Dao Shaohua

Chapter 177 "Five Elements Heavenly Heart Lamp Method"

Chapter 177 "Five Elements Heaven Heart Lamp Method"

"Five Elements Tengu Trial? What's going on here?"

Fu Xialiang said slowly: "

"My Taishang Dao is located in Xinghai, Yuanzhou. The mountain gate is located in the clean Yuanyang Daluotian. It protects the human race from the five elements and heavenly dogs in the west, and the Mudaya fairy spirit and Moke Shura in the north, protecting the human race..."

"The Five Elements Tengu, one of the powerful alien races in the universe, is good at the mutual generation and restraint of the five elements, and is one of the mortal enemies of human beings.

My Taishang Dao and the Five Elements Heavenly Dog have fought against each other for millions of years.

Wuxing Tiangou owns seven desolate beast blood caves, one of the thirteen great adventures.

There are two wild beast blood caves in the second-level wild beast blood cave, which can only be entered below the third level.

Every once in a while, they will hold a five-element fusion ceremony in the second-level desolate beast blood cave, sending many members of the five-element tengu clan into the desolate beast blood cave.

The five-element tengu clan is also divided into countless dog clans. The real five-element one big tengu is only a very small number of royal families.

They sent many dog ​​clans into the blood cave of wild beasts, killed each other, devoured them, and finally evolved into real third-order five-element tengus.

This is similar to the foundation-building trial of our human monks.

In order to prevent the trial from destroying them, our side will launch a sabotage operation every time they try the Five Elements Tengu.

Send monks, enter their trials, and kill their trial geniuses.

Basically, out of the hundreds of monks who participated in the trials, only a few came back alive each time, and none of them came back alive in the last few trials.

Those who participated in this kind of action were all old monks in the sect, who had no hope of promotion and had already reached the end of their path, so they would participate in this kind of trial.

Whether they are dead or alive, they will pollute their trials and make their blood of the Five Elements Tengu impure. "

Zhang Yue frowned and said, "Since they are all old monks, how could they issue sect orders to you?"

Fu Xialiang said: "I don't know either. I have already issued flying charms to Master and Senior Sister to see what's going on."

Yang Xiuming said, "Will it be because of Xin Chunfeng?"

Fu Xialiang nodded and said: "Almost, although I no longer contact Xin Chunfeng.

But Xin Chunfeng has already developed a good impression of me, if I die, it may affect Xin Chunfeng..."

Zhang Yue couldn't help but said: "You guys are too good, you are too dark!"

Fu Xialiang shook his head and said: "There is no way, there are too many monks, and the branches of the Taishang Dao are like a forest, there are more than a hundred people, and there are all kinds of people.

The ten fingers are not even on one side!
What's more, this is a battle for the Dao, and the fight is for the future of the Supreme Dao. Let alone me, even their own fathers are willing to sacrifice. "

Yang Xiuming said, "How can I do this?"

"I don't know, just wait for their news!
However, as long as this kind of order is issued, no matter what problems there are, the Taishang Dao disciples must implement it.

Because the battle with the Five Elements and Heavenly Dogs has been going on for millions of years, this is the meaning of our existence as Taishang Dao disciples. "

Yang Xiuming and others were speechless, for a long time Yang Xiuming said:
"Anyway, let's get ready for the battle.

First, immediately understand the trial situation, the more you know, the greater the possibility of surviving.

Second, mobilize all social relations, ask for all resources, don't wait, get moving immediately, meet one by one, even if you beg, you have to go.

Thirdly, the old Fu must quickly change the Jia Dao Jia, the elite armored people of the Jia Dao, and complete all the training.

Then practice Fang Jue "Zhen Jia Wen Zen", and thoroughly practice "Tian Yuan Yao Ming Xu Huang Jia".

Fourth, Lao Zhang, complete the sword intent of "Zi Qiu Nao Hai Chao Shen Jian" as soon as possible.

Fifth, old Fu, also want to complete the meaning of "Mysterious Ji Wuguang Yu Shulei", and at the same time practice "Golden Pupil Misunderstanding Cave True Eyes", the birth of the second supernatural power Jimu Tianshu, to maximize our own strength ! "

Everyone nodded, with Yang Xiuming as the main body, he was the one who set the big policy and the big line every time.

