Dao Shaohua

Chapter 173

Chapter 173 There is no place to hide in the sky, the falsehood really depends on people's hearts (thanks to the leader Zhenyuan)
Before Shi Hama left, he gave Yang Xiuming a full million. In addition to the more than 3 he had left before, Yang Xiuming had 110 in his hand.

Fu Xialiang quietly changed three heaven and earth spirits.

There are three Qingyuan woods in total, which are the most common first-order heaven and earth spirit trees, but Fu Xialiang spent a total of [-] spirit stones.

Bring this spiritual object of heaven and earth to Yang Xiuming.

Yang Xiuming was taken aback when he saw it, and said, "Why did you buy them? Why didn't you buy the cheapest one?"

Ordinary first-order heaven and earth spiritual objects, such as basalt stones, are worth [-] spirit stones. This [-] spirit stones is half as expensive as those.

Fu Xialiang said: "I will check the time carefully.

Qingyuan wood is produced in the body of the wood demon green demon pine, and there are strange wood demon green demons here, so if you use this to pretend to be a law crystal, there will be no problems. "

Yang Xiuming picked it up to have a look, and said, "Well, that's good, so as not to be like the Li family."

Thinking of the past, I have lingering fears.

Yang Xiuming put away the three heaven and earth spiritual objects, Qingyuanmu, and was going to Jingkong Tower to exchange for promotion certificates.

Fu Xialiang said: "Brother, I suggest you go to Xiong Kuohai to exchange money, and then go to Jingkonglou to buy a voucher.

The last time we were in Jingkong Tower, we used the excuse of encountering a big weirdness on the road to explain the origin of Lu Jing.

The other party will definitely investigate and make sure that we are not lying, so nothing has happened until now.

But if we go to Jingkong Building to exchange it, I'm afraid there will be more troubles.

We have never used this excuse with Xiong Kuohai, but we can use it once.

In any case, this guy is the ruler of the Xiong family, and there may be intersections in the future, and his existence cannot be completely ignored. "

Yang Xiuming was studying at university, and during this period of time, he really ignored Xiong Kuohai.

The other party doesn't care either, there are as many younger brothers as Yang Xiuming, if you don't volunteer to serve, they don't care.

Yang Xiuming thought for a while and said, "Okay, it's about my elder brother. I'll go find him."

He collected the three heavenly and earth spirits, Qingyuanmu, and went to Xiong's house to meet Xiong Kuohai.

But this time, it was not as easy as last time. After waiting for more than an hour, Xiong Kuohai had time to meet him.

Yang Xiuming smiled, knowing in his heart that this was the other party's attack, and he hadn't come to visit him for a while, so he dealt with himself coldly.

Soon, I came to a meeting room and saw Xiong Kuohai.

He was still as enthusiastic as before, but there was a kind of alienation inside, just being polite.

Yang Xiuming was very respectful, said a few words of courtesy, and then said:
"Master, I've been busy practicing this time, and I forgot one thing.

On my way to the imperial capital, we encountered a strange attack.

That big weirdness was killed by me by coincidence, and I got these extraordinary rhythm crystals from it. Today, I borrow flowers to present Buddha, and dedicate it to the young master! "

After speaking, he took out three heaven and earth spiritual objects Qingyuanmu and sent them over.

Xiong Kuohai took a look at it and said, "Wood plants are weird, and Lu Jing just looked at them..."

In his view, it was Yang Xiuming who knew his mistake, came to present the treasure, and bowed his head to admit his mistake.

Xiong Kuohai frowned as if he had noticed something, and said, "I know about the weirdness you encountered on the road!"

"It's really weird, a little different..."

Then he shouted: "Housekeeper, call Xiao Shiqi here, he is good at identification."

Soon, a young man came here, looking ordinary and a bit decadent.

He picked up the Qingyuan wood, the spiritual object of heaven and earth, and began to identify it.

"Ah, good stuff, these law crystals contain a strange vitality of heaven and earth, and the quality is quite good."

"Wood demon green demon pine, the second level is everywhere, but it is very rare to be able to advance to the fourth level!"

