promoted to Foundation Establishment, he could only be promoted to Foundation Establishment Level [-].

In addition to these, the vitality still lingers, under this vitality, the magic weapon Eight Desolation Dao Pan Overpowering Heaven Chess, with a sudden move, it turned two into three, turning into three Eight Desolation Dao Pan Overpowering Heaven Chess.

The three looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Does this count as your own inheritance?

Apart from this, Wei Wuguo really left a legacy.

The secret method of Xianqin "Tianyuan Yao Mingxu Huangjia", this method ranks No.99 among the 30 secret methods.

The three of them practiced enlightenment, and Wei Wuguo left a lot of experience in practicing this sutra.

This "Tianyuan Yao Ming Xuhuang Armor" has opened the first level, which can condense the nine magic robes with magic and turn them into one's own defense.

How thick the armor is, how hard the robe is, how resistant the clothes are, and how rigid the helmet is, how strong your defense is!

Wei Wuguo condensed nine Tier [-] martial arts Wei Jingsteel Dragon Slaying Armor to increase his defensive power, making him invulnerable.

But he regretted it, and specifically told him not to practice randomly.

He didn't know that he found an armor set there, and he was going to practice the second level of "Tianyuan Yao Mingxu Emperor Armor".

It's a pity that he didn't have a chance, so he passed this group to Yang Xiuming and the other three.

Fu Xialiang let out a long sigh:
"It's a pity for the fourth brother. His attribute is actually earth, and he has such a powerful bloodline, destiny, and Taoism. Coupled with our supernatural powers, he is almost invincible."

Yang Xiuming said: "That's right, with his martial arts, with his strength, and using "Tian Yuan Yao Ming Xu Huang Jia" to improve the defense, it is simply the No. 1 martial arts.

Strong attack, thick blood, capable of fighting, shrewd, patient, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! "

All three were distressed.

But the dead are gone, and there is nothing to think about now.

Fu Xialiang said, "What set should I look at?"

"Five Elements Robe, Golden Armor, Longevity Coat, Qianlang Clothes, Red Lotus Clothes, Mountain-Moving Helm..."

"We also have this set in the Taishang Dao. It's called the five-element set. It was passed down by the Sacred Armor Sect. It's the best robe match for the Foundation Establishment period..."

"Following this are...the Confused Armor, the Guardian Armor, and the Sacred Scale Armor!

Ah, holy scales, we have them! "

Brother Gu Ling refined the three tortoise shell fragments to obtain holy scales for them.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be one of this combination.

Fu Xialiang thought for a while and said: "But this is also normal, the holy scale armor is one of the core armors of the Holy Armor Sect.

I suspect that this group comes from the Holy Armor Sect, so it is normal to have this armor. "

Yang Xiuming asked: "Then other armors are easy to do?"

Fu Xialiang said: "The five-element set, you can get it if you have Lingshi.
However, since ancient times, the first is the spiritual objects of heaven and earth, the second is the flying car and the flying boat, and the third is the magic robe and armor.

They are all Tier [-] Magic Robe Battle Armor, at least one thousand spirit stones each, or even one thousand three four.

You must know that the third-order foundation-building artifacts are basically within a thousand spirit stones, so there is no way. "

Zhang Yue couldn't help cursing: "It's a bit of money, idiot!"

Yang Xiuming said: "There's no other way. You have to spend what you need. As long as you can buy it with money, it's a good thing."

Fu Xialiang said: "Yes, because you can't buy the non-confused outfit, guardian armor, and holy scale armor if you have money.

They are all the core armor of the Holy Armor Sect, and they are not for sale.

It's all luck that we can get the holy scale armor..."

After saying this, the three of them were dumbfounded and let out a long sigh!
Yang Xiuming said: ""Tianyuan Yaomingxu Huangjia" is ranked 37th in the secret method of Xianqin, so it must have great value.

So I decided, for the extra tricks, choose the armor path and advance to the armored man! "

Zhang Yue nodded and said, "Ten birds in the forest are worse than one bird in the hand. Well, I am the same!"

Fu Xialiang said: "In addition to this, I also want to choose the anti-jue "Zhen Jia Wen Zen" which is 33 days old.

Although it is not a must, but there is no difference.

Shield Jue's "Trillions of Weights" should not be suitable for "Tian Yuan Yao Ming Xu Huang Jia". "

The three of them looked at each other and nodded, so far they decided to continue to practice!

(End of this chapter)

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