Zhang Yue is the combat commander, and he has an extremely powerful talent for combat command.

The three of them took action, and Fu Xialiang went out to find people, understand the situation, mobilize her social relations, and ask for all support.

Zhang Yue and Yang Xiuming returned to Baiqi City, and they became one to practice "Ziqiu's Sword of Chaos in the Sea".

Fu Xialiang asked for help, but they couldn't do much, so it's better to practice quietly to increase strength.

In fact, Zhang Yue has already practiced "Ziqiu's Chaos in the Sea", and now the situation is critical, and the two of them are united and immediately speed up.

After just practicing overnight, illusions gradually appeared in Zhang Yue's mind.

The sea is boundless, with huge waves surging to the sky, a purple horned dragon, in that sea, set off an incomparably huge wave.

The illusion keeps changing, gradually the sea disappears, the purple qiu disappears, and turns into Zhang Yue, Yujian swallows the sky!

Under Zhang Yue's sword, the sword energy of the "Purple Horned Sword of Chaos in the Sea" exploded, like a purple horned dragon, turning into light!

The rays of light flickered and flew out, like streams of air, cutting gold and jade, extremely sharp!
This is the sword light!

Sword light, sword energy, sword heart, and sword intent are the means of sword cultivation, and mastering these four is sword cultivation!
Guided by "One Sword Shocking the Heaven", Zhang Yue mastered all the four basic methods of sword cultivation in "Ziqiu's Sword of Chaos in the Sea".

"Ziqiu's Chaos in the Sea Sword" can be said to have been completed, but there is no sword intent, or is there something missing?
The next day, Fu Xialiang called, and the two went over.

Fu Xialiang said slowly: "Yesterday, I found my master and six senior sisters.

The master hasn't left the customs yet, so the master's side doesn't make much sense.

Senior Sister Linglong was furious and issued an order to find out the truth for me.

The other party apologized, last night there was a deacon who established the foundation, took the responsibility for the registration error, and committed suicide to apologize.

They compensated me with 30 spirit stones, and promised that they would never trouble me again. So far, this is the only way to go.

I am weak now, and my senior sister did not tell me the specific truth, at least I have the Golden Core realm to be eligible to enter the game.

However, the decree has been promulgated, and I must participate in the trial.

No one can stop this!
Su He, Meng Mi, Shu Leng, Ling Long, the four senior sisters supported me to participate in the trial, because they all participated in the trial before and came back alive.

So this trial, I have to participate, will be held in about a month and a half! "

Such trials are inevitable.

Fu Xialiang continued: "I don't want compensation from spirit stones, I want a heaven and earth spirit object, level four!"

Speaking of this, Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue's eyes lit up.

"This is it?"

Fu Xialiang nodded and said: "Yes, I want to use this to practice the "Five Elements, Heaven and Heart Lamp Method".

It is said that this method is known as the strongest puppet technique.

It can condense the puppet of breathing primordial earth, summon the giant of samadhi fire, create the dharma body of one element of water, refine the ultimate purple diamond, and transform into a taiyi puppet of ten thousand bodies.These five puppets are the strongest puppets in the world of cultivating immortals.

This method has been refined to the extreme, transforming oneself into a puppet, and ascending to the fairy world.

If you can form a puppet, then you can occupy one of them, which is similar to how we obtained magical powers in the Taiyi sect. "

Zhang Yue said: "Good!"

"My "Ziqiu Chaos Sea Chaos Excalibur" has achieved great success, but I don't know why there is no sword intent.

I have a feeling that we have to continue to invest in "Ziqiu's Chaos in the Sea Sword". This sword technique is not just as simple as a sword intent, it will bring us great changes. "

Fu Xialiang nodded and said: "Then continue, the master has already searched for the trial information for me, and the other senior sisters will have news one after another.

I'll wait for them again, elder brother, second elder brother, you go to practice swords, and then help me to practice! "

(End of this chapter)

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