Dao Shaohua

Chapter 176 Stone Terrace World, Tengu Trial

Chapter 176 Stone Terrace World, Tengu Trial
The heart furnace is injected into the world, and the stone house changes drastically.

In this stone house, the Lingzhu Heart Stove is burning, which represents fire.

With the emergence of fire, the Lingzhuji crater gradually appeared, turning into infinite soil, which represents soil.

Fire earth!
Then there is the Lingzhu Golden Peak Mill, which also manifests itself and turns into a fine gold mountain peak, this is gold!
Native Gold!
Then there are the wonders of secluded water springs, forming a series of springs, this is water!
Gold water!
Finally, there is the spectacle of green pine, which also appears in a trance, graceful and charming, this is wood!
Aquatic wood!
Then there is the Heart Stove again, raging flames, burning endlessly, entering the cycle!

Wood fire!
The five elements are born together!

With the intergeneration of the five elements, infinite vitality appeared in the stone house, as if it touched something.

Suddenly there was a huge earthquake, and the five spiritual wonders were all shattered.

The powerful power contained in it was transformed into five elements and injected into the stone house.

Then the stone house was smashed to pieces, and Yang Xiuming was sent back to the imperial capital in an instant.

How is this going?

Yang Xiuming was shocked, but he didn't know what happened.

He wanted to return to the base camp again, but it was impossible, even the "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation Heart Art" could not be opened.

So far, I was the only one left. Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang couldn't be contacted, which made Yang Xiuming unbearable.

This kind of loneliness cannot be described in words!

After a full day and night, when Yang Xiuming was in endless panic, everything suddenly returned to normal.

Base camp restored!
He immediately went to the base camp, but found that time and space had changed, and the original stone house was no longer there.

He appeared on a land, and was in a daze.

This land is not big, like a stone platform, as if suspended in the universe.

This stone platform is circular, nine feet in diameter, and about nine feet high.

Touching the stone platform under my feet, I don't know what it is made of. It is neither stone nor gold, neither mud nor sand, but Yang Xiuming knows that it is soil!
In the center of the stone platform, there is a wooden building with an area of ​​about ten feet.

The wooden building is very simple, but it has a natural feeling, which is wood.

Opening the door is just a room, which stores various items that they sent here before.

In front of the wooden building, there is a bonfire that keeps burning. This is fire.

There is a water spring next to the campfire, and spiritual water flows out. This is water!
And outside the stone platform, a circle of iron fences locked the stone platform firmly, this is gold!

On the iron fence, 36 gems are inlaid, shining.

The light seemed to protect the entire stone platform from being discovered by the outside.

Outside the iron fence, three feet away, there was an endless white mist that enveloped the entire world.

But through the white mist, one can see the looming void and universe scenery outside, but it is blurry.

Yang Xiuming nodded, this is the evolved base camp.

Vaguely, he felt that this space had its own name:

"The country beyond the fog!"

At this time, both Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang returned.

Looking at this magical world, Zhang Yue couldn't help but marvel.

Fu Xialiang didn't marvel, but was looking for something by express delivery.

Then he dug out six pieces of armor in the wooden house, laughed loudly, and said:
"Two brothers, the third-level non-confused outfit and the third-level protective armor, I didn't expect to come here like this!"

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "Senior Liu Fan, gather the five elements for us and transform the base camp.

It is also the third-level non-confused outfit, the third-level protective armor, and the completion of "Tianyuan Yao Mingxu Emperor Armor", which is really the style of the predecessors. "

Zhang Yue looked in all directions and said:
"He said there is another gift, what is it?"

As soon as the words fell, Yang Xiuming seemed to hear a voice in the dark:
"Yang Xiuming!"

"Zhang Yue!"

"Fu Xialiang!"

"Dididi, I found that Yang Xiuming and others, there is Xianqin first-class red-capped prince Liu Fan, who transferred meritorious service, Yang Xiuming and others have already reached the qualifications of Xianqin No. [-] Hengsha Baron, have Yang Xiuming and others been promoted?"

The three of Yang Xiuming were taken aback, looked at each other, and nodded to each other.

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "Promotion!"

"Yang Xiuming and others, accept the military merit reward and be promoted to the [-]th rank of Xianqin Baron of Hengsha!
"One of the 99 secret methods of the Immortal Qin, the reward of the Immortal Qin Warrior Puppet Dao Hunyuan, the award of the Immortal Qin Dimension Dongtian magic weapon flying to the sky, and the award of a ninth-level magic weapon of the Immortal Qin..."

"The Xianqin time-space network cannot be connected, and the Xianqin Avenue system cannot respond...

All rewards cannot be issued!

Yang Xiuming and others were promoted to the [-]th rank of Hengsha Baron of Xianqin! "

At this point the voice disappeared, the three of you look at me, I look at you...

Zhang Yue said: "It has changed, I am no longer the seventh rank of Xianqin, I am now the [-]th rank of Xianqin Baron Hengsha!"

Yang Xiuming checked himself hesitantly, and sure enough, under his spiritual consciousness, he seemed to have a mark on his body.

"Ordered by the heavens, he will live forever, and Yang Xiuming, Baron of Hengsha, the [-]th rank of Immortal Qin!"

But apart from this mark, there is no other meaning.

The same is true for Fu Xialiang, who also has such a [-]th-class Baron Hengsha mark.

Yang Xiuming couldn't help asking: "Old Zhang, is there any value for the [-]th-class Baron Hengsha with you?"

But Zhang Yue smiled wryly and said: "According to our promotion system, if you are promoted to the Yuanying realm, you will be automatically promoted to the twentieth-class Baron of Hengsha.

For the rest, it is as difficult as ascending to the sky if you want to be promoted to the title of Immortal Qin.

I am the lord of a city, but the seventh rank is trapped.

I have to hide this [-]th-class Baron Hengsha so that no one can find out, otherwise, there will be a lot of trouble! "

"So it's useless?"

"Not necessarily, in case of any Xianqin relics, this title will be valuable, and you can directly control the Xianqin relics."

But Fu Xialiang didn't care about these at all. He carefully checked the third-level non-confused outfit and the third-level protective armor.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, one person and two, everyone go back and refine them."

After finishing speaking, Fu Xialiang took the armor and left immediately, extremely impatient.

Yang Xiuming shook his head, and he left too.

Who knew that just after returning to himself, his whole body was suddenly shocked.

In the past, when activating a spiritual building, one-tenth of the real energy was added, but now the five-element spiritual building is a wonder, changing the world, the base camp has changed, and the real energy exploded directly.

In just a moment, Yang Xiuming was promoted to the eighth level of Qi refining!
Yuan Neng Zhen Qi soared by [-]%, the body is strong, the five senses are expanded, and the body is infinitely flexible.

After Yang Xiuming's promotion, Fu Xialiang's must also be promoted.

I don't know what happened to Fu Xialiang.

He went to Taishangdao.

Fu Xialiang sat in the cave foolishly. Sure enough, he was also promoted, completed the tenth stage of Qi refining, and directly refined Qi to achieve great perfection.

The third-level non-confused outfit, the third-level protective armor has not had time to refine, and has been promoted.

"Old Fu, what's the matter?"

"Oh, brother, I'm fine, but disaster is coming!"

After finishing speaking, Fu Xialiang held up a messenger talisman.

"Fu Xialiang, a second-class disciple of the Taishang Dao, has been promoted to the Great Consummation of Qi Refining. An order has been sent to order Fu Xialiang to prepare to participate in the Five Elements Heavenly Dog Trial immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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