Dao Shaohua

Chapter 172 Armor Transformation, "Zhenjia Asks Zen"

Chapter 172 Armor Transformation, "Zhenjia Asks Zen" (Sixth update, thanks to the lord Zhenyuan)

After making the decision, the three of them acted immediately.

Fu Xialiang returned to Taishang Dao, went to look for Senior Brother Xiao, and asked him if he had the five elements.

Now Fu Xialiang has eight thousand and 120 four spirit stones on his body!
Shopkeeper Xiao laughed when he heard Fu Xialiang's intention, and said:

"Five-element set? If I don't have one, what business will I do?
The five-element robe has [-] spirit stones, the golden armor has [-] spirit stones, the longevity jacket has [-] spirit stones, the Qianlang suit has [-] spirit stones, the red lotus garment has [-] spirit stones, and the mountain-moving helmet One thousand two hundred spirit stones...

If you come to a set, I'll wipe it off for you, six thousand spirit stones! "

Fu Xialiang gritted her teeth and said, "I bought it, give me a set first."

"Okay, but you have to give me three days, and I'll make it up for you."

"No problem, Senior Brother Xiao, I'll buy three sets, you prepare for me first.

I'm a bit short of spirit stones, but I will never renege on my debts. "

"Okay, Junior Brother Fu, the second type of cultivator in the sect, and the disciple of Daoist Broken Tie, I am afraid that you will not pay back your debts."

"Thank you Brother Xiao for your trust!"

"However, Junior Brother Fu, I'm talking nonsense.

How long has it been since you competed, and you have already refined ten levels of Qi.

It's not good to eat less pills, the Qi refining period is just the beginning of cultivation, it's not enough for the Tao, don't lose the big because of the small. "

Fu Xialiang was a little speechless, her realm had indeed improved rapidly.

It's only a few months away from the big competition, and I have already refined ten levels of Qi.

I am not qualified to participate in the late stage competition of Zongmen's qi refining.

After harvesting the Dabi, he advanced to the seventh level, went to the imperial capital to absorb the strange and advanced eighth level, obtained the Taiyi Sutra, Laojun Kaitian Jing was promoted, and then promoted to the ninth level, and finally absorbed Wei Wuguo's inheritance to advance to the tenth level.

I can't help myself, and they are all solid advancements, there is nothing false...

But people kindly persuaded them, so don't tell me they don't care about your business?

He could only nod his head and say, "Thank you for your guidance, brother, I will remember it!"

"I'll pay attention!"

The attitude is very sincere!

It takes three days to prepare the five-element set. Fu Xialiang went to Senior Brother Gu Ling, and now it has been more than ten days to get back the three sets of holy scale armor.

When we got there, we found Senior Brother Gu Ling.

Brother Gu Ling smiled all over his face, took out three sets of armor, and said:

"Follow the mission!"

From the past, these three sets of armor are just simple soft armor, protecting the chest and back of the body, very ordinary, nothing special.

The body of the armor is strange and soft, it is as light as nothing in the hand, it is very soft, and there is nothing unusual about it.

But with a light shake, the armor seemed to change into countless scales, like a ball of bright moonlight beating in the hand, and the water-colored halo was disillusioned, indescribably holy and colorful.

Brother Gu Ling said: "The holy scale armor is very strong, and it can withstand more than ten bombardments by the monks who established the foundation without breaking.

The most important thing is that this armor can generate a magic shield every day, which can resist the full-strength attack of Jindan Daoist.

It can withstand the blow of Jindan Daoist, it transforms into a holy shield, and automatically defends.

Unable to resist, the Holy Shield collapsed and automatically deflected the attack.

This is equivalent to one more life! "

Fu Xialiang was overjoyed, and returned to the base camp with three pieces of holy scale armor.

Seeing Fu Xialiang's return and taking out three pieces of holy scale armor, all three of them were happy.

"Come on, let's try to refine it first!"

Yang Xiuming suggested!

"Come on then!"

The three of them merged together and began to practice "Tian Yuan Yao Ming Xu Huang Jia".

In fact, this is not difficult, with Wei Wuguo in front, it goes smoothly.

