Dao Shaohua

Chapter 175 Plane merchants, Mahayana is hard to find

Chapter 175 Plane merchants, Mahayana is hard to find

The fifth-order spiritual material, the three of them were very excited, so they collected it carefully, and took it away.

Then Zhang Yue left quietly, walked out of the mine, and left here along the gap in the opponent's golden core field.

Returning to Baiqi City, I was silent all the way.

Until the city lord's mansion, Zhang Yue lay down.

The three returned to the base camp, looked at each other and laughed together.

Take out these 36 stones and put them together, they turned into 36 precious stones, shining and connected together like a giant python.

This is a fifth-order spirit material, at least a million spirit stones or more.

Really developed!
The three of them were so happy that they began to figure out how to spend the money.

Money can turn ghosts, so far Fu Xialiang has risen in the Supreme Dao.

However, when they were calculating, they suddenly heard someone knocking on the door.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Is anyone home?"

The three were shocked!

This is their base camp, located in the endless void, how could someone knock on the door here.

Is it a hallucination?
"Boom boom boom!"

"Is anyone there? I'm a traveling merchant passing by. Seeing that your place is so bright, there must be a rare treasure, so come and have a look!"

The three of them looked at each other, this is their base camp, how could it be discovered and someone came to the door?
Yang Xiuming jumped up suddenly, and said: "It's a blessing, not a disaster, it's a disaster that can't be avoided!"

He replied loudly: "From the beginning of the infinite, from the source of the infinite, to the end, to the end, to the infinite."

Recite the title of the Taishangdao poem to remind the other party that you have someone to follow.

The other party seemed to be taken aback, and said, "You can buy anything, and you can sell anything!"

It was Fu Xialiang's turn to be taken aback, and said, "Bafang Lingbaozhai?"

"This is the poem title of Bafang Lingbaozhai!"

"It's okay, it's a monk, it should be the boss of Bafang Lingbaozhai, and he ran into us through time and space."

Deliberately shouting loudly to flatter the other party.

Hearing Fu Xialiang's words, the other party seemed to smile wryly, and said:

"Bafang Lingbao Zhai...

That's right, this is the first thing I say..."

After speaking, a door automatically appeared in the corner of the base camp, and a person walked in.

From the past, this person must have been very handsome and handsome when he was young, but now he has a chubby face and a fat figure, and he is not dangerous at first glance, and he is approachable.

"Everyone is welcome, merchant Liu Fan in the next plane, everyone is polite."

Just one sentence, let everyone let go of all vigilance.

But Zhang Yue suddenly said: "You are injured!"

Yang Xiuming was taken aback for a moment, seeing that Liu Fan was fine at all?
Liu Fan smiled wryly, and said, "Golden lotus is made by nature, with insight into nature!"

"Indeed, when I was out on a business trip, I encountered a few robbers, although I beat them away, I also suffered minor injuries.

Here I come to you to rest for a while, I wonder if I can let someone rest? "

Yang Xiuming said: "Fellow Daoist, why are you being polite, just rest.

Here is spiritual spring water, take a sip! "

After finishing speaking, he poured Liu Fan a glass of spiritual spring water.

Liu Fan drank it in one gulp, and it seemed to taste okay.

He looked at Zhang Yue, and suddenly said, "I haven't seen Xianqinqi and others in battle for many years!"

Then he looked at Yang Xiuming, wanting to say something, suddenly he looked into the distance, frowned and said:

"Taixu morality, Mr. Fengyue, have you chased me so soon?"

He shook his head and said, "Forget it, time is running out, stop pretending, it's time for a showdown!"

Then he looked at Yang Xiuming and asked:
"Would you like to be a human race forever at any time, not to be a pawn of other alien races, to oppress the human race, and to stand up and protect the human race when the alien race invades the human race?"

Yang Xiuming was suddenly a little silly. This was what he heard from the so-called fairy Qin Faling when he was in a car accident in his previous life.

Without any hesitation, he opened his mouth to answer.

For a moment, Yang Xiuming, Zhang Yue, and Fu Xialiang, like a trinity, replied together:

"I am willing!"

Liu Fan nodded and said, "Okay, you are worthy of being my Xianqin disciple!
"Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transforming Heart Jue", in the late stage of cultivation, one master and eight points can easily lead to restlessness, confusion of soul, and finally self-immolation to death.

But you start out with one point and nine points, each has its own self, there is no distinction between primary and secondary, and you protect yourself to the greatest extent with your life instinct, okay!

"Jiuxiao Jiuyuan Absolute Immortal Sword" and other four swords of Zhuxian were cursed by the immortal clan. It can almost be said that the practitioner must die.

But you are divided into two, with the help of the inequality of time and space, to resist the curse, good!

It can be said that you are my rare junior after so many years in Xianqin, so I must help you! "

After finishing speaking, he ignored Yang Xiuming and the others, grabbed the 36 gems, and began to arrange them in the stone room.

"Your Dimensional Palace is too shallow, and it is easy for passers-by to spot it.

After getting these 36 jades again, they are as bright as lights, and passers-by will definitely find them.

Now I am refining with a secret method, refining Daoyu, and turning it into a time-space shield, so that your base camp will not be discovered by others! "

The 36 gems were all pushed into the wall by him, and the whole space was shaken, as if inexplicably faded.

"Don't worry, even Mahayana, you can't find your Void Divine Palace now."

Yang Xiuming immediately knew that this Liu Fan was a great master of Xianqin, and he was his descendant, so he supported him.

Originally, I would play with myself for a while and tease, but it seems that the enemy is here, so I have a showdown.

Liu Fan said again: "I used your gems, which is equivalent to buying your things.

Equivalent exchange, I must pay you benefits. "

Looking at Shino, he said: "Gold, wood, water and soil, there is only one fire short, here we come!"

He scratched at the void, and flames appeared in his hand automatically, turning into a one-foot-sized furnace.

Spirit building heart furnace.

Liu Fan looked again, as if looking at Fu Xialiang, understood something, and continued:

"It doesn't seem to be equivalent, so I'll make up for it."

He faltered in the void, trying to refine the treasure with his bare hands, and suddenly six pieces of armor fell out of thin air.

"Third-level non-confused outfit, third-level protective armor, there can't be any more. No amount of backlash from the universe will do you any good."

"Finally, I will give you another gift, I hope it will be of some value to you!"

"Okay, I'm leaving, you guys practice hard."

"If there is a chance to meet my junior disciple, he will automatically have a good impression of you and will not deceive you.

When the time comes, deal with yourselves, deal well, and do it for yourself! "

After speaking, he opened the door and left, disappearing into the stone house.

Come in a hurry, go in a hurry!
The three of them seemed to be dreaming, and it took a good way to react.

"Ah, my jewel!"

Fu Xialiang shouted.

But the gem is gone, it has become part of the stone chamber.

Yang Xiuming couldn't help asking: "What is this?"

Fu Xialiang said: "One of the little adventures, Senior Lu Yu blesses you!"

No matter how good the gems are, they are not worth their lives.

The stone house in the base camp is easy to be discovered by Daneng passing by, and it is dangerous at that time.

Now after Liu Fan's transformation, there should be no problem.

He claims that Mahayana is impossible to discover.

Yang Xiuming carefully picked up the Lingzhuxin Stove and glanced at the two of them.

They all nodded, and Yang Xiuming immediately activated the Heart Stove.

Immediately, the furnace of Lingzhu Heart fell to the ground, and it changed like the other Lingzhu.

Suddenly, a flame rose above the heart stove, and then, the whole stone house changed drastically!
(End of this chapter)

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