Under his appraisal, Xiong Kuohai nodded and said:
"Okay, Xiu Ming did a good job, reward!"

The butler sent black cards, four in total, one million, one million, four million!

Give 100 million more!

The young master is generous when he gives money. Everyone in the world eats his family's food. To them, what is money?Paper!
Yang Xiuming said some polite words, seeing that Xiong Kuohai was a little impatient, he stood up and said goodbye.

"Xiu Ming will come and play later!"

"Master, you are too polite, if you need anything, just ask!"

Yang Xiuming was very happy to leave the Xiong's house. Although it was a bit of a mess, he got a lot of benefits.

It was 100 million, 500 million yuan more than expected, enough to buy three Jia Dao advancement certificates.

Suddenly, Fu Xialiang said: "That little Seventeen.

Not right! "

Yang Xiuming was taken aback, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"He hides very deeply, without any flaws, but I still feel his monk's taste."

Yang Xiuming asked, "A monk from the Laiyi Sect?"

"No, there is no such foul smell, but there is a dark smell, I can't say it, it's just a sense of consciousness.

I'll go back and look it up, I remember seeing it there! "

Fu Xialiang left, Yang Xiuming frowned.

But things have to go on.

He came to Jingkong Building and bought three armored men's promotion certificates for 300 million.

When I returned to university, I bought three combat certificates for Jiadao Jiabian, which cost a total of 54 yuan.

There are 1504 million yuan left.

After buying many certificates, Fu Xialiang came back and said:

"The Hidden God Sect! There is no place to hide in the sky, and the emptiness really depends on people's hearts.

One of the three thousand leftists, he is now attached to the supreme god Weizong.

The disciples of this sect are best at lurking, hiding in other sects to be dead.

This door has three methods and two tactics, and five super-sacred methods, but the high-end has no combat power, so it is just heresy, and the side door is not even considered. "

Yang Xiuming grinned and said, "The Zhao family has Lai Yizong, and the Xiong family has Tibetan Shenzong. How did these monks come to this world?"

Zhang Yue said: "I think their purpose of coming here is to cheat.

It's like the chicken coop where chickens are raised in the countryside, there are always weasels coming to steal chickens to eat! "

Yang Xiuming said: "This chicken coop may belong to Nan Chu, how dare they?"

Fu Xialiang said: "Why don't you dare, people die for money, birds die for food!

Besides, whether it is the Laiyi Sect or the Tibetan Shenzong, they are best at hiding and will not be found easily.

Not to mention here, even within the Southern Chu Sect, maybe there are disciples of the Tibetan God Sect. "

"Aren't they afraid of being discovered?"

"We can all find out that if we are encountered by a monk from Nanchu, we will definitely be discovered."

"Didn't I say it last time, the Taoist guarding here disappeared, so the Jiang family was wiped out, and the Taoist didn't show up. How did you find out?"

Yang Xiuming shook his head and said, "Forget it, don't care about our business.

We practice silently and improve our strength. This is the most important thing. "

Fu Xialiang nodded and said: "Yes, transfer to Jiadao Jiachang, then advance to the rank of armored man, and practice the 33-day absolute defense "Zhenjia Wenchan"."

After finishing speaking, Fu Xialiang began to teach the Dharma, and he had already exchanged for the 33-day absolute anti-jue "Zhen Jia Wen Zen".

The three of them practiced together, and all of them got the anti-Zhenjia Wenchan.

Fu Xialiang suddenly said: "Just now, my master called me and educated me.

He told me not to swallow the elixir, blindly improve my cultivation, and lay a solid foundation..."

The three were speechless, there was really no way to explain this...

"Master finally asked me why I didn't go to see Xin Chunfeng.

I vaguely mentioned Xin Chunfeng's question, Master turned pale, and finally told me to be careful..."

"He said that he would apply for the deacon of Pozhou for me, and leave Daluotian for a period of time to avoid disaster."

"I said, as for? I haven't seen her yet."

"Master said, this is a Daoist struggle, the most terrifying, if I don't pay attention, I will die, let me prepare quickly and run away!"

(End of this chapter)

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