"Thunder cave wind cone, take advantage of the sky to show power. Run left to the red dragon, right control the black tortoise.

The purple cave in the iron city makes Kanli leave.Genuine energy is combined with depression, and yin and yang respond to opportunities.

Mao Yangkui turns, north and south, east and west.True King Xuandi, trillions of gods.

Hurry like a law, change it for me! "

The three of them completed their training and returned to their bodies with their holy scales.

Yang Xiuming went back to the dormitory and started practicing the method. Under "Tianyuan Yao Mingxu Huangjia", he found that there seemed to be nine brilliance above his head, each forming a whirlpool.

Only Yang Xiuming can see this whirlpool brilliance.

He took out the holy scale armor and ranked the last one according to the combined position.

The Holy Scale Armor entered the vortex, quietly changing, emitting light.

Then it dissipated silently and turned into nothingness. The vortex also disappeared automatically, and suddenly Yang Xiuming felt a shock in his body.

His body seemed to be covered with an armor invisible.

Holy scale armor!
The position of the armor is above one's own flesh and blood, under the skin, visible and invisible, very comfortable.

This is equivalent to a human-shaped armor, without any abnormal feeling, and does not need to consume any true energy. Even if Yang Xiuming is seriously injured and the true energy is exhausted, this defense will always be there.

Yang Xiuming checked carefully, and suddenly found that his skin seemed to be as strong as the holy scale armor, even surpassing the defense of the holy scale armor.

And it also has other characteristics of the holy scale armor, warm in winter and cool in summer, not afraid of cold and heat!
Finally, he tried to stab himself with the Excalibur, and suddenly a light shield appeared on his body, blocking the Excalibur's blow.

This is the characteristic spell of the holy scale armor, and it is also effective.

Yang Xiuming was ecstatic.

Because the light shield of the holy scale armor can only defend against the attack of the Jindan real person, and as the monk's realm improves in the future, the holy scale armor will gradually lose its effect.

But now the humanoid armor, as one's cultivation level improves, the function of the Holy Scale Armor will also increase. When one reaches the Golden Core Realm, this light shield will have a defensive effect on Nascent Soul True Monarch!
All three of them had completed their cultivation and gathered together to participate in the scriptures.

I am very satisfied with this, the effect is excellent!

Fu Xialiang acted immediately, exchanging meritorious service for 33 days of anti-jue "Zhen Jia Wen Zen".

Yang Xiuming went to the university to buy a career in Jiadao.

The battle position of Jia Dao is Jia Dao Jia Change, Jia Dao Jia Heavy, Jia Dao Jia Master!
Jia Dao's armor transformation ability can activate the armor and improve the attributes of the armor.

Armor is heavy, which can increase the armor's defense.

Jia Dao Jia Master can make armor and modify armor.

But the three of them could only choose one, and after repeated research, they all chose Jia Dao Jia Bian.

Jia Dao Jia re-increased the defense power and needed the physical existence of the armor. They had already refined the armor and had no physical body, so it was meaningless.

Jia Dao armor masters manufacture and transform armors, but the armors they seek are all the high-quality products of the Sacred Armor Sect, which have been refined by countless monks for thousands of years, and there is no need to modify them by themselves.

Therefore, the three of them chose Jia Dao Jia Bian.

Jia Dao Jia changed, let go of the armor, and took the porch to enter Ziwei.

It can increase the spirituality of the armor and activate the armor, the effect is the best!
In fact, Zhang Yue proposed three people, one person and one Jiadao combat role. When the time comes, the three will be combined into one, and the three combat roles will be complete.

But they repeatedly argued that it was meaningless, and in the end they all chose Jia Dao Jia Bian.

This is the last trick to take office, and the three of them are a little hesitant.

Yang Xiuming finally said: "The future of "Tian Yuan Yao Ming Xu Huang Jia" is boundless.

Ten birds in the forest, what the future holds, is worthless, it is better to seize the present, live in the present, one bird in hand!
Job change! "

With one order, the three of them changed jobs respectively.

It's a pity that the armored man costs millions, and Yang Xiuming doesn't have that much money right now, so he can only wait!
(End of this chapter)

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